34493 1053 d6t6h*S1 H31.11� f CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION F"ILDING PERMIT Date--/ - -01-------------------------2. 19-60— Permit No.-C;7_4VY-47-0---------- Application is hereby made for a permit to ---0)e7e :................................................ Building a--------/.......story, T pe-2-1-4 1,5- --------------- at ------------------------------- to be occupied only as _7------- in accordance with Plans, Specifications and a file herewi h Estimated Value of Improvements, $ It is hereby,agreed that the requirements of"the San Jose Building and Zoning Ordin.�ce, and .11 other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of San Jose, will be complied with. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any per. son in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. Owner ...Address ..17 -------------------------------- .kZ By- ----------------S/ ... ...............-----------------------Address -----------------------------------------L..... .,-2, — � I otVTor nA ki,,S - Form 280.1 105,fYn14a.,uel Villarreal RECORD OF INSPECTION Foundation ------I/.............-..,......... 5 ,-e-� . .................... Frame -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Stucco ----------------------------------------------------- 4- —(" 0 - ------------------------------------------------ 61-16 0 49