20057 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY ewldl Pro m Iden kerion O PFRWT NO. Building Address: /"I O O 23 00 UWI 23 -2 {C G 57 one: CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DNISION pp C tx YNa APPLICATION / PERMIT U �g Arch 1 64e a No, BUMNNGA U ELBCTRIC )MBINGMECHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROLN QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. Qq ti "ss If ol ) ST ,S PERMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTAAROR'S DECLARATION Thereby dllrm mlicmaedunder donsdChAllflANC6RESmEMIAL ingwlthSbn�(p0).fDlWdoJafNeitugim 'ImleWdonsCode,and Iloerue 61n/uB pqqyx d cited. L_ PANELS Lloensc Gt Lina ,I Dale -Tv-p—CoMraGor LO H ,ryl ARCHITECTS DECLARATION HII-1000 " ' �L / �ZR IuadenlardrnypUnss) UbeumdapubUcremrda OVERl000AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA f/SQ.FT. 0 FA LlaruN Proferbrul SIGNS ELECTRICAL L ED IN �< OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIALCIRCUIT 7F, Ihertby afOrm thatlame.emp(rm,the Comranora Lloe, LAwforthe /MLat _P UTE R p rolbwing rem.(Sea :Pion 9015,Bualnea dry sM Pro(slons Code:Any dor 6 Z TFldla.METER OR POLE INST. FSI anyamo�tywhlch rcqubea pemmtomruhuuirestheaprovgdemolbh,ornplr �[ anyawctue prkxblbfuunce,aborequbethesppUant for each pamdt to [ON'Eg DEVICES 4/ 3/4 r4 Bis•dgned statement that h<t Ue(M pursuant b the pn,i,00mTOO) of the 9.o�n Contndor's Lkeroe Lw(Chaptn9(mmmendng with Sedbn 70o0)of qd- SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC donJdthe thealle and Prdesbn. Any orthatheb eumpt therefrom and VALUATIDN- <E the bab for the alleged exemption. My Wdatb,i of SttYbn 9mt5 by any OUTLETSSWTICHESFIX URES •. O� appUandredapermR abjcdatheappllunt toe ds'il penaltydnrs room than B tl61,R.ndddWaheprMM. NEWRESmENIIALFL,F)CIR SQ-FC. STORIES TYPECONSIRUCTION �n pe ion, ion,owno/theewor wormy empkre is with wages atkRdoor componsatlm,will do the work and thescrociurc b not 6aerded ur offered for Dsak bee 901{,Bwlnm aM Prof®loro Code:the Comraciora LInnu Uw s� don rut apply to m owner dpropeny who Wilds or improve thereon,and whodoessuchworkhlmeeBorthrough hhown employees,provided that.ach OCC.CROUP RES UNDs Improvemems an,out Intended oroffered fesale.If,however,the bulWingar TOTAL: Improvenaem bald wflhNomyearofcamplelbn,theavner-bullde have t"rdenaf proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of sale.). QTY,' PLUMBING PERMIT ' FEE "S a.owner of the property,am exchasively contracting with I�ruM FLOOD ZONE APN contrarian to coromont the profq(Sm 70K Bushes aM professions Code: PERMIT ISSUANCE The Contnnor'a Liceroe Law dm not apply to m owner d property who ALTER DRAW 6 VENT-WATER(EA)builds or improve thereon, and who donna a for sod. pm tojewith a o�njEa,tm(s)Uanned pursuant to the Ccntneda Llnrm law. IFEE SUMMARY 1_J T am exempt under Sec B! P C for this reason DRAINS FLOOR RODF,AREA,COND.' SANITARY Y N_ _QIITql"P 191 Owner Date R[CFJI•'r p WOR KMAN COMP aNSATION f MRATION EUTRRtES PER TRAP $p-7Op1,TAX Y_ N hereby affbm that I have•arti(lab d consort to self-insure,ora RECEIPT' co oleo!Workers ComperoHlmirauranamaartl!led copythereof(Stt. 3800, abC GAS FA.sysrilM-i INCIOUTLM PARK FEB Y N_ Pdlg1caI m ICJS � I„y /fly GA EA.SYSTEMOVER 4(pA) BUILDING DIVISION FEES O !nv py 1wIRECEIVE4 Mahe . / GREASE/WDusrttLwASIEINTFACErroR- PLANCHECK FEL• I7J�Certified ropy 6 filed with the city Inspection dMslon. CERTIFICA TE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORK EBS GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE gL}ypR SAMI'ARY STORM FA l0�r. DBIC RM i IN (rhissenbn need out becornpleted Lithe wrout 6(monehundred dollars (S1W)vrlea") WATER HEATER w/VFM/F].ECTR ENERGY FEE Y_ N I mAilythM In the performance of Ne work brwhia thin pemdt 66aued, I duB net employ any person b any manner n as to become who to the WATER SYSHM/TREATING Workers'Compenatbn Um of Glifom6.Date PAID O Z AppllNOTICE[ ion,yout NEWRESDENTIALPLMB. SQFr. Date Reoeio tH Z O should ETO esubC to coixfter makingthis pro lsa. ftof teLal,o should become subject to the Waders'Compematlon prov6bro of the Labor TOTAL: Ir - dmoadu ,must forthwith comply with soch pmvb ro or this permit shdl he WILDING CL ESCONSTRUCTION LEND AGENCY SEISMIC •E I hereby aNrrn that tMrt 6• b mrutmdlm lending agenry for tlx pedom� ,7 Z ance of the workfor which this permit loved 309/ Eke. ,CN.C.) TOT L, ELECTRIC FEE U O lerder'.Name PLUMBING FEE LL 1- Lender.near... Qn. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE O W 1¢nlfythat I have read th6appllatbn and statethettheabovelnformetim b oamou.Iagree to comply with all city and county ordtrunces and mate laws - PERMIT ISSUANCE 12.00 FEESPAID: Nrelating to Wilding mnsnacti -ndlhereby autherlu representatNn o(thb F Z city to enter upon the vcmentbned mpertyforimpeetbnpurpmes. ALTERORADDTOMECFL Date RCCCI t# M'd agree to M harmles thP-8=i6bWt ciPenich ylnanyway.. NR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFWSUBTOTAL' aglvt paid ign nt of permit. tel/_ pv AIR HANDLING UNIT OVER IO,WOCFM) CONSTRUCI70NTAX signstu IAppllont mtracter Date EXHAUST HOOD(w/DUCT CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAlAR IMUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant m f tum WUdingomrpant more orhandle harardaus HFATINGUMT00iffl, 0BM Date RCCCI tN material a de0ned by the Cupertino Murldpal Cade,Chapter 917,and the Healthardsafcry Cade Im75 (A)? HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) qTOTAL: O yesIwArN YUltheappBnmorfikum Wlldingacapmtuseequipmentmde _ VINHIATION PAN(SINGLE READ) ISSUANCE DATE whkh emit hanrdous air ountammarts as defined by the Bay Area Ab . W 1 Y.avgemem No BOQ -0 FRDMP(311P OR 100,0(q BTU) have red the hav erruleria6 Iremenb under Chapter 6.95 of BOILER-COMP(OVFLi 100,000 BTL1) JUL the California Flea ety Code. 25505,755]3 md7553/. 1 J 31 199p uMe,Wodthatl eW dingc a ntly!uvea ant,that It 6 my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQFr rnporo1601ty nrilty a oca nt d th Ireme Mich rrwu be met �� r� oriorin d nB f Ery. CTp lath/ cep nr �^ 9--9 -ago �•-�.�� ,r���raF�H.,r�,, ne authociad agent Rate TOTAL ^i7r ISSUEDBY: VUl�--11'TV/.I KJ M, : �I.�J OFFICE COPY