NO PERMIT NUMBERLot No. No. Street y APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT j CITY OF CUPERTINO �j File No. SI`1 Sanitary No. K/9Idle� Date 3 3 196 7� . Application is hereby made for a permit to a / story, Ty v to be occupied only as 041 in accordanlf with plot Plan, Plans 407pecification filed herewitO Estimated Value of Improvements FEE$ &7 "M � Owner � �i/%� or Contr. $ .Z.i Plan Check $ Address er� Address Phone State License /47 7 Approved APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date 3 196—% FEES .ZO S� Contr. Y'V Address 9-7,� s Phone ^7 3 G J oZ � State License Approved L'- APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Date 3 / G 196 Z GAS FEE E PLUMBING FEE $ Contr. t/` 44e 3 Phone t22 9' 1 23 A-3 Address State Lic Approved APPLICATION FOR APPLIAI Date �3y^ v 1% FEES /''fo Contr._ 1/ p "ct— Address 13 Phone �,`—� 9� ^"" State License �oZ(o Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the - State of California RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS, / FOUNDATION -e% BUILT UNDERFLOOR FRAME LMea ATH PLASTER FINAL /i ��a! Date ins oe cto, ELECTRICAL ,OUTLETS /i SWITCHES -1- RECEPTACLES( Y /3 FIXTURES J H.P. CHARGE- PEWMIT FEE TOTAL FEES ti UNDERGROUND V SI �3� � ctor ROUGH WIRING �'D e 1 Spector FINISH WIRING Pit pector FIXTURES- All: Date Inspector Motors - - I spa ttor FINAL Dote Inspector PLUMBING & GAS MAIN DRAIN SIZE MATERIAL STORM DRAIN SIZE MATERIAL WATER SYSTEM SIZE ITERIAL TOTAL FIXTURES a3 UNDERGROUND FIXTURE FEE PARTIAL ROUG �?' MAIN DRAIN FEE �O� Date ROUGH COMPLETES ----:-?- n STORM DRAIN FEE MAIN DRAIN or WATER SYSTEM FEE S '♦! Date GAS PIPING -9 l/Inectyr GAS PIPING FEE / to FINAL � ct'r PERMIT FEE p% A Dote MISC Inspector TOTAL FEE Date MISC -Inspector Dote Inspector APPLIANCE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE CIRCULATING HEATERS REGISTERS BLOWER FURNACES o2 `r-" 'COMBUSTION VENT SUSPENDED UNIT MISC�'¢'� �ry GAS RANGE -- MISC GAS DRYER PERMIT FEE j2i- INSPECTED Date Ins pa ctor NO STREET LOT NO ;,.C'IT�f'"O l9VPIFd1INp -CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT Date .''rv_ �r Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino Pipes and/or` fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, '.;and/or fixturesin accordance with the provisions of th e StateLicensew Approved to C�e✓s Plumbing Inspector j; I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 0 FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN - Units Fees - - Uriits , Fees Water Heater Size j Water Closes Material Both Tub # To Curb Shower To Prop. Line Lavatories To Existing Kitchen Sink JJpt Conn. " Dish Washer - Waste Disposal 1 { Wash Troy { "}-. STORMDRAINAGE Washing Machine - Size - t - Water Softener - _f f Material - Bar Sink To Main Drain Comb. Sink 8 Tray - - To Curb Dental Unit Drinking'Fountain Floor Drain - - WATER SYSTEM - Hopper - " -Size Restaurant Sink Material Sand Trap TOTAL FEES" " Urinal - '}- .Fixture Fee Area Drain Main Drain Fee-`-' _ Water Leader,_ �- - Storm .Drain "Fee - - .SprinklerSystem' _ / 1, _ Water Sys."Fee Relief Value -Gas Fee' - "Vac Breaker - Skimmer -- Filter - 'Pool Sweeper - - Permit Fee - Total Total Fee G v - 1 % lz� l /, iG /.W' I OT NO. / NO. STREET N Q w Z i ¢ y O ¢ LL oQ wU ro 0 F o a >) zN a w w I 00 > N Oa zJ J Z J O 3Q w Z w w ¢a 4 `U 1' APPLICATION FOX BUILDING PERMIT ,sy� II CITY OF CUPF.RTINO Sanitary No. 7 Uat�c ^ 196�. "Permit No. d2e�� 7- Application is hereby made for a permits to�f�f ' a(`I'G'1ll�l�glr�����!/ Building to be occupied only as Loul�C <<or..`-CsZ&12a� in accordance wits Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan hied herewith. PI Ck Fee Estimated Value of Improvements, $ 000 �O Fee $ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be complied with. Owner e�2 �fl9tlG Phone s;h' Ille State License S/ l Address �o>. Ate'r1 D ' Address / ApprovedG BUILDING INSPECTOR 21591 Columbus Ave. No. STREET — LOT No. 13 Plan flog �.P�PL:I:CATION. FOR 'ELECTRICAL PERMIT " jCITY OF CUPERTINO NAR 6 1967 ?.:. Date 3-3 19§7 Permit No. MY OF CUPERTINO Ffe SZO-0 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or.fixtures_in accordance with the.provisions-of the -Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other aws applicable thereto. Use of Premises 1-fam. res. Owner nit?-rrana Address K G. WANDERER By SE5 HiFE ; „ass _ Address SUNNYVAE2�13dML.QADA9f�W Approve Phone: PHONE 79u-5421 State License 12422 WSPECrou I✓ NEW_ RPL FEES Size Service Conduit ---------------------- Number of Outlets--..--------- -- 15 -- .---...------..--- Size Service Wires .... --------------------- Number of, Switches...-____--- ---------- ---- --- __...._---- ---------- Size Service Switch ------------------------ Size Number of Receptacles-..-....--- - 5-,l - ------- ---- Size Sub Feed Conduit ------------------ Number of Fixtures-....._...._..-- --....... 2 -- ------- ------ Size Sub Feed Wires --- - --------------- Ranges ---- ------- KW------------- Number of Circuits ----------- ....... Oven KW. ---------- ---------- --- Number of Meters_..._------ ----------Signs---------- Transformers...----- ---------- ---------- ---------__. Misc------- Misc --------- Dryers .... / --- ---- ------- --- ---------- ---------- ---------- -- ----------- Motors ---- P base -------------- Permit Fee $t.00 Motors-------------------- HP -------------------- Phase ------------------ - Motors-------------------- HP ------ - ------------ Phase ----------- -------- H P Charge ---------------- --- TOTAL FEES 3D Zia RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS RoughWiring--------------- ---------------------------- Fixtures ------------- -------- -------------- ----------- - 04TI INSPECTOR 1.11.,T.. Finish Wiring ........ ....... ............ ... ... �.ATE ......... ........ --------- --- ------------------- DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR totorS Final........... .......... ........ ------------------- DATE INSPECTOR NO. STREET LOT NO. APPLICATION 'FOR 'ELECTRICAL PERMIT _l) CITY OF CUPERTINO �'9S7 G7 Date , 19A_ Permit No, �� 7 nr-V P— i�l tnrj T i Fee S Application;is hereby'made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordan(e with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises I Owner I.T - Address By e � _ Address C� CONTRACTOR, AGENT A pprov Phone ELECMCAL M, State License- Size Service Conduit ------------------ ---- Number of Outlets ------------------ --------- .------.- ------ .--- Size Service Wires ------------------------- Number of Switches------------- -- --------- ---------- ------------ Size Service Switch ------------------------ Number of Receptacles----.-.-.--- - ------ ---------- ------------- Size Sub Feed Conduit ------------------ Number of Fixtures.---------------- ---------- ---------- .--_-.------- Size Sub Feed Wires --- - --------- ..... Ranges ---------------- KW-------------- ----- -- ---------- ------------- Number of Circuits----------------- Oven .------------ KW------------ -------- --------- ---------...- Number of Meters ----------------------- Signs ....... ... Transformers_.---- ----.-..-..-------- --------.---. Motors .................... HP -------------------- Phase -----------------.- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors----------- -------- HP ------------------- Phase ------------------ Motors -------------------- HP ------------ ----- Phase ---------- --------- H P Charge -..------------ TOTALFEES RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS RoughWiring ..... ----------- 1---------------------------- Fixtures --------------------- -------------------- DATE ItS[[CTOt DATE IKSr[CTOt Finish Wiring ..------- ------ I ------- --- --0- -totorS ----" -- '---........ --._------'--- DEre �tsr[crot D�rE �x[r[crotnal ------------------------......------'-'--`--- DSTE ItSrECTOt wQ u z STREET �� ✓ / LOT NO. \O. STR EEi � rAPFPLI ATIIONY FOR PLUMBING PERMIT OF CUPERTINO Sanitary No. 1962 Permit No n'-^sr dkl , h P FeeS Cz c5�a Apphcahonj �s her tb 2he City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed onthe reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Owne By ` CON 'RACTOR, AGENT State License_ �I Approved PLUMBING INSPECTOR —_— a UNITS FEES UNITS FEES Water Heate J' Size _ Water Closets �.., Y,—e Material Bath Tubs r -C. To Cur Showers / ,gl To Prop. Line Lavatories 1, • le To Existing Kitdren Si ish WashersWaste Dsposals TraysDRAINAGE Water SoftenersBar A EC.rb[,, SinksainCom . Sink s TraysDental Units_Drin iug FountainsMoor DrainsSTEM _ Size Hoppers Restaurant Sinks Material Sane raps TOTAL FEL'S Urines Fixture Fee / rca rains Main Drarn F St-C �Uater leaders o of rain, ee- „5'e Sprinkl,r V:dves Water Sys. Fee SZ� Permit Fee a—(' TOTAL 155 / ii TOTAL FEE RECORD OF INSPECTION Underground Rough Partial Rough Rough. Complete Main Drain Final a 2Z d� Ro Z LL 3a W W ' O LL F oa >� zN W i� J LL 00 > N oa zJ J J'0 3` - N � 2 I.F W O -u 21591 I Cojumbus Ave. 13' LOT NO. NO. STREET APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO y� f Date N"';'+p :>•� la=:% - 196— Permit No. Fee $C. 10.2'0 T V Application is khereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install, gas aupli ttR1 as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Residence Own By130 S. Gilman Ave. - FR 8-093, Phon tSdi4iR '@!;'�Fbrnio Mate License— icens STATE CONTRACTOR'S LICE S # Address D 0 ?nX 500 c �.r Approved PLUMBING INSPECTOR V Type of Appliance Units Fees I Remarks (Check ✓, New Replace Relonte Gas Ranges CUall Heaters Gas Plaies �� Circulating Heaters :Blower Furnaces 0,3 Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Percolators Griddles Steam Tables Gravity Furnaces Suspended Unit Floor Furnace Miscellaneous (NAME, TYPO To • I I pp.ance •ees I I I OA-S 11 1_ Inspected and Approved................................................................. DATE. INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date .......jG' . ........................ 10�7. ` Building Permit No.10��P, The Building Located at�� Owned by .......: .:E-. .. ' `. f er.`diY%:.t.......................................................... om lete_d Has Been (Altered) -Vor Use As:....._:;.\`o"''�c;-'.6..::................................. BUILDINU INSFEC1"UR 102 12166-1M Bldg. Dept Office Copy BUILDINGANSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No . ....... . 7--2.� ......... . Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. ..... Lot No. —./IX .................. 1j Z- Owner or Tenant ----- C044 At Tract............ .......................... ...................... DateConnected ................................ ............................................ 1 f-�:7 DateFinal .................................... 4 ..................................................... ig.v'7. r- ------------ ( - - -- -- -- ------------ —* ........ * ........ PLUMBING INSPECTOR 111 7/63-1M (�3 GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE ll COPY, BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ./ ............................... I 96..J To You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant ..... ... .el��t��' C?s2s._...r.................... New Service .............. No. of Meters ..... ./............ Reconnect _..................._....... Move Service .......... .............. No. of Add. Meters ....... Move Meter ................... lalz....... _.......... _... PLBING INSPECTOR OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC BUILDING (C)TY SERVICE NOTICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE OF — C . U P I E . R . T . I . N . 0 --- t96-1 are hereby anth ri ed o con, ice for 11 ec, e"-5c Owner or Tenant ............ At.......... No. of Wires ..... Z ............. Size of Wires ... Size of Switch ft,.04 Motor Load ........................... Voltage .........._.................._Phase ...... ............ ... -- - HeatingLoad ........................ K. W . ......... ............ .......... . Voltage .............................. No. of Meters ........... I ........ g t .... I 10 .... *e!.' New Service ..... ooe'.7� Reconnect ............. Heat ......... - ..... 220..... Three of Add. Meters............ r ... OK ... .. Move Service .......... hree Power ............... it is ........ ..... Move Meter.............. ELECTRICAL INSPE OR ROUTE SLIP File No. �5-116 :,-7 _ Date Out 7:3 1 Date In Location P Subject. d Notes Approved' -/ZG Date Inspector ..RCUTE SLIP File No. 7 Date Out% Date In. Location. i. Subject, Notes Approved Date Inspector