01080137 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PC,RMITCONTRACTOR.MORMATION: ' BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10180 CAMINO VISTA DR FRAN LEE CONSTRUCTION IN 01080137 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE MICHAEL & NALKA NAGEL 20917 FARGO DR 08/28/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 996-2527 M rem zo ARCHITECGENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO re'm B ELECT PLUMB MECH g<i " _, L-1 LJ IJ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION y Instant affirm mat I an,licensed under provisions of Charter 9(commencingC� DEMO.) Job DCSCrifon w L-i with Senion]000)of Division Sof the Business andProfessions Code,and my license ,F:5 is in full force and effect. eadiU Licari Clens Lic.% 3 a v Data Contractor ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION .u O� 1 undcrmand my plans shall he used en public records f i p Licensed Professional I s,IamestrumOWNER-BUILDER m the CATION I hereby millionths,1 an empt from the Cession, o License Law o for the 2?M following.,on. pants t 703 onstr Business and ave.de tom Code:Any city or county $10000 0 I F ,,awhich requires n permit re construct.wet.aper.imptnsu demolish,or repair any structure uaj 3 m ..flo t t ,al requires the itimis f Car th,suchpa.itLicto signed sten t - - -- `.- --.. . . ..._...._ _ __._....._. ..__...._ _ then hq n it pills t to m pin i5 ons of the the Bagods License a IA (Chaps 9' 1 3`". t3'��+li',��a�®a r Valuation ' (commencingwith Sect o ]0p4)of Division 3 of the Bgsine. d Professons Cod ,�h , �.��,.'� � %lJ3F.. or that he res exempt therefrom and me M1asrs Por the ul16gu1 ciemption.Any violmion -of Section]031 S by any applicant fm a permit svbjec¢the applicam m e civil penalty- ' 'of but mammadrehanarmamlarx(ssw)_ NO I' D INSPECT 0NS''tr, Occupancy Type owner of Ne property.or my a.,].,cas with wages as their sole compensmion. will"do the'wofk;and and saucame isnot intended or offered for sale'sec."]044.1 _ Bitemess and Professions Code:The Counselor's License Law does nut apply to as Required Inspectionsc ,`:e 0.; 0 wncr of pmpeny Who builds or improves thereon.and who rhes such work himself ofir through howeemployeesprovided that.suchimprovementst' render or i TcQeictfo 1 woe lh building avet improvement ov sold-ed year of. oprove for the owner-builder Ider will have m burden of proving then he did not build or completion. mprove for Purpose of sole.). f l as came,of the grope I iv lyconducting with licensed contractorst f L •'u r l + .".at the project f8 4 B in and o f .l ills m The Connector'sSi„ i Lic n i s oat t r i p pony h bu Ids p h ' rid h gets r ch m at th a contractons)licensed.pursuant to th ....__.. .._. ... .. ___ ._.. ...� { Cot i ❑I a laps der t' , fI to //B&PCf th' ream Irt} .,, , In.-I''`�' O e Datc ,RATIO 1 / OMPENSA 0 ECL N / [[[ I herehy off ren Lind ,pens ty of p ).ry, ne of the following declarations: - - ❑ I h 'd "JI''ma a n e Canis f C t t If far Worker's Co p t pr d r by Sect 3]00 f th Lab Cod f th a perfrmceofth'w f 's 'it isIssued. 111 hav w 11 r kcr p peavation firearaince,as requJ by Sibilant 37Ma pe C f the im nn of the brk'f h¢h thI is s y tY t ranee carrier and Pol a be re •_ w f tPoIcYNVY'o, t t T( t) 140; I" tT C EXEMPTION FROM 0 K RS° OMfENSATION INSURANC ._` _._..... .. (Th tsem, n d the lapleied ,if parent' Foyhundred dollars ' W;i;l' ::.•;f (ii:it 51 W)or I ) .._ .._._...,....„., m................ _.. e nfym that the performance of the wor,fr which th Permit is issued,1: PI„ ultP. salt 1i„ Sh t ,JPT ••�,”-.•.�•._ _ _.. _ ti ill t pl y any pc n y anatt o to b li e subject t the Wo kers v Co pe a Lads of C I f Date` + _`Appl cat OrAA"7F7O 'NOTICES-1 TOt AP If, mc making eCerhficarc of cobs y n. should zbbcmrsb)ecu.thcW Ida,aCp nsdamp of the WoonCom:r..... Forthwith comply th such Po's ons or th pi shall be deemed revoked CONSTRUCION LENDING AGENCY- CT I hby IF then there s a const ct o lending agency for he Ise man a Wr> Dien ham r'pick th tI t s .sued lSee 309] C' C f y.0 L'end %Add ,- __.... . . ...... _..... .._"-.. t V 0 I crtifyahm 1 have rend thrx appli�ehon end scam mm me above -'flames onis ' W e[r' couch.l agree to camplywith all city and county ordinances and state laws relating i ,m buildiagconstrachion:und hereby a thoiiie ripresedeadves ofthis city venter upon• W •me bo W)agree fo snobalitined eroceiva�nnify for inspection ni n pp harmless „ y _ �.,,_ g_ and kee hmayin NeCt ofa nu against W Cliabilities.t1 judgments. a and expenses which may'n any ay gain.-'said, V City uq once of RST gra g f I permit. ” !SOURCE RE60DERSTANpS AND WILL COMPLY'WITH ALL NON POIN'1" i soDlacE RenvLAnoes T.s „-,. � Issued by: Date t XCignamre ofA,,HmmvC.m6aam, It { Dater +:`t ,,HA2ARDpUS MATEftlAlS DISCLOSURE tI Re-roofs WII Ne applicant or future bJld g occupied store or,handlehazmd'vs material Type Of Roof— adas ' peen no Municipal Chapter 912 dm Health d_Saf rYl 1< f 'h y.r,d`A -- '--^ .. _.. noticed by d t Codi Socio 255320 v , ry l �T f_ 3•s t 4 5' r' as , t n j',r 1 t s_ ❑Ye 1 No, !v. yr I r .All,roofs shall.be inspected poor to.any roofing materia] being installed, ,t WII the applicam ur f t building occupant equ p t d which '�if a roof is installed without first obtaining an ms ecnon ba tee to remove e nhaz4d r c nm ma t o roto dbymeB yAreaA Q altyM hagemem- g P g i , q t p ,t .,.,all neew materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with District? t ❑Y 1 No ) .r a 'Will --.. . r ,•e r , all n point soiiice regulations- 1.,., r , ) , .::.r` 1 use read the hazardous materials re u rementa rid r Cha red 695 of the CililauriiP q Health& y d25534 I. yu,raandthml Jthedoes of curten0 have hthPu issuance tifythc - ::..l1 r p occu amaof rh rt tame C�h Sections mu%t X905 25533 an f Cenrfi<3te R I ' building r y i' Oce pe err n . Signature of Applicant _ Date r open nacaug t pe,e All roof coverings to be Class"B"or be "OFFICE_. . r.� . ),,, �L ,_ .osis_. ., ,,,_y� - _ - t+.•n C> .,,:_ ., _, ._