02070023 CITYBUILDING G DPERON' PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO, 11092 BEL AIRE CT MERCER CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION 02070023 WNER'S NAME: APPLICATION S B D T SOUR DAVID P JR AND DEBRA M T619 HAWTHORNE AVE 07y0 72002 I 's PHONE: (408) 374-8782 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. p ARCHITECT/ENGINEER! BUILDING PERMIT INFO z w C BLDG ELECT PLUMB MIRCH 8 v= LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION i z_C 1 hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing eSCr""NM with section 7")of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code,and my license REVISION SUBMI NO NEW PERMIT ISSUED I,in fall,mCIrceanaerc=er O L 401100063) :..< Lice ns Claes Lic.a '�a O Dam Comracmr 1 a LL Yi, ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION N ') 1 understand my plain shall be used as public records I=O O Licensed Profnsimcd c i OWNER-BUILDER.11an, DECLARATION w^_, 1 hereby,st,c shut 1 an,eBunp[from the Con.uat C9 a License Law for the !' a which mam..ISenion 7031.5,Business and Professions Code:Anycity or county tts�-o which q pc ill t rah p do ol.h p' ynmcmre n 3°' firms oid, als.re,aim,the ,dic.m 1 ch pc,.it flea signed statement -822000 _ _- deahe'homedp .untmthIProvisions 1JmC t I .Litt uLe (Chapters S -FLsFIoor Area Valuation(commencing i s ( 7000) f Division 3 nn Business d Professions Code) ( •.)'� -f 9' W a.t 1`a, t_e , �{.',`r. or that he is exempt the f and the ba<. f he alleged eXamplun Any violation "35616055 . 00 ' of5ection 7031.5 by any applicant for a permI,subjects the appbcam m e civil penalty of not more Ilia.five hundred dit ers(S5f y APN Number Occupancy Type 71 a owner ofthepropefay.urmrempfoyeesw,Ili a,F,astheir.eleeempenseion, 101 — FOUNDATION win do he work'.and the strat,we is not intended lir offered for sale(Sec.704 , 10 2 — PIERS Business and pmfessam s Code:The Contractors License Law does not appy to an Required Inspections - r of pr. W'party i.wilds m unpmon xea here ,and wno does such work himself 103 — UFER or through his own employees.izir ded that itch io,mWrmms are not intended or offend for sides.If.however.he buildingyear. 104 — REBAR or improvement rio n sold within one f completion,the o,v rf,lcWilder) will have the wmcn or proving that he did not build or ' imp mse liar p.rm,a=ors.le.>. 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS 0-1,a:.wonr.nha property.am c-actuslcey contracting with licensee contractor,to . . 106- — SEWER & WATER. _.. .. . .._. .-- - onstmct the Prnjet((See.7044.B.,m,,,,and Profess[...Codi The Centmemr s 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING License Law does not apply to an owner of progeny who wilds or improve,(hemon, and who contracts for such pmiects with a cenlownodd licensed pursuant I.the 203- - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL - - . Commeme,License Law. - ...... .. 01 am exempt under Set. ,B&P C for this.,on 204 — UNDERFLOORFRAME.':' Den 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING ' 7 1hereby affirm under penapyofperi.yan, f[.he following declaration,: 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER 0 1 have.nes will r i.(ain .CRrtifca(e of Consent in self-imare for.Woker'a 3 03 - ROUGH MECHANICAL Compemm;on, as presided for by Section 37W of he Lawr Coda for he perfmmnceoft=workfarwhichI;,permitI,iss.d. 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL — � 01 have and will m.mti workers C.mpenmtion mstraMe,a,rty.;me by Section 3 05 - FRAME 37W of he Labor Code,for he performance of the work for which his permit is 3 06 — HOLDOWNS c _ issued.My Worker's Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number are: " -307 . - INSULATION — Cam Policy No.: t CERTIFICATION OFEXEMPTION FROM WORKERS tt 308 t*-t`-SHEETROCK coMPEnsgnov wsuuANCE309'-; — EXTERIOR LATH _ _suss..._ -------- This"sectionne2d notxcompleted lthe permit iafor one hundred dollars 310 — INTERIOR LATH ' tsipo) next) -1 ccnGy'that in&performance or iha'w.rk fur which his peranit I,issued.1 `. 311 SCRATCH COAT. sWll'net employ a.y'perms in any manner so as to become subject to he W.r1:er 313 - ROOF NAIL I t Kal Compenaatipn Law,.rcmifornm.Dae Applicant " 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY . NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,after making this Cenlfcme of Esempu.n,you should 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY - became subject o he Worker's Compensation prnvislons of the Labor Cole,you must ZC forthwith comply with such pzoismnzortispermit shall.Wdeemed revoked.. 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY CONSTRUC'r1DNLENDING AGENCY ' 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY. ' ' - -� I hereby of mohal tem is a construction lending agency forahe performance 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ' WW Qof the week for which his permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.I Lenders Name' , .,, _ I_ z - 506 GAS TEST - - . a' Lender's Add. - - - - ' Lea507 - FINAL PLUMBING I, 1 eertiry mm 1 have read his application dna state mm to amore himrmtio.n F comet+I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL O'V m wilding consuucion,and hereby authorize reprcsenmlivei.fdisciy[center upon a y y he awn-mentioned progeny for inspection parpmcs. 509 — FINAL GRADE s (We)agree(oIme,indemn oil keep harmless'he CiyofC.,emnoagainn 510 - FINAL PLANNING liabilities.judgmCuB.costs and expenses which may in any way ac=me against ilia ,U Z CityAPPLICANT UNDuenceERSTANDS of RSTANDS Ag D his L CO - - 514,';- N WORKS APPLICANT REGULATIONS, AND WILL COMPLY N'TfH ALL NONPOINT' SOURCE RECIILATIONS. ISsued by: DdI Signature of ApplaanVComnctor DaeRe-roofs / HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE will the ipplitant or future Wilding..In, ,am or handle byaiaw,maedal Type of Roof. as def ep by h c pen M pa c de Chapter9,12 d the Health and Safety Code Section 2553211' - - ❑Yea y ❑N 6. 1 ( t ♦• e r :,h _ All roofs_shall be inspected prior to any-roofing,material being installed. d u happlicant r n'Ia;egoccupantnitequipment devices weed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining anlins ection;I agree to remove 'mit haaard sat contaminants as defncd by(h Hay Area Air Quality Management g p xx Dia(nct0 Yea 0N. all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with �y f. - all non-point source regulations. - - `=� I,htum read the'hazindous material,ox,itemema under Chapter 6.95 of the Califom;a Health&Safety Code.Seelions 25505,25533 and 8534.1 understand the if the building docs not currently have a tenant.that it is ny responsibility to notify the occupant of[M1e requirements which most be me[prior to issuance of a Certificale of .. y'. Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date -- O ocrora.th.nzedage.( Date , All roof coverings to be Class 'B" or better OFFICE . .