S 2603 APP.I:ICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING-ELECTRICAL PERIOD No. - BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONIPERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL CITY _ L^ COO BUILDING PRfIJF,C'r IDE]YI'IFICAIION O v J HUILDING ADDRESS: 4N�T C SANI"fARY NO, APPLICNI'[ON SIJ11MI I'I"AI.DAIE PHONE' CON l'HACT'OR'S NAME: LIC N(i N/C CON'IROI.Or ARC • GINIHFR: .ICNO: ADDRIISS: ❑ 9 OS C(NTACI': PHONEBUILDING PERMIT INFO'' ' ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant Dr ifial) B�LDI �GELECT PLUMB MIEiCH ARI GL 1� `�- Q/ / CJ/ ICENSED CON ACTORS DECI ARAIIf N QTY., ELECTRIC PERNII'1% FEL? Ih ny tr mf I . I I p fChapter 9(eomm i , .POR DESCRIPTION �aL x105i ]UHUI rD".fdJ fn R s nJl , fc se RESIDENTIAL u100 YFJ PERMIT ISSUANCE 1�� Fy�I_ tilt Ilf ce J, ne F�hUWL ❑KI'CCIiINIi LM(]I3EI. a U(Ej Lcc ,c Cc# APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL ❑AUDITION [I PLUMBING RF,-PIPE HG0. Dme Cnt a r ARCHI'I LCT'S DEC. 1 ❑MULTI-UNIT ❑MODIVICNIO F 5 h PANIURAL ,LS O Z.N.Z I understand my plans shall M uatl as public records CHIMNEY C REPA IIP'I'02(XIAMPS [I INFERIOR ❑CHIMINEY kEPA1R I�q L"nowJ Prolessioml 201-1000AMPS IMPROV P.ME1' SWIMMING POULS d,Wcei•-1 OWNER-IIIIILDER DCCIARA'fION OVER 1000 AMPS ❑HATH kLMODEIJREPAIR ❑DIiMG1.f1IGN C W 6 I hereby affirm that i um exempt iron,the Cormaro i Liccnse Lax'for the aayx5, a U fallowing reason.(Scmion 70.31,5,Hostiles,and Pmle.sian,Code Any city o,"army SIGNS 17I.I1CI'111CAL ❑OTHER W 3 a F which requires a Permit In crnsavcv,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any structure "nam it,issim.,also requinsiheapoieam lmofeh,corn, ,,fleam,a,duamemwn SPI!CIAI.Cik(]UI'1' IS uo �} that he ix licenxeJ pnrsu:mna the Pmvisinn,ofahe Contmemrs License l.uw(Chap.,9 apo fc...nmendng wan SenRm9onn)nf Division 3"Orbe Iftiou ,sand Prole........Code)- IEMP.METCR OR .In COMMERCIAL: d y o C that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of ❑NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑DEM01.11 ION iC k. Section 7031.5 by any applicant for upnt subjects the applicant of o civil pereltyaf POWER DEVICES u]^y en ❑'IMPROV ❑FOOD SERVICE: wirn mom than f f,hundred dnllnrr y emp' O'HIER EMIiNT Lashe work, and the wo tore is employees with wredf r ab,irsu.cnnpennminn, SWIMMING I't101. . C �Sp will dd airs work,and the xtmcuare is not intended or offered for sole(Se,.](alit liminess ❑O'fHE12 H 3 m and property eio b C,Jor iFilemp Cmn thereon Liccnse l do does nut apply es nn awns of 011'I'LF.'I:S-SWITCHES- TXT i5 property who milds or improves thereon,and who Jess re n wed d ededf or through his own ewe,,,dh,provided that such mentis sold w am not immnJetl of oll'arcd lie NEW RIiSID12N'flAl,FLI!CTIt S ease.,build,, ill h have til lamimp f,Aint is sold within one build or improve the q r� ()"7.::!. SG FT.1100R AREA $/SQ.PI'. ttnuiltlur will neve the M1unlen of proving OmI he did not build nr improve torpor- Pod al'oats.). C] 1,as owner of the property,am exclusively con ianing with Iicen.cOd conti.cmn m OIA1.: ,n,.I In P i t(S 7vf4B . IP f C 1.)II C t i s rimlow 1,mv does not applyt f pra,voy who old'or irsprovevtherein. d QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT ,FETE V wla r„xh Icons❑ l ut,jwill,a w lW a t . licensor]p conno the Ccauariel,r, L (� I.iccnw law. PERMIT ISSUANCE ❑ I Iron cxmrP,unnicr Scc. H k P C for this reason AIIIER-DRAIN SO VENT-WATHR(EA) VALUATION a Dam WORKERS COMPENSAHON DECLARATION BACK PLOW PROrFC'I',DEVICE l.�.q. Q� {,Q ^ s I hen,hymlirm ft jry andea'pm,uhy el one 0 fire following declnmlia I,: �!' I Y `J I around will maintain a Certificate of Comem to,df-more for Wornex Compcn- DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOI?AREA.COND. S'1'ORIF.S TYPI!CONSTRICTION ,admires Pmvidal for by Swtidn 370D'ef abc LubnrCode'firth,pdrfommnco of oho �/_I✓// work for which this permit is issued. FIXTURIS-PER TRAP 0 1 have and will maintain Worker's Campdnxafion hounmec,as rc,rifcd by Section 3700 rfthe Lubar Cala fonhe perfomfance ofthe work forwhich this permit is issued. GAS-FA.SYSTEM-1 INC.4 OU'T'LETS OCC CROUP APN My Worker's Confp,mation Insurance easier and Policy number air: Carrier Policy No.: GAS-EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(FA) CI!RTIFICA Ili 01'F,XEM P PION FROM WOR KHRS' COMPIiNSARON INSURANCE GREASEIINDUSTRL WAS 117 IN')ERCBPTT)Ii Coity see if..need not he completed it he peanut is future hundred dollars($100) BUILDING DIVISION PIefS_ or lens's GREASETRAP PLANCHGCK IT•III ZO I certify that in the performance lithe work for which this permit is issued,Isha11 SHWER-SANH'ARY-STORM HA.201 FT. not co”Inyunyveomomany , umn'this, insect m the Workers'Compcn- ENERGY FP Z Zz nation Law 1'fornia. WATER IIEAIER WNENT/IiLEC,R A,,Ii,I `_ I GRADIN 1 h NOTICE I( PPLICAN'C 11,after mak g this Cein ieute of Exemption,you should WATER SYSTEM/TREATING H ? Ifvc to subject(,,,he C NSTRUC....-a an pmvasimn,of aha Lamn Cade,you Ilam" SOILS FI. forthwith comply �tih�w/�- p h11 //k sd rcvnkeA. WATER SERVICE as aQ ?Wll 'A< C� NIiW RCSIDISNTIALPLMe. SQ.FI'. I•NU (� e yis�rb UO1 hcrehynmrm that ahcrcisu cou'lio ton lending hgmq for hc,crhrmm,cr ate Reeeiptx the work far which this p,m,i,is issued(Sec.309],Civ.C.) 0 F" I<ndei's Name - TOFAL: V I<ndcr's Adi n 'HYTA } 0� I arify him I rive nerd Ibis upoicieum and emm tom the ahovc uro,nmdm,is HUILUIN' :E I '•� Fh cofrecf.l agree m coanply with all city and comay timiummas and sate laws rclainp't1 MECHANICAL PERMIT FI?F, o Z building consamnion,and hereby vadaeize reprdsendnivc ,N!hliclty In enters "IIIc SEIS I .E72-9 0 have-mentionedre per.( ' :pecf P9 •IiRMI'T ISSUANCE �(�/ O (W) g f d fY Ik p Ce the Clly fC l tna against IiLEC :I flu .. liati l'i Jg, tit. c t J p . : h h Bq ,any is cc a8_ dwid City CHER OR ADD TO MECH. � PLUM LNG ILF. in muac3rxrft,�4 g of aHs pen,,,. J-- -� NDS AND WII COMPLY YTFT'gC`NON INTq1µHANDLING UNI'i'(TO 1U,(XXI CIM) M1IF.CIIA ICAL1tiE AIR HANDLINGUNI'1'(OVIiRIII,(IgICIM) CONSTRU ION TAX U� zig Inc EXHAUST HOOD(W'/DUCT HOUSING N1ITIGAI'ION PEE DOUS MATERIAIS DISCLO! i Will the applieunt or future holding acc'upam stare or hemlle haz.mm.,mefenal HEATING ON['['(TO 100,004)RTU) as defined by the C.,mao Municipal Cale,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code,Station 25532(x)'! ssskcci��' IIEATING UNIT'(OVER 100.001 ITTU) ❑Yes ,plylar- VEND H-ATION PANS INGLE RESID) PAID (/� Dafc Receiptp Will me applicant(it future nu,rfuture building croupier use equipment or devicc,iwhich mihnwrdouMii-,oumminatn ,defined by the Buy Area AirQuality Mmuacn'e"t BOILER-COMP(3HP OR jorloon B'ru) 'f[YI'AIX District' ❑yes - HOILEk-COMP(OVER 100,000 RTII) Ihm ratl Ne hazuNous mafuaials rcyuiremrntn under Chnptm fiJS Mthe C,II- AIRCONDINONFR i S U E TE lomiu Hm c&Sn1cq C:xic,$anion,25505.235]3 and 25514.1 nm -runs t ,if the r r buddin f nae cumently haven tenant,l 'a is bilin m Til lire t NEW RESIDIiNTIAL MECH. SQ.FI'. yrexpanxi , y rnpan , of th- ey aairlrkh ams ,eT'ir ort ce fa Con a C�a Own - zed union TO L: Y 1$SUFDBY: „nae OFFICE iia. . is?Jl ♦U•••lrv� :r..cnii I,N r.v-t: rVlLr.. _ rr- .-I r" - f� L '[ Brian Kangas Faulk Engineers Surveyors • Planners • May 7, 1999 9000fi9-SIH Check Schoenlxrper O'Flricn Orrtttp 2001 Wlnward Wnv,Suite gnu Sen Matan,l'A 9,1404 Subject: Melt Vnlley—Fnundnllon 1'erincatlnn War('buck, On Mny A, 1090 we perronoed n tivld qurvcy of the location or thc'rnundnl inn farm, for the huildings being cnnetnlcted on LM 5.02 /01. 1 or 5.?7. Lw 3.25. Lot 5.29, Lul 5.33.nod Lel 5-14 of the Oak Val ley prnjttn In t'openinn. ' 'ilia rear ll,or dint uirvey clearly,how Hill the Iocatlon or the roundalioo ferns ire consistent and io can rnnnonce with the design Inch inn or the hrrlld Ings, as said locadnna nra shown on the plans prepared h,v Our nmt. This letter is intended to provide yru with the vedrieation of thnsa units per nor survey. Ir there nre nay other quem loos ennecmIng dtnl Incnl inn.please do nal Ilcsitnte to call. Slncereiy, Y c E4R0!E•y/eaGOlc p ts'%r3t.r02 BRIAN KANOAS pt111LK Clll.lrp,, Him lloy A. Rllho P.I„S,6 LI I Project Mnnnucr Survey I lcpnnmcn! • 540 Prlca Avarua • Redwood Cky,CA 94063 • 15501452.6300 . FAX 16501482.6329 •