00100151 CITY OF CUPERTINO R et +<: a nun.mrvc nivtston PERMIT 'CONTRACTOR INFORMATION '• " BUILDING ADDRESS - • PERMIT NO. l• ' - - o OWNER'S NAMH: NLIhIF_ DRIVE. ACME '8' SOhIS SAN7ITATIO /ELEIL'"I'Ft F 010015 1 SANITA n3. r LNO..' , x. 1ES80 Sa 7TH ST' . lel/c Lc+�00 ❑W Z ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: c'• -BUILDING PERMIT INTO $. r�y FF� (408)275­2263 •BLDG ELECT e PLUMB MUCH Z m Y LICENSED COM RACTOEt S DLCLARATIOM1 _ _ Job DCSCrI tlOn 2 °Z Ih by Option thtl e:J J 1 1'Chapter 9(eommc g, p - - t+ 1-1H lidiSect 7000) 1D' n3of[lot Bu w -nsP 1 . at,Lode aid aryl ten s � ' t fell d fl I �K�dLic as Class •'(V TLI .# O . Dal 3 ARCHITFCr s DBCLAItATION ' Innacfaa m ny pr ,eh.ul ne netea a,paNe ..an q'ew•2 dSo„J .. TFTEMPf?OWER POLE ,t ,,W o o Licensed Poodoi....al OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION m-m [,here h eby.R door l .eo,uI theFrom t L' Law In,the _# Z C Poll giscou(S I 5 7031 Business ard Prourcom.1 Code,Any city or county .•4 ' $O which l pe a a t II 1demolish,' V Y I structure o .p I I I q II rpl' ,f r, hp tl tl g d patter - that he licensed wp t to the pruvri f the te t t License Law(tel ter9 '.5 Ft. Floor Area Valuation ... enbwth Su.Inn7oW)ofeb mo [Ile Ii 1 .Cade) q _ _t ', - lrl hatlthu is cxcm I thcrefrnt and the basis for the aIle• i ed exemption.An violation of aceto...than l.5 ny any uppliwdl fa$500th:!eunJma the uppliwm to n civil pclialty on.,,Icon.e(nun rye pgndreaaeknre(.soo). . . - APN Number Occupancy.&pe' ❑I fth V p tY YC PI y rwill d th w rk d the interim, IInsured, R d f ser.7044,Business 1 Code The C I t 'I' L J t o work himself egUlred Inspections •' a I'property Wl huW p th I d 1 kti If ,3P,217002. L71 - ,. or'through his own Ca11 y .1 'd dth I. h p tents are not intended r c _ oll'ered for sale If I nwr,cr the hadd i g it on, ve rent is sold with n one year r a f coapt! m buille will house theburden ftlmh 1'dnrh 'ld np 1rp .p 1 1 tl g 304 —. ROUGH ELECTRICAL," ❑I - flh_ 1 pri. m warimisely ccI Meeting 'thl ed cormarturlIn SOI. - FINAL EL_ECTRICAI, ENERGY on I net the p cjw(See'7840 Has nee.- n lProleract ome,C de)The Contor. LiwteeLaw dw,s rlplyt,,;in owner orTinkly who bala,to inr,rucs,thereou. - SOSFINAL ELECTRICAL - +, and wire lontrust"bul qoh p-jars with a conhaemr(s) Hocu.sed 1ralnoril m the, Co...,,I is'u License Caw nm ' ❑I cxcmPl mWhr Sec ,H di P C for Ibis reason' Ow Dadto .. ^ WORKER 5COMIFNSAIIUN DECLARATION /f••/ I hereby affirio orderpenalty lty f lqtfLay one_of the billowing J I kt ` .. <s V .2 7 a U I f Consent to 11 rc our W k r. - - ,,,,!,,have, it 'll h CI I nvatbn as Provtried in, by Seim 3700,of he I,I r Coda to, the - - pef ranee of the work rin which Ihlx permit is Issued. - - - r s ❑1 auto unJ will mainmia Workci s Cwnpunantlon Insurmsa n.reyuimd by Section 3700 nr the Labor odc,for tiro perfnnntme,of the work Ibr which this permit is - ' i"ned.M Worker's Ga�n utton lnvunmcc carticF and Polite hcrare: n - - �(- (r Y I +pea, y nem Carziee�Yfi rKN C Paliey No.:' S 71 4 S • - - „ , + C IWrIFICATION OF EXF,MITI'[ON FROM WORKERS' - COMPENSATIONINSURANCE - • t' _ ' (Tho uYl eor ce,d rat be canpletul if permil is for one hundred dollars ($10(dbr less) .r ^ I cearly than in the perronnaaee of lie work Int which this permit is issued,h sad( I curploy any prison-in any manner so as to become s.trjact to the Workers' ^ - - Counilwasurtion Laws olCalifornia.Date ` Applicant NUTICLTOAPPLICANT Ir tt mak gal' Cn'1 I fL pi- y I uIJ � _ ' bcco nc sublcena theta k C p I p n. fm 1 b Cd y fust ' _O Q n,nnwhlte..rttplyw3h I p ,:krr,nr❑'. p rsrvnnutied tea revoked. , .. - . CONST RUCTION LENDING AGENCY` n Ir C 1 Beefy un r n (but them I t r lending agency for the Pcfforrm of ate work rnr wn ch[his penia t issued(Sec Sun Cis.C.) L Q Lender's Name' .. - 7 Z Lend Address + - f..7 I tlydstII dthis i,e' t dilas,thatch n Ions -. Lr. F art t Iab tr l,with all city' J county unhounnock ada t ]as,,oclatin, .. C c building consourtion.said hereby author represenrtves of this city to ever upon �S men r 'I - - p p tyl i I v r], (W)agree I Indemnify andkeep 'U Vi . the fC p t dagainst lI Jg t. t J . :which Yn;my city againstsaid U City inconsequence y nand gram gof • . WILL CO S01[0j:B Nl:GULUpSIpfANU9RND WILL COMPLY WITH�L NON Pp. Issued by., v 'Date s Siganmemi AApphdamniContryter - Dale Re-roofs ' . - IIAZARDOU ATERIALS DISCLOSURE , Will the ii,fir t rI h 'Idib oectpart careerh JI ho J mut 'a1' ,,'type Of ROOF •' .. n,dcdcd by the Criterion Muti a pal Code Chapter 9 12,roil the Health and Surety ' - Cale,Section 25532(a)9 • '- • Ed ye, `., ono Allroofsshall be inspected prior to any rooting mall material being insted. wll n aper t r I 1 m; b p I use equipI J when va rcont mIf arroof is installed without first obtaining an inspection','I agree to remove. - emirhr laantas dW aelhythBay AraiA Qndly Manage but, - - - .a v ' Vi,I t7Ytee =oNn all new materials for.inspection, Applicant understands ankf will comply with . - - - all non-point source regulations. 1 bout read the howNous minitial,ou,nocntchta widerAhnptcr 6.95 ef.the -- - Califnrniu HwlO&Snlcty Code,Steel......25505,25599 and 25594�l understand that Rebuilding does ne'ro'cully hnbentoorat.thet it is my responsibility to notify the • „ '• ....' t at he m,u,armts�which Iraq be met prier er issuance of a Cenir.cule of '- occ(aj �y. 2 .' Signature of Applicant ' Date `• 1n.4_b- GAG,Lap' 7Gl2��a'0 All roof coverings,[o be Class "B" or better Owns authorized ed strict ' . - :. OFFICE