08080083 CITY OF CUPERTINO 7 7,77, ` - BUILDING DIVISIONP$RIVIIT �eCONTRACTOR INF(}ItMATIQN ' Bu11.plUp25gREsN PERMIT N0. BLANEY AVE INTERNATIONAL KITCHEN & 08080083 NEER'S NAME: PERMT7 ISSUE DATE ROGALSKI EDWARD - 1175 E HOMESTEAD RD 09/08/2008 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 296-3055 ARCHITECn GINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH Z00 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION O O O 1 hereby affirm tho I w licensed disk,provisions of Chapter 9(comment. Job Description 4 rlNseed.7")ofDivision 3efNeButdoessand Pml-,j ggeandmyrenmis MODIFY EXT WALLS IN FAMILY/LIVING RM,ADD NEW ❑„ mOiliense Lies 7g WINDOW OPENING & FURNACE & A/C j la Date w F„ Da¢ CSDECr ECrRCHI'IECTS DE CLIg.} e�u I mscrsund cosi pias coal he used u public recorm /mss 9000 s C t; Likewd Prefessionai 5 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby ellirm that I an exempt from the Contra oris Licerse Law for Use no follOWing mYnn.(Section 7M 1.S,Business Nd Plefessm.Code:Any city.1..my $� which requires a Permit to conswcL alcor.Improv,demollm,or repair my structure –Z� prior w its issuance.slm requires dm applicant for such permit a file a signed summon �< tlwheislicensedpursuantmdepronsimuoftheConmacmfsLicenseLaw(Chapux9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area $100 Valuation v $ (commencing rempthereSection r andtfDasisfcm r the theegeinessend Profwinvi Code)IX `t Net section u 31.5 b Nerkfmm and the bud for the alleged pplicaexcemption.Any violation of not oro103a3by anyapplicant dollars rs(SIM nabjxu the.pplieatm,crn penalty or p,t3tI3 Number Occupancy Type not come Wnrnw hundred dmlua(ss00). 31630002 .'Vly' P Y YP ❑L the wort Ne prepert t.isforimendes with wagea a said (Sec.cempwdon, wife dofewmti and NCShe, is for NLicesIX Law ffered LICpply?an owneeof and property wh on cedeThe Ce tle c on,License law aces not apply lf an owner er Required Inspections proprtyhoces,ldsorimprovuNistpro lWwho mentri am ainto k himalfmNreainughhcwchis ewnemp then ping Or dulsucmentis id moue not inte�dmoRerrd Wain. - Wilderr.Ne building orcen of pmeet is mid withinut yur ofimosefor theorrcsf Wilder wiB Itam the burden of proving that he did not build or improv for purpose of ale.). 1,as own of the property.w exclusively co uski ng wide licensed contractors in construct the project(Sec.1044,Business and Profession Code:)The ContraemYs Li. erne law does not apply m an ower of pmpeny who builds or impreres Merton,and rho rontraku for such pojocts with s imm setmp)licensed pursuant in the Contractors Lleenve Lawt. . ❑I not exempt under Sec ,B&PCfor i3 mason Dam WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby air=under penalty of perjury,arc of Ne following decundons: ❑I haw and will maintain a Certificate of Consem m sel4insum rIX Wortds Crimper. .It..se provided for by Section 3100 of the Labor Code.for the podmer aco of the wort for which this pe.I,is Imrtd ❑1 have and will maintain Wallace,Comperial Insurance,u required by Semon 3100 of Nle Later Code,for the peRermance of Ne wart for which this permit is issued. C WartehComiteado ramscurimasPolicy mb�r Carrie. Polley No.: ERTIflCp �OF EXEMPTION FROM WO ERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE tided rection need cot he completed Mite permit is forism hundred dollars($I00) or leu) 1«sufr amt in dee petkoraIXe of tho wort for which this permit is Wool.l shell not employ any person in any mmrmrw u m become subject in the Workers'Cumpenadoo Laws of Califomia.Due Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,afkr making this C,kr,.m of Eakmptien.you should become Subject he the Worker's Compenwdon previsions a the labor Cade,you mud .J z forthwith comply with such parimeM or this psnit shall W dcomed,maked. z O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I heroby atrfm this there is a conwedim lending agency for the Performance of c4> the work for which this Permit in famed(Sec 3091,Civ.C) I< W O nder's Name i:L , =) z Undoes Address U O 1 certify than 1 bark mad Ins sp,ii.m n and star Wt the more information is cornett 1 agree m<emply with all city and county ordinances and sum laws relating to SV^ building construction,ars hereby suthodx rtpmxnuuvrs of this city m enter upon Ne �[Il above-mendond penitent for Inspection purpova "gy (we)agree to are,indemnify and seep harmless the City of Cupertino against fn liabilities,judgmenu.costa and expenses which may In any way moms against aid City Com' Of the grooming Of this U z APPPL CANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE REG%�WS. O�A6-ioe L�� Re-roofs Sig..ornppbeanvice_ Dam HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant or futum building accdpait sort or handle institutions mamrial a deRned by the Cupenfno Mmriripal Code.Chapter 9.11.as the Health and Safety S25532(a)? 01 d^-", All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the.Applicant or future building oceu ant use If a roof is installed without first obtainingan inspection,I agree to remove PP g 0 ea Air Quality or Management ement P D,sirkt?conn err kmntamm, m a d by Nle Bay Area u,omvny Man.gemkn all new materials for inspection. Ores 1 haw read dm huardws underChapmr6.95 ofthe Califon nu Hea1N&S9cLYCPde.Satiate 1550.5.15533 and 15534.1 ursrnund NuifNe building dMJ nen curt[ ly tam a ICIIa,11,Nat it it my maponjtilily m notify Ila oceupNt of NC regmiremena Ikhmes hematpdormissuacaufac ardfOcpgaa6y.Jja Signature of Applicant Date Ownerm a .nailagcm 7 ODaN All roof coverings to be Class'%¢"or better