NO PERMIT NUMBERLot No.a No. Street APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO File No. c3 Sanitary No. � 9 %J— Do7 t� - is hereby made for a permit to a _ r story, to be occupied only as in accordantYwith Plot Plan, Phan"ndd Specification filed Estimated Value o4 Improvements E taz' e" ` . d j Plan Check E Address Address State License is/791 Approved APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT v Date 1 196 7 FEE$ �� 7 Contr. /'r//�-^- t, Address 9d-� Phone - %.3 1° -`�/ a"� State License �o2'/�a .2- Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Date ,� 196 T ' GAS FEE E �S / � PLUMBING FEE E ��� � Contr. zoo � I/- /�Q'''1�_ Address -23>Z - 9 Phone.i 13 State License Approved - �r APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE ERMIT Date �ou� 1%�� FEES �/�5n'yd Contr. ^"V1�^-�-" Address 13 d /" /°G"-�>~-•-.,�� phone JEC �%.%_ State License, Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the _ State of California - - RECORD OF INSPEC' FOUNDATION 44 UNDERFLOOR FRAME LATH & PLASTER .1L FINAL r,-eAa CrveCQ p j. OUTLETS SWITCHES 7a Y RECEPTACLES IT FIXTURES ,P. CHARGE PERMIT FEE 3 TOTAL FEES S �� ELECTRICAL UNDERGROUND —f �t� Inspector ROUGH WIRING _ -Pt- b nspector FINISH WIRING N 7� Date `/� V 1 I spector FIXTURES Dole �^ Inspector Motors r v�tq _ spector Ai FINAL Date Inspector PLUMBING & GAS MAIN DRAIN SIZE MATERIAL STORM DRAIN SIZE MATERIAL WATER SYSTEM SIZE ITERIAL TOTAL FIXTURES UNDERGROUND FIXTURE FEE PARTIAL ROUGN..�—I�CJ / �uv Date //Ins for MAIN DRAIN FEE J ROUGH COMPLETE D t6 I c STORM DRAIN FEE MAIN DRAIN — ote s—ea? / or WATER SYSTEM FEE /`� GAS PIPING /�� -_ / Date (� or GAS PIPING FEE � FINAL � ' Date -spector PERMIT FEE 02✓ MISC L Date Inspector TOTAL FEE MISC APPLIANCE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE CIRCULATING HEATERS REGISTERS BLOWER FURNACES COMBUSTION VENT SUSPENDED UNIT MISC GAS RANGE MISC GAS DRYER PERMIT FEE FLOOR FURNACE TO FEE INSPECTED Date Inspector LOT NO. 12 an NO. STREET W ¢ APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT g S� TY OF CUPF.RTINO 9 a 61�.m`a�� Sanitary No. sV I , Date 11962 Permit No. s�A '0 11 o pplicanon is h2reby made or a permit to a wIn a ^� ., ^.stor�� Building r , to be occupied only as in accordance with o`o Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan file herewith. PI Ck Fee F ; Estimated Value of Improvements, $ -2 6� PBS Fee $ i J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and * Z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of J O Cupertino will be complied with. 3 N Owner Address a By Address r�� a �T aU Phone State License'MILDING INSPECTOR / 21S92 Columbus Ave _ NO. STREET LOT NO. 27, Plan 1107 APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Date 5-3-67 , 195— Permit No. Fee 5 ? 70 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other !aws applicable thereto. Use of Premises OwnerDitz—Crane ngtl La Address H. G. WANDERER By aAtrtn HUAD Address SU NNYVCAT';,,,TVjf'OR IN A Approve Phone: PHONE 735-5421 - ELECnUCAL IMPECTCM State License- 12422 �' RFL Size Service Conduit ------...... Number uJ ---'� ��' � SizrSen�o���inn----------'2�oodnzvfSni�bo----'-----� --�_---� \ -|lk7P Size Sub Frr6 Wires .................... Ranges .-.-------- K3&--_-_-------_�- Nuo6xr o6 ----------����w-.-' Trausboroeo'------�--'------- | | | ^��~ DK�c. D �� � / / —'^r^`� -__________�___�_________ ��ouns---���--�}{P---Pbuse-----'-- �»cr��dFee S�^O0 Motors-------------------- I8P................... Phase __--'-- Motors---_-----.l{P_-__-_-9husc--�-__E{PCburge - TOTAL FEES RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS 04TE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR Finish Wiring ................ |........................ S-----. ----- |------- ---------- ----- DATE INSPECTOR "AT E IN SP EC T 0 R � ^^~~ '----------r-'-------' CAER INSPECTOR 5-3-67 Heidi: On April 1, 1 took out an electrical permit for Lot 46,11157 Palos Verdes Dr., Plan 110.� This -lot has since been cancelled; would you) apply the permit fee, to the attached card for, Lot 27, 21592 Columbus Ave.,.P,lan 1107. e- Thank you, H. G. WANiJc3c R�J 825 KIFER ROAD SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA Isabel Hensley . PHONE 73Z-54P% Your recei y t tag #3195, Pile #51167 H. !925 KIFER ROAD I G. WANDERER ELECTRIC PHONE 736-5421 - Sonnyvala, Calif., 196— Sold to 11157 I Palos Verdes Dr. 46 Plan 1107 / NO. STREET LOT NO. APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT L+` CITY OF CUPERTINO Date oD SQC74-;1=+ ,96Z milo. S//Co 7 � Fee $ Application.is hereby made. to the Cit of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiling and/�oryfiatoress asflistXdce dlnie reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accwith the provisions of [he Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all os applicable thereto. Use of Premises /1 —.fam Owner Ditz—Crane Address jganH. By H. G. WANDERER ._ Address co ircrt / SUNNYI %LW, Up.C1iaG� ilA ApprOVB —. Phone: PHONE 73b-5421 L ELECTIUCAL 4 State License- 222 � NEW RPL FEES TOTAL RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Wiring ................ L'---.................. Fixtures -----'_J--------_-- omx /xm,n"o m,, INSPECTOR FiuisbWiring ..... ---_-|----.-----. ---_-------_-_----__'^ wn^ m,,,w^" »°w Iiovl--------- ............... L—.---.- /m,n�o ....... � "wx ""mCTo li!/-1C/%��/�/1/mil/ LOT NO. NO. STREET APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT Z < CITY OF CUPF.RTINO wz Y o '- Sanitary No. 0 U Date A •ril' 26, 1967 196— Permit No_5. i o . - Fee $ oZ (e Application' ishereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing o pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices 'z m and/ac fixtures -in. accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of < w Cupertino, and,nll other laws'applicable thereto. w x � r Use of Premises Dwelling 00 3 Owner Ditz Crane Company 2295ssDe La Cruz Blvd„ S. C. Addre o< J, By Palm Plumbing Company YJ4 Sunnyvale -Saratoga Road O CONTRACTOR, AGENT ress 3`< 245-2323 - W Phone w z 0< a { o State License 186579 Approved / - U PLUMBING INSPECTOR —rrX'Iv : PIItiinr: —MAIN DRAIN — UNITS FEES UNITS FEES Water Ifente Size Water Closets Material path Tubs / To Curb _ Showers To Prop. Line Lavaturies ,y"' To Existing Kitchen Sinks / C N=5TORM Dish Washers Waste Disposals ash Trays INAGE Washing Machines /Water Softeners Bar Sinks Com . Sink s Trays Dental Units _ Drin ing Fountains floor Drains WATER SYSTEM Size F uppers Rest urant Sinks Material San raps TOTAL FEES rinall7 s — Fixture Fee Ile, Area Drains Vfiter Leaders Main Drain.-'ee �StIIrm" m— ,j--," ,3 D Sprinkler Valves Water Sys. Fee s-' Permit Fee ?6r TOTAL jq S TOTAL FEE G SQ RECORD OF INSPECTION Underground Rough Partial Rough Rough. Complete \•Iein Drain Final 21592 6olumbus Ave, LOT NO. 27 NO. STREET _ APPLIC TION FOR APPLIANCE ' PERMIT OF CUPEATINO Date { --- 196 Permit No. 1 JUI IJUI Fee$ LS _ o0 lA plication Vi hereby made to the City -of Cupertino for a permit to instathe reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises _FiPGidence Owner Ditz—Crare Add,,,,—P.O. Box 509 J. PLOG SHEET META CO. State Licens STATE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE #1 ApprovedWILLIAM D. BENBVICH PLUMBING INSPECTOR tl Type of Appliance Units Fees II Remarks (Check ✓; New I Replay I Relocate Gas Ranges I I II I I Wall Heaters I I II Gas Plates I II I Circulating Heaters Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers I I II I I Warming Ovens I II I I Percolators I I I Griddles I I II I Steam Tables I I II I I Gravity Furnaces Suspended Unit^Ij _ Floor, Furnace Miscellaneous (NAME. TYPE) 112 13.a� II� I 12 12.00 I I I oo II _ �pees IS.Lo I I Inspected and Approved ................................. DATE. INSPECTOR I . CERTIFICA7-E •OF 'COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ' '...✓.::��............�................. 19r?.... :Building Permit No.:�_r.L.G.�'..� The Building Located at :..../....1...................................................................................... Owned by ... Dt..f.z...:.... : v 4 n ............................ . ............................................ Has Been (Completed) For Use As:.....�.. ram' C Vjnte,... f' pju ............................................. BUILDING INSPECTOR 102 12/66-I M Bldg. Dept . Office C'bpy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO //// ❑ Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. ..... 7....�.../.,,..�.... �lumbing Final Plumbing Permit No....1j.._��?' ��yy rram�................ ........ Lot No. ..... AS.I.................. C Owner or Tenant . _.-�..... ..�...�/........................_................ At ��l'�/...'?. 4f---- ¢.--- ... ........................................ Tract...................................................................................... 1 . i Date Connected .................................... . °. 19. 7- !1 . Date Final ./�.............................................. e...........------...................................... 19l:?....... --------------------- PLUMBING INSPECTOR Ill 7/63-1M GAS..SERY[CE NOTICE Of-TICE 91 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE COPY CITY Or CbPERTINO ............ .............. ........... 196-7 'ro You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant At ................................ New Service ... No. of Meters ... ........ Reconnect ................. Move Service ............ ....... -- No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter .......................... INSI�&OR C E COPY ELECTRIC *SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO CC 196 To You are hereby autpfi� to C/1"Iect.electrica.1 service for Owner or Tenant At No. of Wires ..... Z ------------- Size of Wires ........ ....... Size of Switch Motor Load .......................... Voltage .... .......... ...... Phase ......... ................ Heiting Load ........................ K. W. ............. ....... Voltage ............... No. of Meters ........ (Light....... New Service..,.._.... .. Reconnect............_.,., ............ No. of Add. Meters............ Heat............_--- 220.... Th W Power ..... _Th&Pih, t CAL INS 'L'c" :ROUTE SLIP File No. Date Out Date In �— Location Subje--t Notes Approved: /Z :.. 9&L rSA Date Inspector