01070007CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMI"1NO. 23666 BLACKOAK WAY 01070x0/07 Onk1V & MELANIE PURCLY A07c%05/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. Z ARCIIITECI'(ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO 2 BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Ob DBSCR hOn Inereny ardm, mal loon heensaa ander pramsmns orenamer9matnrne"`i"g INSTALL OUTLET }rOR B.Vion WATERFALL. ce with Section 7000)of Division] ofthe Business and Professions Cade. and my license in mnm,ee and effect, 77• �/r' 0 & GAS OUTLET FOR BARQUE. u Liceit Clas: Lid. # Uum GN < G l as ARCHITECT'S CLALA RATION DEDEC understand my plans shall be l as blic corJs � I understannsupua L L C(— 7 C � 'O Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION (/ as I hereby affirm that I am excmpl from he Connector, License Law routine < fall.,.., reason. (Section 70315, Business and propellers Cade: Any city or county wInch requires a carbon m amtlrvdl, the,, imp t..r, drowlixh, or apcir any stntemrc ..Prior ma, Issuance, also recuses the applicant Nor sueh permit In File a,igned stmement S Ft., Floor Area - Valuation - ,hit he licatisedpar. tto the nownsion, ofth Contractor s License Law((`hapter 9 'g' c hSefl70W)fD 3 Rh li.'ess a" Prum,,im Cod e) ;p", e 't L�'f I_., ion,! ,}s" or that he"s evimpt th efmm and the bas's for the alleged esamplon A,yvcal - vs 15, of Section 7031.5 by any applicaal free permit xubJsts IM10 applicant m a ervll penalty proclaims, than Toe hundred dollar_, (s500). APN Number (.'- Occupancy Type Cl 1, as owner of the u operty. at aty employees with wages as their. sole compensation, 516 - FINAL BUILDIN - will do the work Indtoostmewre is not intended'., voromb for sale (See. 7044, - - - Required Inspections Bu s and Prof .. Code The C I Licca,e Law does an, apply to as owner ofp p ty Who looddis or opinions thereen, and who does such workM1nmser or through hs res n emp13 provided that h improveracents arc no( intended or offered bI 11 however the building p t is : IdIh of completion, the6 ld will have theburden fproving that he did t�ildor ` 'hapboo for clothe), t ❑I arsooierforoffin pty, I IIIlicensed ...... ', I the j t (Se ]W4 Ravines, d Prom... Choice) Th C t I 's d L 1s I aniflyt fD oety h builds p N _sly and h contracts f such projects with mnmgs) licensed pursuant to the _ Contractor, License Law. /. - ❑ Iran excmpl ander Sec , B & P C for Ihis reason ' Owner Dam WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ' 1 hereby affirm under penahy a(perjury one of the Nollowing declarations O I have and will mountain a Certificate of Consent to self-inwa for Worker's Compensations, as provided far by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit Is Isawd Ell have Ind will nminmin Worker's Conipensminn hrocaoce, as oviLdre l by Section 3900 of the Labor Code, for the Nafonnanoo of the work far which Ihis permit is ead P issued. My Worker's Can or and e: y number arp.ncmnon In, en _ ..-. .. :., Curer - Policys.- .. ._ CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS'; 5 , r ---•, _,' COMPENSATION INSURANCE is (This ,,ni. head Dai be arinclened f maporn't-s France hnded dollars .. ($1(IO) or lLss.) ,• 1 certifyill' the H ce of the kf 'lt hth P Ie Ivin d1 „! 'Juall t mol y' y p any tion me n o t the- tiara ' Com top� q� Il m nl /ry._{{J��y�`/1 eA' .App1� I afM1 I J1 i�c ._ .. .. NOTICL T , PPLICAN I.alaar naQ7lb, n l cam at Earaption, Yon.Shat Id become,occat In the Wn,ko i Compensation pmv.slons of the Laboh Cods, You muss trillionth th comply with sueh provisions .,this perun ondl be deemed revoked. COn LENDINGAGENCY here is area - thereby a(fmm that thereisa nonanSion 309th ngapaacy Guam perfonnnnce " work for which Itis pe6nil iu iecueJ (Sec 3[19], Civ. C:I Lethe � Lendeis Name- Lender'sAddre¢ 1 certify that I have and this application and.ama that the above inforntatire is rtect. I agme ,, comply with all city and coemy ordinance, and state Incas relating ' to boa lohng ®nsvuution, and hereby announce, representatives of this city to enter upon ] the above-menlionul property for inpmtion purpoms. (We) agree,, cove, indemnity road keep cal mll" the City of Cupertino against 7 liabilities, judgotents, oasts and expenses whole only fanny way ..cone rgoimt mid City PLICAnscy NDERcure fthe gDS AND tILLCOlt " APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT �� ISSLICd by: SOURCE REGULATIONS. Date Signuwre nfAoplicanVComrnemr. Dale Re -roofs HAZARDOUS .MATERIALS DISCLOSURE will the ohyl.... m or for I building oceapaorstore or handle haiendar,ricanal Type of Roof as defined by the Cupaa.no Mun'mipel Core. Chapter 412, and the lanith and Safety_ code ovis �'2ss3z(I "'- I t It All roofs shall.be inspected roofing material being installed. Will In, poli hit I to lifirs, Carlaipaid alleq p t or ballots which J If a roof is instalted' Svithout first obtaining an inspection, I a ree to remove P g em t cc oat as defined by he Bay Area A' Qtr ty Manag Dent Dict, ct, E, all new materials for ins inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with BP P Y ❑Yes �No all non -point source regulations. 1 have read the hazardous m aerials reyuiremeen. under Chapter 6.95 of the ' Ca11ona Health & Safety Cale, Sections 25505, 25533 and 25534 1 understand is, if the building does urn a bendy have a tenant, that it is it, responsibility at mail, the - I mac be mat od�rm Ixsnunce n[ a CenlEcmc of 11i I<� Oa u Signature of Applicant Date <�at y m� All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Owner or aothnnaed agent Date OFFICE