01120047 CITY upEsoNo iNPERMIT CONTRACTOR INNPFORMATION: BI1.9 flORNULKNAP DR INTERNATIONAL KITCHEN E M6E 01120047 •O`L!XftI,tbN RICHARD J AND JOANN 1175 E HOMESTEAD RD APf`f7TYyY6T61 ! PHONE: (408) 296-3055 SANITARYNO. CONTROL NO. WC O O ARCHITF.CT/ENGINEER; BUILDING PERMIT INFO &m— BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH u u I_T L__I p v Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION i v 1lum by arum Than I am licensee ands,vroviki e,of Cbavmr 9commencing LAUNDRY RUN G,&Reffff TbR GAS RANGE. REMO f lu with Section 7000)of Division 3 ofine Business and ProfeWinnn CN and my license ;yES biumnrera «� l�j' EXISTING KITCHEN OU Limnse Class Lir.p i 3 a Dam S DECLARATION N F..O m 0 A L .E. ANCHITECr'S DECLARATION G9Y 1 understand my plans shall Is,used as public records :LLx ;;off Li<cnsedPrnfessinwl APR 042002 x,-,_ce OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION w— 1 hereby aRrm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for me v. orollowin6 reason.(Section 70315.Rusinese and Dressier,Code:Any city or county which requires a Perant to[rommut.alter,unpmve.demoli,n,or repair any structure i3 so prior o- Iso 9 me applicant fur sash permit t n .'g e t, em _ _ 6_000_0---- - mnam f -Thed . nt ,m P . nrmeTheBusines a L (Chapteroe) .IoorArea - Valuation (con ' g Th Section om ad the irsi, or t meauene x aiProfession,code) q'. s { ( , .,,he,he i exempt herefrom and the ba,for the alleged exemption,Any violation ` 3 6 2 0 8 0'4 2'.'0 0 of Section 7031.5 by any appbcan,for a prom,sobject,the applicant to a civil penally APN NumbOccupancy Type of not more Than live hundred dollars Draft. er 01.as owner ofthe propely.or my employers with wages as their sole compensation, 101 - FOUNDATION will do the work.and the structure i,not intended or offered for axle(See.7044. Required Inspections' "Business and Professions Code:The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an — owner of propeny wno builds or improves thereon.and who does such work himself 103 - UFER orr through his own however,t Provided thm such improvements are nm We er completion sale.If,however,the l have t eor burden of to atom within nor year or _ _..__ .10 4- - REBAR..". .. .._... .. .. .. completion,for me owmrr-naiiaee watt Hatsa tali numen of proeing that he ilia not nulla or 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS improve Pomose n . 106- - SEWER-& -WATER - O C.a owner of the _ prop.cny,_am udusivdy contracting with licensee contrunon to emelow, he projeet(see.7044.Busmeaa and Professions cane:)The Centimeter., 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING License Law does not apply,o an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for-such pmjens with a.coneramort).hamea pursuant to the . 2.03 — UNDERFLOOR_MECHANICAL_ oia`,nexempt`�latersc. B&J`Crerthis rcaaoa 204 — UNDERFLOOR. FRAME . . owner Date ' " " 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION • _ WORKER'SCOMPENSAIIUNDECLARAI'ION 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING 1 hereby affirm under penalty of 1',erjury one of the following declainumns 3 02 TUB & OR SHOWER ❑ 1 have Sed wiR mit mail a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for workers 3 03 — ROUGH MECHANICAL Compensation, as-provided for by Section 37M of the falser Code, tar the 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL 'peau r n wnrk r n'nun a Per t '.. ea. , ❑1 have ad 'lit-arramor,Worker',Cman,relvaumor halrommic.as required by Section 305 — FRAME 37M of The Labor Code,for he pe,forrenT6 of he v olk for which his Permit is 3 0 6 — HOEDOWNS e W ero Pe ,n 1 ranc ' d Pu num be n "' �" ' 3 07---- -INSULATION-... . e Policy N r _ ..-.. `i- _ ip ...... .-... ,CSRTFCATION OPEXEM1 ION P1 MWORKERS' 3O8 — 11SHEETROCK " oMPE.NsnnoN"INSURANCE .''' :'. . .;.'._. _309 —EXTERIOR -LATH (Tnia'aecdonneed abet(... leandirtneomitisforonehundreddollars 310'1 - 'INTERIOR LATH .• . '..t'p:r,.., , (sloowneaa.) 'ss�ed l _ 311- - SCRATCH A lnet n ..no to become subject To the worked .50.1 —. .FINAL ELECTRICAL 1 certify fleet tM1 P rf f'he k f wh ch his fin, ,hill en,rmvmr any f 313 ROOF NAIL.:: Compensation faw,orCalifornia.Date - CTR I CAL ENERGY _ NOT ICE TO APPLICANT:It ft kinin CofofExemption,you,should 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY becomesubject to the N A Compensation previsions of the Lebo Code,you mum' e O z forthwith complywithsuch oe's .,,his Primal, hall be da re,oked 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY O ,F lin •" "' - CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY. I hereby alarm that there is a construction lending igency for the performance 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL r of me work for which this permit Is issued(Sec.3097.Civ.C.)0 -Linda',Name'.. 506 GAS TEST — O.y Learr,Aaaye,. 507 — FINAL PLUMBING ' ;a,; Icenifymaihavemadthisapplicationandslamtnanheabovemoromem.is 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL F.t correct.I agree,o comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating O.(� m timlding conumnion.and hereby authorize represemen,r,of this dryto enmrupon 'psi m ,he aisoe-mentioned progeny rot im,N,rom purym,s. 509 - FINAL GRADE p.. o. (W) B to,e d ffy andper,c,keepn 1 _i an,way fc cet, u`r,,id 510 - FINAL PLANNING wA W 1 ane,' j a6 a s,cot d penses h y', any w y [ gains,said G J V Z City ge 'g,of me rd'I ofth Pc t nPL�urr DSA.' tit. me "in nT ",, 514 �s- NA WORKS / �^/2-0/ .e TIT Gla � c1` z�Zt�- Issued by: Date SIS am, Ppcam"CommetVMATERIALS Date' Re-roofs / .. HAZARD. DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or Laurie Wilding eccu,mor store or handle l x w m,runt nal Type of Roof as f d bi m C pert M 'p 1 Cade Chapter 9.1 Safety yP C "Section 25532(a). - �` t em oY " All roofs shall,be inspected_prior to any roofing-material being installed. nae Will the applicanto future,Wilding p t - - _- ....._.. h 1 - o a t defined by h Bay AreaAi Quality aM mem If a roof is installed-without first obtaining an inspection,-I'agree'to remove T Di,tri t❑Yes - -- Nar all new materials for inspection Applicant understands and will comply with �!s all-non-point source regulations ; 1 hv,ciera'uwhrer.adcam,mamdals „q iremin .'raderChii1te,695'bf me Cillaftleallarldrie SafelyCede,$[el oma 25505 25533 mal 1 d milard that ,a\/J1P'a�z\7-7zIy-/X-�I�/w11n`� if the bu ld gate spm curzently ha •ammo ,h tit': yrespo 'b ley, nleaY.the rl t (+ I V Accu mm f The u, ed a- 4hch use ne q p' t Tell of a Cenifi[am of Signature of Applica f Date U.rwr aliflummiedegent': , , .Date - Al] roof coverings to be Class "B" or better . .. ... .. .. . .. . OFFICE