23059 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification PERMIT NO. Building Address: 23059 ' o ��E� s £. C.:O/Xo. 9N-98.39 CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION to a�1N (L�cgNo: r� APPLICATION / PERMIT -.ws' Oa BUIL.DINGELECnUCALPLUMBINGMECHAMCAL CATEGORY - CONTROL a �i Ash act/ v Lie.No: BUILDING PERMIT INFO MP QTY ELECTRICPERMIT FEE PFRMITISSUANCE �� ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l ace licensed under provWonsofChapter 9(commersto APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL L OB DESCKIPITON Ingwith Sedion7000)of Divldon3 ofthe Busimmand PmfeasionsCode,and my license la In(WtlfO and effect V, PANELS Lken es3eetla Lie N O! DateContractor te, UP TO 2DOAMPS ARCHITECT°DECLARAIrioN 2014000 AMPS ceO Zp I understand my plans shall be used u public record• OVER100DAMP5 SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.Fr. ly LlmneedPrefeubvl SIGNS ELECTRICAL A L E D IN 6 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION z y p SPECIAL C RCU T/M SC forlhe P T E R Ihercb alFlrmtlutlam sateen (menthe Contractor's License Law qq following reason.(Section 70315,Business and professions Code:Any city or - Fq county which requirs permit toconsleuct,alter,improve,demolish,orrepalr 7E)dP.ME[ERORI'OLE INST. �♦ qE 3 aeystructure prlortolb issuance,alaorequireatheapplicantfor such permit to POWER DEVICES YATE t5 file a signed statement that he Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the 6Q3µ,II-- Contractors License Law(Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7DOO of Diet. SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC H�OJ don 3olthe Business and Professions Code)orthtihem et he exempfmmVALUATIONand Sow the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 70115 by any appBesotfor a permit subjects thespplikert to a dAl penalty of nut more than Un-ETSSWITCHESEX[URFS five undred dollars($500). SQ,FT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION �undred dolars($property, NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECT° �n p party,or my employees with wages r thele snle compensation,will troche work and the ions Code: Is net Mended or offered for O sale(Sec.7064,Bwlvu and Professions Code:The Contraaota License Law 3$ does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves threaten,and OCC.GROUP RES.UNITS who dorosuch work himself orthraugh his awn employees,provided that such Improvements are not Intended or offered for sale.If,however,the building or T07 Improvement Is sold within oneyearofcompletlon,the oweenbuilderwill have t1Ekuroving that he did net build or Improve for purpose of sale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE u I,Nen of pas owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed FLOOD ZONE APNPERMIT ISSUANCEcontractors to covtto the project(See.7016,Businma al Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, and who contracts for such p(ojects with a ALTER-DRAIN k VENT-WATER(EA) es pypactor(O Bernxd pursuant to the Contrecto's License Law. FEE SUMMARY lJ I am exempt under Sec. B h P C for this reawn BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE Owner Date DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,GONG. SANITARY Y_ N_ RECEITT N WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FIXTURES PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y_ N_ ❑I hereby affirm that Ihive a ceell/iafe of cmxnt to If-Inure,or miulrr tl cesli0oteofWorkers'Compensatlon Insurance me unified copy thereof(Sec. GAS F.A.SYSTEM-I WCAOUTLE1'S PARK FEE Y_ N_ 3800,1.6CJ RECEIPT# Policypppaaa# GAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) Comoasty • BUILDING DIVISION BES C_ fled copy isherebytumecity ertlfied copy b filed with the city Inspection divldon. CREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE EPTOR PLANCHECK FEE CERTIFICATE OF.EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASETRAP PAI COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER-SANITARY- RM EA 200FT P...pt# (rhlsxdion need not becompleted lithe pemdt b forov hundred dollam ($100)orless.l WATER 7{EATER /VENT/ELECT° ENE E Y N_ I certify that lo the performance of thewmk forwhirh this permit le Issued, I dull not employ any person in any manner so as to became subject to the WATER SY /TREATING Workera Compensation Laws of California.Date PAI ZZ Applicant NEW° ENTIAL P[MB. SQ}T. DB Recei t# O NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should benne subject to the Worken'Compensatlon provislons of the Labor (�NlvTOTAL- 0; Code,you must forthwith comply with such pr iims or this permitehall be BN IG FEE W > deemed rcvoked.CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SE IC FEE I0 a Ihercbyaffirm that there Is a construction lending agency sort he perform- TOTAL: 1: ECTRICFEE Z an,ufthe work forwhich this permit is Issued 5m 3D97,Civ.C.I V O Leader.Nene PLUMBING FEE LL I— Lender.Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL O W Imrtifythat l have read this appBoNonand statethatthe above Information is correct.l agree to comply with all cityand muntyordlnances and pate laws t, PERMrrmiLANCE ss� FEES PAID: } relating lobullding construction,and hereby authorise representatives of this I.., Z city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for Inspection purposes. LTEROR ADD 7O MFLH. 's Date ace) t# (We)agree to save,Indemnify an d keep harmieu the City.(Cupertino V thabluties ydg te,cosit cal xpenxe whichmuyinarywayasetue AIRHANDENC UNIT(x010,000 CFM) SU TOTAL: gain Id s encs of anung of this permit CONSTRUCTION AX .ter J p AIR HANDLING IIM7'(OVER 10,000 CFM7 slgnatureo(Appl1' nt ontnctor EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION AX PAID: HATARDOUS MATERIALS UISCLOSUR Will theappliantterfuture buildingo.p..t stutter handle harardous HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BM Date ecel # material ae detivd by the Cuyertlno Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code n25532()7 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BDA T ; ❑ Yro No Wliltheapplicanl or uNre building oavpant use equipment or devices VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RE5I13) ISSUANCE DATE which emit hazardous air tambuntsasdefirmdbythe Bay Area Ab - 1N Ilty Management Dbl ct7 BOILER-COMPOHPOR100,IXDBTU) ❑Ycs No I have read the M1a>a QuenuterlaLrequlremenbunderChapter G95of BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) LR the Califwals Health A SafetyCode,Sections 25505,25S33and 75534.1 u co n dthat if the bu gdteesnatrmatlyhavea lenant,thatitbery NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH SQ.FT ® N ponsib a pant•tmxments which most be mat F/5 d to a if eo( Empanel J q Q7 Owner or authortred agent Date ' )SS(TSD5 ro OFFICE COPY 1y