20240 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Ii.ildfisa Project Identification PERMITNO. BuOd Ng Addms: rT_ 20240 ams: one: J4 k/ -p a CITY OF CUPERTINO6BUILDING DIVISION Cmtnctor's Name Lk.N. APPLICATION I PERMIT 7 BUILDINGS.SCTRICALPLUMBINGMECHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL# Arrhltect/Engimsr. Lim No: Q ELECTRIC PERM IT' , FEE% BUILDING PERMIT-INFO,?' Address PERMIT ISSUANCE El ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am licensed under provisions ofChapler 9(commmc APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL JOB DESCRIPTION Ingwith Section7o0Wof Div 9.3ofthe Busttussand ProfeasionaCode,and my license h to full form and effect. PANELS /(/j License Clan Lie/ 11 Dale Conaador \\\ 11 ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 201-IODO AMPS 11 ce0 ZO I understand my plana shall be used As public records. JOVER1000AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FT. z d Licensed Professional SIGNSELBCTRICAL �D T7 r<� OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPFGNLC82CUIT/M6C fJ cY _'�y IherebyaffirnthatTam ezemp[fmmlhe CoNranorsLimns law/fir the following reason.Setlim 70315,BYanm AM profession,Code:Any tl H� n'OrcouTEMP.MEM ORPOLE INST. .� Any le erom rcqubna permRmmmrequires the aprov4demouch permit < any asutlurttatemetmus Its hat he 13,honed pursuant attothe (or aucns,of to POWER D�� U floe•arced iOe.Lt that he t Licensed Pursuant to the ti..700(f of the Con3eithLkemmdPmfmlo9(mmmenthathe h mp"hemfm Divi- SWIMMING IDOL ELECTRIC VALUATION .. OS aab..isti Buanm and Profmim. Anyvirlatlem heection here(romard / A 8' the bash fora a rmit su exemption. Any violation o penalty on 7m IS by any MI6 s nQ MappB cl ciaPerm M0jecbthe appBcant tore civil penalty ofno morcthan OUTLETSSWITCFIFSFIXTURES a �.$ Ov hundrMd Of Pr. NEW RESIDENTIAL VI TR SQFT. STORIES TYPECONSIRUCTION �n I,u owrar of the property,or my employers with warn u their sole mpewH¢�,wllldotha work+ndthe atnaurt h rot Intended or offered for Cle(Set 70K Baalnem and Profmlom Code:The Conradora Ltd.Law 3� don wt apply to u ownerof property who Wild,orimprovn thereon,And OCC.GROUT' RES.UNITS don such work himself¢through Ms own employees,provided that such improvements are not intended Oroffertd for safe.If,however,the building or TOTAL: - improvemenlhsddwtthlnamyurofcompldloNtheowner-bulldervvgI have tl�urden of proving that he did nm Wild or improve for purpose ofnle.). Q7Y. `: -.>PLUMBING_PERMI .*_' '" .FEE"'- FLOOD ZONE APN LLj C n owner of the Property,am exclusively trading with IInmM — mnmad¢s W mntmd e L project Mm 70µBuaNm and Profmfons Code: E&. The Conntloh L1cer�se law don not apply to u owner of property who .�LIMA& A �) Wilda or improve them . and who mntntls for such ptpjeds with a . . dons)licensed pursuantto the Cont etor's License Law. AQC(F7AWT'RO� G"E w r- �,;:4+`':pct '-'.FEE•SUMMARYi '` ;j.,A,•-,),; I a i ce under Sec B&P C(or this reaun �'. Owns DRAINS FLOOR R� SANTTARY Y N Date BBC=# WOR COh SA ON EC O I SCIi00l TAX Y N ❑l hereby affbm the I e a certllka f consent en self-Insure,w a RECEBT N _. •.:f+. cerdfiam.fWorkers CamPe tiro TnurtncemacerttledcapythereefSee. 3800,Lab CJ ` GAS EA ING $Y57EM1OITILETS PARK FEE Y N Policy# RECEIPT N Cam any GAS EA.SYSr M-0VER4(EA) BUILDING DIVISION FEES CertNM copy h filedheretumlehM. GREASEANDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE 17 Cog( copy h(Lied�.vlth the city inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEm PTION FROM WORKERS' GREASETRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWMRSANTTARY-STORM EA 2DOFT Date Recei HI (Im l.bn need not W complaM If the permit h forone hundred dollen (9100)¢I0 W,A.��.�W,/VENT/EECrR ENERGY FEE Y N I calcify thatto An Persoan,anyma.¢k..to become penNjctIssued, I shad not employ any penin f any manner at n to become subjed to the WATER SYSIFId/TREATING PAID WOplican Compenndon laws of GOfomla.Date Z NOTICEl maldng Date Recei NI . O WTICEco esubjeAM:lf,aherrs'Cothh Certificate o(EzempteLabo NEW RESIDENTIAL PIMB. �'Ff- Code,shoulbecome sub)M1uthe ply wit'Comp mvislo provhbruofthe Labor TOTAL: N Code,you eMgt ked.forthwith comply with such proWlon or this permit shall be O j deemed rooked. BUILDING FEE G CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE Z I henbyafflrm that it..ha construction Lending agency for the perform TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE r anmoftheworkforwhichthbi.r tb Wued Sm30Y/,CIv.C.) O ]enders Name PLUMBING FEE H larder,Addren Q7Y. .:;MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEB U 1¢rtffythatl have read thhapplicelionand state rheabove lnformatlon - W hmroa .lagmtocomplywithaBdtyandcountyodivnosandaatelawa PER.M[T SSUANCE FEES PAID. yrelating to building construction,and hereby authorize mprcsentatives ofthis Z citytoenterupon the above-mentioned property fee inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. Date ReCei tM (We)agree to save,IndemNfy an d keep harmlm the City of Cupertino ,gains habili udgr=;maundexpeRx .hich.yi.anyw,y..c AIR HANDLfNC UNIT(TO 10.000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: t; a t id(� oansequen¢ol the sting drhla pemNr. 1141 AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,ODOCFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Slgmwmof App est/Contra rF I EXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDO MATERIALSDISSURE Will theapplicanr or,future uddingoaupantato orhandlehaardous HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BM Date listen tic material a defined by the Cupertino Munldpal Code,Chapter 9.IZ and the Heahhand Sa(dy CMc Sdtion255324)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: , 0 Yea ❑ No WBl the appheart or(utum building occupant use equipment Or devices VENTILATION FAN SINGLE RESID) JSSL]0N('F.AATN ITE which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air �.+ LS/ Quality Management D'u"rid7 BOILER-COMP DHPOR ID0,000 BTU) - ❑Yes MN. I have read the hazardous materials requirements underChapter 595 of BOILER-OOMP(OVER 100,000 BN) ..- the California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.I understand that lithe building don not corently have a tenant that it is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQXT. rcsporutbtty to edify the occupant of the requirements which moat be rant City of inner{inn pr1Or ro muahm of a Cedifiote of Ocmpancy. Owner or authorized agent Date ISSUED BY: TOTAL: OFFICE COPY