20055 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pm'ed Identification PERMIT NO. Building Addrev: S O �3 o r ��,;� P� 6•- 20055, rs .me one: FO(4uK G-cZpUp CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION !_ centrad° .Nam: �n pp (/C}J�Na: APPLICATION / PERMIT r'7 �J ^' / `s ' • • BUIL DINGELBCTRICALML INGMECHAMCAL CATWORY CONTROL I Arches /En mer. -F- - Llc, o: 2('/1 c_ QTY ELECTRICPERMrr FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address Hl�b 1 s�.c S� PERMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hem-by afflrenthat l am Bcmud under provhionsaf Chapter9(cromenc APPLIANCESRESIDENfIAL N� IngwllhSMbn7000)of DivWm3oftheBwine dPmfn omCode,and I p(7`,a� (l' lU �-.y_ MPS U bin fuF LeffeR 40 Z ,a PANES L_Rf2� I'--a V t ^� DNey'�J/f+ to Contractor l'i>Ex9to�4C � . r/1 ICHRECPS DECLARATION pl'1000a m0 L. I urdemlvd my plaru.hall be,u d v public records JOVER10XIAMPS SQ.IT,FLOOR AREA $/SQ.Fr. Licerued professional STGNSELECTRICAL D IN OWNER-BUILDER DecuxwnoN saecuLCBcculr/MISC I„ Ihereby af/lrmthat l am exempt from the Contractor's Literate law for the 7p ffill.wing reason.(Sectlm 7m1.5,Business.rad Profrsbw Code.An e or FZ" o y TEMP. OR POLE INSE. � muntywh4h mqubeaperrNttomvtrud,alter,lmprove,drmoWh, rrtpair any atmenum prior to its)sans sere,also requite.the applicant for such purNt to POWER DEVICES y f Ne a signed statement Ih.t he Is licensed punnunt to the provbbv of the �0 � Contractor's LiterateLaw(Chapter9(mmmencingwith SMb00) n70ofDwi- sbn3oftheBusinevandPrde CWe)ort ahebe mpttherefmmard SYVBdMNGI'OOLEIECIRIC V/I UATION • �.' the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violsibn of SeGbn 70315 by any applicant fora permit,oub"the.pplkant to a dull Penalty of not mon than OUTLETSSIVITCFIFSFiX1UR6 Ove hundred dollars(SW. I,as owner of the my mployee. B NEWRF�ENTIALELECR SQFT. STORIES �?< ❑ Property,d a witheranutfer sok CONSIRUCf10N mJe0=7m,wHldoshework,and W.Code. hnotintended Or offered for ❑ vk 7011,to atr¢vandf pmperty Code.The Comracor's G¢veLaw _$ don ml appy loan owner dthmugh who Wildeor ly.,prwtknon,and OCC.GROUP RES UNITS who dmsuch work hbroen ed orwghhisownle.Ifh weprovidedthatsuch Improvements.rerotintended earof o pletio.If,however,thee,)dingm 70TAli bnprovement batt withinoneyesrofcmnpletbrnthe owner-WBd rrwW hart 114,1,1rden of prodngthat he did not build or Improve for purprseafsale3. QTy, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FT-OOD ZONE APN L a.owner of the property,am exclu,Ney contracting with li enssd eontracmnm wearuct the project(See 70G,Business.ed Profeabv Code: PERMTTISSUANCE The Comracwe.Lim.Law does not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN k VENT-WATER(EA) Wilds r improves thereon, and who contracls fee ouch p(," with a mmt(act¢(e)Bomaed purwant to the Colmar'.License Law. BACKFLOWPROTECE.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LJ I.m exempt under Sec B! P C for this reason DRAINS.FLOOR ROOF,ARE A,COND. SANITARY Y_ N_ Owner Date RECE UT If WORKMAN COMP a cerb mofhf ren.ARALION FLXTURFS PER TRAP SadOOL TAX Y_ N 1 hereby.fibro that I have•nrsura.e of cmetnf b o y-bwn,m a ¢ - of Works 'Comp<vabmlwn ¢a¢rtlfkd copy bet. RECEIPT 3800,Lab C. CAS EA.SYSITM-1 RJGlOVII.ElS PARK FEE Y_ N— RECE _ Pdlcye �n¢ GAS EA.SYSTEM-0VFR4(EA) Co lc rj� BUILDING g INCDI ?I VI510FF.ES Gr+l « -ropy hereby GREASE/INDusrtu,WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE certified ropy b filed with the my Impmroo dNuMon. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GRFA,SETRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWQLSANfTARY STORM FA 700F7 Date Remi t# Ghll N ommdl n¢Wcomple di l(th permB hfaone hundred dallan bt001 or 1ess3 WATER FIFATMW/VENT/ELBCR ENERGYFEE Y N (certify thatotae Persrtun¢ofthew¢k for tobthio nubjcbred, I dull hat employ any poem b any manner at u to become eub}M to the WATERSYSI.QA/TREATING ' W¢kenv 'Canpsatblaw.of lao(GWmnla.Dote PAID O Z Applicant NEW RESIDENTIAL P M8. BQF. Date Rem tp Z 0 NOTICETO APPLICANT:U,after making thbceM(lrate of Exemption,you should become subjectto the Warkeri Comperuatbn pravbiom of the=r - TOTAL CCN Cade,ymnu.tfwthwW ply Mth.uchprovhlomorthbperM "lbs UVILDTNG FEE W F3mdeeed revoImd. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE CL IhenbyafRrmthatther<bamvtrunim kndingagerry for the perforrry ELECTRIC FEE 7 Z arce.fthe work(ase whkhthb pemdehblued bee 3097,CW.C.) TOTAL. - () O Iander'aName PLUMBING FEE LL 1— lemer'enddre.e QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE O W lmdifythatl Fat me thhapp"WnaMate Lhattheaboveinfommion ^� rys MECHANICAL FEE boort ext.I agnetocomplywd con w. lth all tityarunty ordinauend state laPERMIT ISSUANCE IyaW FEES PAID: ROL Y 4 relmingto Wlklingmmtmdion,aMknbyauthatr pre.e.Ua .ofthb (— N tltyt.tgem tbnedp for lexpectbn purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECR (Wean P es.theC fcupertma Date Recei tp V aga Wtts ex wMeh nary ywayacvue AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,W0 CFM) SUBTOTAL: agalmt gr g of thio t. 7 _ CONSTRUCI70N TAX 1*7 Sigvor Date EXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the appliance!utun building occupant stop or handle havrdous HFATINGUNCr CrOIW,o00BM Date ReCel ill materlalaede0n dbythe CupeAi.Mu Ndpal Code,Chapter9.lZ..dthe He lthand SafctyCod Scalm 75$3l(a)t FiEATWGUNIT(OVER t00,lXA BTU) TOTAL: O n Yn Hltheapplinm ase tun Wllding oaupamuse the Baym.Air VFN-ILLATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE hkh eMlhanNou.W tamW msvdeRned by the Bay Ana Ab a"H'w �havoIlly Motu gemeed 7 BOILER-COMP Ol9'DR 100,000 Rr11) Yn U 1 1990 ,b the )AyC rlah reams,% , under Chapter 6.95 of BOILER-COMP rovlxlW,IXA BTU) L�"` .3.1 the Glifmnla Health Code,$M ,75573 and 755.'k4. I `- undrntand that i e W Iogdces mrnn y have a tens ttut II h my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT naporulbll allfy narvpa dthe Immenbw Trusthmm prior to 5,fK,of rtlBate )t ��J ^. �{n�•] nerorauthoriadagentDate QY ISSUED TOTAL OFFICE COPY