01110030 Cl BUILDING m ESSIIONNO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: HERMIT BUILDLNGADDRESS: PERM"NO. 20781 CHERYL DR WAGNER ROOFING CONTRACTORS INC 01110030 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE Il•CHILDS VERNON S AND BETTY N 7R 12242 SARATOGA—SUNNYVAL RD11/06/ 2001 HONE: (408) 777-8331 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. O O ARCHITECTTiNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO in R w C BLDG ELECT PLUMB MF.CH y a ou IJ L=.1 L"J L7 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION S In 1 herM Rtnn that 1 am licensed under f Chapter 9lromose rein Job Description Sz=o provisn,mn P e REROOF. _Em with Section 70(0).f Divisien3of the Business,red Professions Code.and my license [mss ,in lull raree,nae t. Z.�Z� REMOVE SHAKE ,ado License Class f`_�39 Lica , INSTALL 35 YR. Date SDECLA ELK ELK FIBERGLASS SHINGLES . tau, ARCHITECT"S DECLARATION u 4 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records :ce l O O Licensed Professional ' q OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION to I hereby a10rm that I am exempt fmm the Conuaaor's License Law for the Z following reason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Pmfes%mrx Code:Any city to county _ E s p which requires,permit to construct,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any suuaum 63$ .pri t l situ elsorcq «acne epplkent fw such lemon El<eagncd ammt«nt. -. - ___ _._.. -_ _ - ____._ _.�_ ------------- S _ __ __ that he' Ittnwd pufsuen(Nthe pm it murthe cuntmetnr L«nae�wlCn,pta9 S F'ttFloor-Mea" ,- (cn7s s thSect 7000) fDivision3oftheBoldnessandWild unscode) (.,?`a.TtE.lq: �,�•,, k•ot vx,ii jyi't)w' $76�uation or that he ts'excmpttherefrom and the basis for the allilged uemdtibn.Any violation -of Section 7031:5'byany applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty- Infant mote man five nunarea sonata(ssoo). -_ ,3 5 9P1l? NI1mb910 i:.i"•o Occupancy Type °L as ow«r of the property.or my employees with wages as their sole compmenumn, -will-do'the work.and the structure is not intender]or offered for sale-(See:70L1;" Business and Professions Code:The contractors License Law does nut apply to an 305 - FRAME Required Inspections Ir^wB 0 rnf property Who builds«improves thercon,and who does such wa,k himself 307 — INSULATION «tn n n ply p am- t n improvements are not intoned ' '.orf li sale.If,however.thlihave 'rep eme pis sold he did out year of 61)1 - ROOF '('EAR 'OI'+I'+ compl,ogttirmserbale.).ll have theWNenorprovingthatM1edidnmbudsor 602 — ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL improve for purpose of sale.l. :,.<. ol.,sowner,ofthe property,anexclusively contracting with licensed contracmrstn "-- --603-..-- ROOF—BATTENS--_._..i_..____—._._- __-- construct me project(sec.1044,Business arta Professions cnae:)The Contractor's 604 - ROOF IN-PROGRESS '" " e'�'r i - - License Law dies no,apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, " .and.who.commcufor.such projects with.a.contmctoNs),Iicens .p nuant.ro.tne_ Contncmh LicenseSec l ❑ am exempt under Sea f^' 1 'B'&P C fonM1is reason 101,, Ow Dat ... p�V � RK R S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirrounder ptursillyof,briaryoneoIthe fall 'ng dealrastion: ° 1 have arta will butinner a'Ceitificute bf Consent'io self-insure for Worker's 7 Compensation, as Provided for by Section-37110 of-the Labor Code, for the III performanceof the work for which this panni,is issued: °1 have and will main sin Worker'{Compdnvdon Insurance,as iegvirea by Sectioa 3700 of the Labor Code,fol the performance.bf the work'for'which this Penni,is ax isiued MY W kiss Com n .Insure«exam d Pol cY bcr corner- Lvi ianl yNo ZrYS —OI'- vtpoy3l eJ. .. CERTIFICATION OF,F.XEMPr10N FROMWORKE r t0..NI. " 'COMPENSATION INSURANCE: .: r.:Z p.. �...__.�.._._. _.....___•__... , s"a'Mis'scation nccdeied if the permit is for one hundred dollars (31(q)or Icss.l s I Iterhythatinthe,se mareance of,M1e work for which this Permit is issued I! � ----•�--_ ,,.. ..__,., „ shall ,employ any'pesonl y 'noers t'bc me bJ n theWorkcri Co pcmavon Laws of C I fo .m'Due; //'�/O/ -Applicant_' "•0 .'. .•••m. ..:... ' Q TOAANTIP after missingth Lenticale ofExemption. should zbe'..slntotbeW rkera Compnsate ptonsLxb�,r Coda.y.a must fotrm y wim such provisions or thp.itshll the seemed f~ � e ' CONSTRUCTION 1 ENDING AGENCY ' •" - - 'e > 1 he by vffmi m t me <Hsi ct I tlivg age«y f tti perfdima ce T - ,.. ,�":�: of oe okfo h hints perm ns is d15 3091 Ce C) "' �� � Lender's Aaartss'>•..•:. : . . ._.. _. .._—.__...._._ V."0 �!1 certify mat I have rens this applica,ion end orate itis,the'ebove information is -- -[..t damn:l egrtt to comply wire all city.nnd county,ordivnnces arta ante.laws relating i 0., - to buildin tmaidn.aria herbb -...._.. _._. -_.. . _._._.._.._._.__...._.__.__._.____.....__.... ._ ,f) Sco^s yamhorizFreprcscnmtives of this`ciry to cn¢r upon >;:W Ne above-mcmioncd property for inspcc,ion,Purpous.. .._ ,y, m . _-y '(Wc)agree tos ctndemnity and kttp harmless'me Cty ofC pertina against .. . ...... ._ _..._.., ... .._..__- .. r VJ lion 1 t es 1 dgments,c sts d expenses hich. y_in any y come agaimt said f.1 ,'� Ciry m ebnsequenm of Ne grant g of Nis Penna - APYLICAK UhT3LR$TRh US PND WILL COMPLI'H'ITH ALL hON-POltv'T't" I - SOURCEREGULATIONS '.' ""f;' - Issued by: Date az refund nerur or Appl"nVC t '•c 1s.11 D tc ! -Re roofs - - S HA]ARDOUS MATERIAL$DISCLOSURE x - sen me avvlbans r roNre lu la ng« p t t "Hartel ware' i l _Type of Roof... _<--. ._�. . _ _c./ f ectheCupertino Municipal- Code Chapter912 and theHealth dsof Safety — -- Code Section 2557 O ( + i I 3 y 1c� 1 P ... ..1� f�.Y�{� } ,i Y•,,. °Ye °No cz 1~1 + _ All.roofs shall,be inspected pnor.to_an .roofing material.being.installed. 1 W11 the mor acuses ., '-- —" applta t u r ture wilding«ass at usecgo If a roof is installed without first obtaining ari ins ectidti,-I'a Tease remove it hazard c ream t def ed by th B yArcaA Q it tyMa gc Hent, g P g all new materials for.inspection. Applicant understands and well co_rnply with Dyes., ON. all non-point source regulations , „ --- ' 1 have rand the mandoust=led.],rcqutrem nu undo Chaps 695 of the C lifom a H Ith&S fc,y Code 5 n ons 25505 25533 red 25534 1 underst d th, 'foe building does not ec n0y havea,enem tht us myrt pomtb l,y,o onfyoe - -- - - - occ ipant of the req 'remenrs h Is us be t p o t a;vett f e Ccn f ere of c l/� 61--- Occupancy Si nature of Applicant --_` _-- ,. . _ / PP Dare-'- - -- - -- - - own munaedPg .� Data,, All roe coverings to be Class,.B or better , .......OFFICE--