19971APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY I 1Ir/ Building Pm eet Identification Baa ���►b �� uljrs pru PERh[ITNO. 19971 sac. - Pbone: "Fceu &7—ouP CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT BUII.DINGELEC'1RICALPLUMBINGhpECHAMCAL C.tr m .1N1ame: CATEGORY _ CONTROLa , ArchBed/Engineer: Llo. QTY ELECFRICPERMIT FEE BUILDING 'PERMITINFO PERFfC[ISS[IANCE I�T O ❑ ❑ �I LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby SecUon70 that Dfv[aJato en3 ofthe erpessandu dChapler9(luno lnenseISection oftha Buslvessand lRolerlonaCodeand rrTy APl'UANCFSRISIDEMTAL JOB DESCRIPTION license � N full fora and effe2 Force and PANELS Canoe Char Co tl Dime Codndor _ fa�UPI—F—X . - 201-1000XMPS ARCHITIC'PSDECLARATION I understand my plareehall be used as pubkc neo da Lloneaed Professional 111'--�r11 1V OVFRIODUAMPS - SQ. Fr. FLOOR AREA D IN $/SQ. FT. SGNS ELECTRICAL OWNEReBUILDER DECLARATION I heng tuna ,fS et l am 31,5, B fmmthe Cor Professions Garue law (a the county gref, req ics a peurD15, onatrrand Propine, Code:Mycity or requbesa alter, Improve, dernlish, or TER , SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC �gp MEER OR POLEWcountywMrh DEVICES' Vi\ banar ccoastruct, emirepair to anyatsigne eprbrtolteLmarce,alsnaod r rauaot to the or such of toPOWER Me • signed mens eLa that h b Brenaed pwsuant the the monprovisions007)of Contractor's the LitemsTaw(Chapter9(commencingeR Sedbn7000)ofDIVi- t sbn3af the Businer and PrderbaCode)orNrt heberempttherrhvmand SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION the basis for the alleged exemption. My Violation of Section 7m15 by any applicant for a permft aubjeRc the appllcant to a civil penalty of nor more than than OUTLRTS-SWHII CESFDlTURFS 0� NEW RESIDFM7AL FI ,.rR SQ FT. five hundred dollars ($S00). t I, as owrcr of the property, or eny employees with wages u their sole STORIES TYPE CONSTRL'CHON mmp.tfon,will do the work, and the structure brat Wended or offered for .vie (Bet apply f Code: The Contractors Lianas I�w V -N to owner does oessurot y to owner dp rou,h who bdrnpllds y prwmted that and property rope whodoeeuch workhlmxBathuugh hlsownenrplgen, pravded that such ' OCC. GROUP RES UNITS bmprovements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or Improvement is sold: fthln mi one yearofe pletbn, the owner, Wer will have TOTAL (� t?Kdenofpmvingthathedid no bul]d.rinpmv fcrpurp..f.le.). �jfj 1, as owner of the Property, am eslueively contracting with Beer d cont tas to mnMrud the pmjeet (Sec 7044, Business and Prderbro Code: QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE bT�DD ZONE APN PFRhUT ISSUANCE The Contractor's Lcenae Law does not apply to an owner of property who or Imp. Merton, and who contracts for such p(ojeda with a cjpscWr(n) uarsed pursuant to the Comrade. Lirerse Law. U I am exempt order Sec B k P C ffoo�r fldiireason ALTER DRAW 4 VENT - WA]IIt (EA)buids - - - _ FEE SUMMARY " MIX FIDW PROTECT. DEVICEQU`Tq I DE FEES DRAINS FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, COND. SANITARY _ Y_ N_ 1ZECEETR Owrar w %t—C� 1' 1� Date �rJ J--/� WORKMAN COMPENSATIO TION - MI hereby affirm the I have a ca lc int( Q to mi!-Iwrc, or • aniRcatc of Workers'Compewtion lesurrarannravhhce aa mnffW unity thereof( Sec. 3900, Lab C.) Polky / ��5� TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y_ N_ REfFEC9 - GAS FA. SYSTEM -1 INC.40U]I.EIS PARK FEE Y_ N_ RECEIPT a GAS FA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (FA) Com ray BUILDING DIVISION FEES CertNN copy (umished. Certified copy is filed with the dty inspection dlvis on. GREASE/t1uDUsrRL WASTE W'fFFCFPTOR PLANCHECKFEE GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF D(EM PITON FROM WORKERS PAID SEINER -SANITARY -STORM FA Ilt(IFI. COMPENSATION INSURANCE (this sessionwmb need nor be cnpleted if the peJt for one hundred dollars Date Reed [# wATFR [-�ATFR W/v¢vr/FzEcrR ENERGY FEE Y_ N_ (s Mull®.) I artily that In the perfornana d the wait per emit whieh thin pedt hu is ed, I shall net employ any p mon N any manner u as to become ubje d to the Wakme'Compensation Lawsd Calfomh. Date WATFASYS FM/1RFA IN PAID AppNOTICE NOTICE TO ager mki.n1Ne Certificate Ens ,you Date Remi t# NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFT. TOTAL: cons sub)CAM: e is cd the Lab shaildbecomeforth the Wlywit Cuch it Code, you mlued. with comply with such provbbv orchis pemdt shall be provisionsorthionaredt s be deemed revoked. BUILDING i SEISMIC FEE y CONSTRUCTION LE'NDIN AGENCY I hereby affirm that there ha construction lending spray for the perform sere sere of the work for whdch this pemdt is oa,ed (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.) Tender4Name Ienders Add I ovAi that I have read thin application and statethat theabove In(omutlon b correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and late lawn ELECTRIC FEE - QTY. _ MECHANICAL PERMIT 'FEE PLUMBING FEE ' MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: relating to building construction, and hereby authodre representatives of this - eltytoenterupontheibove-mentioned property for Inspection purposes. (We) agree to ease, Indemnify an d keep harMea the CLLy of Cupedlw ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. Date RCCeI [# AIR HANDLING UNIT GO 10,00 CFM) SUBTOTAL: against LiabWties,}adgrrenby ousts and expenses whir, may in anywayaceme aga Wtnald CRyir con��rvry �- aftk grantingdtMs rmit. �ffv�Z�G/^ 4,,/� ,o ZVWM AIR EUNDUNC UNrrroVER 101000CFW CONSTRUCTION TAX E)(HAUSC HOOD (W/DUCT CONSTRUCTION TAX PA ID: Signature of Appllantf/J/a(iwMW'to HA2ARDOUS MATERIALS DI OSURE HEATING UNIT (TO 1W,WO BTU), Will the appBrant orfuture building occupant Mare or handle havrdous nud aterial as de0rby the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.17, and the z Dale RLCCI t# [EATING UNIT (OVER 100," BTU) TOTAL: Heahh and Safety Code Seatlon 25532(a)7 f 1 Yee I`l No tienuth rdou i curerollding a. ocrupant equiprrBay A or devices whir, eMt haarreed Di trier? lruntaae defied by the Bay Arta Nr Quality AlavgemeN Dslrhd7 •^ 4Ye No have reedtheb.: smaterielsrequimmnbunderChapter6.95of the California Health Safety Code, Seniors 25505, 75513 and 25531. I VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESD) ISSUANCEDATE n BOILER-Wh11P PIEOR 100,000 BTU) BOILER.COMP(OVFRIM,"BTUA NEWRESIDFNIIALMECH. SQFf. understand that lfthe building does rad cumetly have a tenant, that it is my respomibihty to ndifythe oceupant d the requinerents which runt be met ,a� aiaJ car C prlorto Lcwnarcoda Certiflateof Oeeupamy., P IT..}l0,rf1[I!} ISSUEDBY. Rf fy''r'�4 Owner a auchorbod agent Date , TOTAL OFFICE COPY