R 6010 1 � - , • PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ciTv oF cuPeaTiNo NUMBER R- 6 010 REROOF PERMIT INSPECTIONDIVISION PERMITE%PIRATION i �4OB�7TI�.�PZB PEFMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED . WITMIN 1B0 DAVS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR 1B0 DAVS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. BUILDING ADDRESS � G / � � � KJI.f.� � �' K • RESIDENTIAL � COMMERCIAL OTHER OwNea'S � t�f � HAZARDOUS FIRE AREA - NAME v �� e -s� v LL Ci YES �• raofassem6y s�aen�d'h�a1�a Class A /� ��, // NO ❑ Initial I.C.B.O.N nooaess ��Z�7 wu �n � /'FX ' EXISTING ROOF COVERING PHONE �� �+ _ • �� _ 7 �'+ NUMBER OF EXISTING COVERINGS � CONTRACTOR'S ' C TO BE REMOVED � TO BE FETAINED NAME w( O l ``�-^t ADDRESS �.,,c � TYPE OF ROOF COVERING � aTv a na .3 �v ,i / ' -�', �f,YaB' EXISTING PHONE_�,�,e �,�� � �� BUILT-UPROOF ❑ NIUMBER 'Z 3 ASPHALT SHINGLES ❑ LICENSEO CONTRACTORS�ECLARATION 1 hereby eRl�m thet I em Ilcenaetl untler provlslane ol Chepter 9(cammencinp with SecUon WOOD SHAKES � ]000)ol Dlvlsion 3 0l tha Buslneea entl Proleaelone Cotle,end my Ilcanea le in full lorce entl � enec�. WOOD SHINGLES ❑ UCenee Clee Lla Number L L � oete � comrecmr OTHER(SPECIF`O ❑ OWNER�BUILDER�ECLARATION � PROPOSED I M1ereby eHbm thal I am eMempt Imm�he Contractote Licenae Lew for t�e follow r e (Sec.'l031.5,Buelneee antl Profeeelane Cotle: Any clty or counry whlch requlrae erm � conevucq alter,Improva,Eemalleh,or repelr eny etmcture,prlorto Ite leeuence,elso repulree ihe BUILT-UP ROOF � ' appllcent Mr euch permlt to ille e elgned etetemant ihat he la IlceneeE purouent to the provlelone - . ol ihe Contrector'e Llcenee Lew(ChaD�er 8(commenclnp wlth Sectlon 7000)ol Divlelon 3 0l the Buelneee end Pmleealone Cotle)or Ihet ha Is axam0�therefrom entl the Ceale Mr Iha elle9etl SPHALT SHINGLES � e�amptlon.Any vlalellon ol Sectlon 900t.5 Ey any eppllcant lor e permlt eub�ecto t�a eppllcent to e clvll penelty ol no1 mom Ihan flva huntlrotl tloltare(5500)J: �I,aeowneroltheproperty,ormyemployeeewlihwepeeasihelieolecompensellon,wllltlo WOODSHAKES � the wo�k,end the etrucWte le not Intentled or oiferetl tar eele(Sec.7049,Buelne6e entl Profee� elone Code:The Contmctor's LlcenSe Lew tloea nol epply lo en awner ol pmperry w�o bullEa or yy00D SHINGLES � Improvee therean,entl who tloee euch work�Imsell ar Ihroup�hle own employeee,proNGeG ihat . suc�Improvemenle ere not Intantletl ar alleratl for eale.II,however,lhe Culltllnp or Improvamant Ieeoldwlthinoneyaerolcom01e11on,theownao-bulitlerwlllhavalhaburEenolprovinpt�et�etlid OTHER(SPECIFY) � not bulltl or Impmva lor purpoae ol seleJ. , ❑I;eaowneroitheproperry,ameMCluelvelycoNmctlnp withlicenaeticontrectaretocone_([uct ' the pro�ect(SecJ044,Bu6lnesa entl Pmfeeslona Cotle:The Conirecrofe Licenea Lew Qoby"t�ot PROVIDE I.C.B.O.REPORT NO. eppty to en owner ol properry who bulltle or Improvee t�ereon,entl w�o conirectq(p_r a�Ch pro�acte with e contrectar(e)Ilceneatl pureuent lo Ihe Conhector'e Ucense Law. Fj . PROVIDE MFGR.INSTALLATION SPECS. ' ❑I em exempt untler Sec. ,e d P.C.br Ihle a S owner oete APPLICATION DATE VALUATION PERMIT FEE N/ORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ���. I hereby eflirm untler penelry al perlury one oi the lollowlnp tlecleretlon: ., � �I�eve entl wlll malnteln e Cortlllcete ol Coneent to ealf�lnsure IorWar �'@ pampenaetlon, Blllld'Ifl9 12�• I ee rovltledhrby5ectlon3700a1lheLeborCatle.lorthapetlormancaolt brklorwhlchlhle �' /� permitlslaeuatl. )�� � � / (p $BISRIIC � ❑I�eve entl wlll melnteln Workefe Compensetlon Ineurence.ee repulretl by Se<tlon 3700 0l ��y � ihe Le6or CoOe,lo�the pedormence ol the work�or wM1ich t�la permll la lasuetl.My Worker's / � ..� '„ Compeneetlon Ine1urence cerr er end PoI y num6er ere: TOtBI L��/1 V cen�er �7�/f poncy No.��6'F� PERMIT AUTHORIZATION DATE CERTIFICATE OF E%EMPTION FPOM WOqKERS' COMPENSATION INSUflANCE N.C.p � (TNe eectlon neatl not be com0letetl II ihe permit le lor one huntlretl tlollere($100)or IeeeJ ���� � � � p I certl�y thet In Ihe perlormence ol the work lor whlch thle permit le leauetl,I ehell nat employ •L�� a�Y Pe�eo�m e�y ma��,�sa a,ro ce�oma a�eia=��o me wo�kare�comPeneauo��wa oi ceu. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roo mg material being ro��ie. installed. Ii a roof is installed without first obtaining an oaie Applicent inspecTion,t agree to remove all new materials for inspection. NOTICE TO APPUCANT; If,etlar meklnp Ihis Certlficete ol Exemptlon,you ahould becoma q licant understands and will com p aub�ect lo t�e Workera'Compensetlon provl6lone af the Lebor Code,you muet lorthwlth comply PP� ply with all non OI(1� wlih euch provislone or t�ls peimlt 6hell be tlaemeE ravoketl. SOUfCO f0911�2tIOf1S. . ' • Icertlfythetlhevereatlihlaeppllcetlonantletetetheltheebovelniormatlonlecorcect.lepree tacomplywlthallclryanCcountyorClnenceeentletetelewereletlnpto6ulltlingconetmctlon,entl Allroofcoveringstobeclass orbetter. �eraEy eulhatlze repreeentativas ol thb city m anror u0on t�e ebova�menllonetl pmparly br In- apactlon purpoaee. (We)eprea to eave,InEemnlly nnE kaep hermleee t�e Ciry of Cuper�ino egelnet IIe0111t1ea, . �uE menta,coata end ezpaneea which mey In eny wey uccrue egalnat seltl Clry in coneapuence o�tRe e�enune o�m�e Permu. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE - �• PAE•INSPECTION: � PLY,WOOD: � � IN-PROGRESS: � � � INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. � DATE TEAR OFF INSPECTION: - BATTENS: FINAL: � INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE � NOTE: OSHA APPROVED ACCESSTO ROOF SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR INSPECTION � � OFFICE COPY