05030235CITY OF CUPERF No BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT ,Z Alender's z Q Fmolest. U G p) ,Z ' ;•..: �" ;.' ' x3CONTRACTTOR INFORMA'CION.:; Y ecw2%i,1i1roT�:n ..Y� KiuJYk€ ::� t-15Cw BUILDING ADDRF: PERMIT N0.05030235 OWNER'S NAME: PERMrT LS5UE DATE L: SANITARY ON OL NO. ARCHITEC (ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH I� 0 0 0 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description I hereby afftrm that l am licensed under previsions of Chapter 9 (commencing P With Section 2(X10) of Division 3 of the Business end Professions Ca o,Snd my license is full force and ark°' REVISION --IN HOUSE USE ONLY License Class Lie. Li Date Contractor NO NEW PERMIT ISSUED ORIG. #04060014 ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1..&.land my plans Shall he used as public records Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm thin I am exempt (firm she Comrecloh License Law for the following mason. (Section 2001.5, Business and Professions Cale: Any city or county ' which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure prior In in issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation that he it licensed ninumtolbe prowlsion. of the Contractor's License Low (Chapter 9 $35 (commencing with Section ]WO) of Division 3 of the Business and Precessions Coda or Nn he is exempt thertfrom and Ne basis for Ne alleged exemption. Any violation of APN Number Occupancy Type Section 701.5 by any applicant for a Permit Subjects the applicant a civil penalty of not more Nan five hundred Jolla. ($5(10). 35907010.00 O 1, as owner of the property, army employees with wain as their into compensation. Required Inspections Wilt do the work, and the structure is notimended proffered for sale (Sec. 2044, Business and Professions Code: The Contrecmr'a License Law does not apply w an owner of property who buildsor improves themon,and who doeuuch work himselfor through his own employees, provided that such improvements rte not intended oroRered la Sale. If, however, Ne building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner. builder will hove the burden of proving that he did nm build or Improve for puryose of sok.). O 1, as owner of the propcny, am exclusively contracting with licensed .."Co.. tp construct the project (Sec. 21X4, Business and Professions Codeq The Contractor's Li. �!V\ mom Law does not apply to in owner of propeny who Wilds or improves Ommen, and who contracts for such projects with a contrector(0 licensed pursuant m the Conu¢IOYS Licenae Lew. O l am exempt under Sec. ,B& P C for this reason nor Dow WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby arum under Penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: O I him and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insum for Workefi Compere urian, as provided for by Section 37M of She Mbar Code, for the Performance of Ibe work for which this Permit is issued. O 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as required by Section 3200 0( Ne Labor Code, for the perfmmmec aide, work for which this permit is issued. My Workers Compensation Insurance prier and Policy number art: Cannc,: Policy No.: _ CERTIFICATE OF EKEMMON FROM WORKERS' ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This Section need not W completed If IM permit Is foram hundred dollars ($300) , or lcssJ 1 cenify that in the perfnrmence of the work for which this permit is issued. I shell net employ any peraem in any manner an az In become subject to the Wofker5 eogr enaatlon Laws o(Califofmia. Date Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this CoMfinew Of Exemption, you should become Subject 10 the Worker's Compensation provisions or the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this Permit be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby Nn dire iso construction 30 lending Agency for Ode Performance of which thework lm which lM1is permit is issued (Sec. 3(X2, Civ. C.) Name lender's Address I cenify that I have rad this application and show Net the above information is I agree m comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws rclatingto building construction, and hereby outhorin representatives Of his City to enwl Upon &hove mentioned properly for inspection purposes. (We) agree to eve, indemnify end keep harmless the City of Cupcnino against liabilities.judgments, costs and expi which may In any way accrue against Said City in consequence of the granting of this Permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date 6kL SOURCE REGULATIONS. Re -roofs Signature ofApplic&nVContractor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof building Occupant or handle Will the Applicant or future Occupant r 9,1 Health and as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cuda Chapter 9.12, and the Hcellh end Safety ni Oodc, Section 25532(.)2 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. [_1 yes ON. If roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices whicM1 emit haaardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District] ❑Yes ON. I have mail the havNous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Califon ria Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505.25533 and 25530 1 UnderstaM that i(tite Wilding does not currently twee a tenant, that it is my maponsihility in And iy the Occupant of Use mgairements which mug Lr met prior to transfer of Certificate of Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Owner in afthori ad agent Dale