253320 ,C'Z OaO. <ULJ �zu <y �r=iZ :Zr=O :v!_m U _^ O amp —�C xFvs :zr -3eO • APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINOBUILDING - ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING- MECHANICAL j BUILDING PRODUCT IDUNTDlCAT10N;j{>::;7>§:x"" PERMIT NO. 25332 BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE L 1_�rs G 11/{ y UNIT# LOT OWNERS NAME: PHONE: CONTRACTOR'S NAM LIC NO: NIC CONTROL# +\RCHI 'LT GINEER: LIC NO: . ADDRESS: O ACT' HONE:, .. ( fa. *�>.' Iw nn r :�.: rats �3: �„': -, A..'rc:..A: QTY.q.BLECI'RIC PHRMITV(ai ^`r3'?AP,-,EMI;. - `. BUILDING PERMIT INFO' BLDGCf PLU MECH PERMITISSUANCE N {� LICENSEDCONTRACTOR'SDECLARATION 1 rc affirm Netl am licenseemelarprovisionsof LTapter9(commencing with APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL JOB DESCRIPTION Semian fOivisicn 3 of N<Business and Professions Code. and my license is in full farm and effect. PANELS LiccnseClass Lic.k UP TO 20) AMPS R09I 201 - IOW AMPS Date Convector ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 undersand my plans shall heated n ec public rords. OVER IOW AMPS D SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA ` LSQ. FT. I / !.i �� SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed Professional OWNER-BUm.DER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Convectors Law for she 1^ — L aa TEMP.MEfER OR POLE P1gT. Code: Any city or county e: Any following inxamesa l armat to construt,aver, ianrove. dssions pollrt rtGY1R3aperlmt cmasthealter,Improve•h pair myx6god BQannom i Ne applicantfine pemtiUoLicesignedsmemmt permat fie prior to iuissnsedlprnarmn. POWER DEVICES the Co Nathem usingw pmsumno0( oil Diomof the Contractors License Lew s, Coder Professions Code) 9(commeis ixemitt Section70(1aW)of Division Sof Need ascription. Ne Perisfartheaseged nempsion. Myvioledon of Semon 1031.5 Sectionat 70 1.5 by my applicant any dmt far a Permit subjects the applieanno a rivil penalty of SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC yAI,UpTIOy V S OUTLETS-SWITCHES-FI%TURES fivedyed raw ml. Nenfivehundreddollar(SSW). ❑ I,ssownerofNepropcny,armyemployttawiN wegnntheiraolecompensedon, NEWRESIDENTIALELECIR_SQ.FT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION will do the wmk• and the swctare is not inumdead or offend for sale (Sec.1044, Business and Pmhousena Code: The Contractor's License law does am apply to m owner of property who builds m improves Merton, end who don such work himself or through his wnemployees,provided that such impmvemenuarenmimendedoraffe forWe. If. nr p g ! A - _ � UNITS LE D however, the budding or improvement s sold within oneyearofmaeopletion, thatiouniAL builder will have the burden of Proving that he did not build or Improve for purpose of sale.) ^yin , APN Q7y, t�' ,�p�`'pP..L.. ;:2 _ ,,„� UMBING PERMIT" sy'' _ Vie. �E iff. ❑ I.nownerofNepmp M,emexcluruelycomrctingwtNlmensedcwmct u construct the pmjact (See. 104IL Business and Profession Cade) The Contra, Liam Lawdecanot.pplyto an ownerofpropery who buiidsorimprovestheremn,mdPERMIT ;,}y x+wmsr -in•: m^Ae„ fi.� _ n..v 'dry �ON TE O t ISSUANCE who contracts forsuch projects;witha,inatmer(s) licensed Pusuantmthe Convectors License law. ALTER- DRAIN & VENT - WATER (EA) .;,.a;N_54'"r.iY+FEE $UMMARY�t'•,r .. Vic,. -:.:. ❑ 1 am exempt under Sec. , B & P C for this rceam BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE SANITARY Y _N RECEIPT # Owner Dam DRAINS - FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, COND, WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOL TAX N YRY dqbW❑ affirm haves neofconsmtmself,memrlficm ohf mkem'Com1 oracertifedcopyNertof(Sm.38W,LbCJwhic ECEIPT# FL\TURfS PFR •TRAP PARK FEE N _ cover of employans coder this permit Policy N RECEIPT # GAS - EA. SYSTEM -1 INC. 4 OUTLETS BULLDING DIVISION FEES Company GAS - EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (EA) PLANCHECK FEE ❑ Certified copy is hereby furnished. GREASEiINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE -'a, ❑ Cer iced copy is filed with Ne city inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS GREASETRAP SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE _ SEWER - SANITARY - STORM EA. 200FT. ENERGY FEE (Tldssection need not be completed ifthepetrut is for onehundred dollar( SIM) or less.) WATER HEATER W/VENDELECfB I tartly that in the performance of the work for which this permit is iraued,I shall not employ any person in any mourater m as no become subject to the Workers' PAID Compensation Lawsof California. Dam Application WATEBSYSTEM/fREATTNG Data Receipt# NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate of Exemption. you should NEW RESIDENTIAL PLACE. SQ. PT. TOTAL: become subject to the Worker a Compensation pmvisioms of Ne Labor Code, you most forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall he deemed revoked. BUILDING FEE �^ SEISMIC FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hemby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this Permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.) L -,l.•,aa -nt-� ELECTRIC FEE sis 1 Lender, Name Lender's Address W"$ s ixuvp ? va' d QTY'k' `� MECHANICAL PERMIT .� S�H4 raw PLUMBING FEE �a 1 cantly that 1 have rtad this application and state that the above informal oat's corset Iagree to comply with ell ciry and county ordinances end rmelaws rcletingm " l b PERMIT ISSUANCE MECHANICAL FEE building construction, end hereby euthoriu representatives of Nix city to enters pm Ne above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. CONSTRUCTION TAX (We) agree to save. indemnify and kap harmless the City of Column. against ]iabilii s,judgmenu• cons. and expenses which may in my way ccByeg ins, mid C' th co c e of the Prmring of this permit^I//w�' AIR HANDLING MIT (TO 10,000 CFM) apiicanVContrector AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10.000 CFM) EXHAUST HOOD (W/OUCO PAID ign u f Data HEATING UNIT(TO 100.000 BTU) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Dam Receip,0 HEATING UNIT (OVER 100.000 BTU) TOTAL: ill the aPPicmt or future building occupant store or handle hazmdous materiel as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9. 12, amt the Health and Safety VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RESID) Code. Section 25532(.)? 13 Yea CI Na ISSUANCE DATE Amen Will Nee licanmrfmure buildin ms< vi mrdeviceswhich emit pP 6 BOILER - COMP (3HP OR 1W.gq BTU) BOILER - COMPIOVER 100,000 BTU) by the A District? dr conteminm. n defined by the Bey Arca Air Quality Mmagemem District? ❑ Yes ❑ No l NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. FT. I have odea the Instrument tyCothmaterials 5505.25533 under Chapin erm d the 1underoll that Californiaing dos aferyentlyhvea m SS05at it if the building does rat currently have a tum,, Net o is my responsibility m omify Ne y responsnd 25534+ibility occupant of the rcquiremena which mus, ed met prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. r� 1 I& �6\\\v C a 1/(Iy ISSUED BY: ' Owner or authorized agent Date OFFICE