19975APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY ewldin Project Identification Bulldtng Add.: PEQATNO. - 19975 o e: A FO�CTt t CITY OF CUPERTINO- BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT GL+q Cunt a=: No: -T�Lk. BUILDING-F].g'tRICAL-PLUMBING-MECFIAMCAL G7FL'ORY CONTROL 4 Arch ect/Fsglreer. Lic N. 1 G— Q ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add— G� l vo ♦ S PERMITLAUANCE I[],' ❑ ❑ ❑ lfjl LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION Iherebyafifrmtfutlam Ucrosedurderpr msof Chapter9(mmnm Ingwlth Section 7000)of Dfvlatoo3 ofthe Rualraa.and Pro/mtlons Code, and my APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL ]OBD, N It. Is In full force and effect. PANELS License Cls. - Lk.1 , Date Contractor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION Iuodentand my plansshaB be used u pubilcmmrds. I-1 AMPS OVERIODDAMPS SQ FT. AREA S/SQ. FT. SIGNS ELECTRICAL Lkenzd Profmlorol TE ' OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION the bya/flmthatlameaemptfromthe ComnRor's Lberuefrtwfor the V SPECIALCBRCIIITn,115O TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. following reason. (Sectlen 7QI15, Bminem and Proferbns Cade: Any dtyor muntywhich requires aPerrot tomrotruMalter, bnprovgderrolhh,orrepair i ./ any alrocturttatermlbhsu he bt almosed pennutnt t the pmsuchpemdte the Ole. tlgned ke.Law tthathehr 9 n.c(nocrunrocing pursuantitthepon 7(1 f LIM- Cn.3oftr. Licerue end Proapter Code)orthad a is Ser1bn90W)omand of the Butlnw and Cade) onllut he h eampt POWER DEVICES . SWIMMING POOL ELECIWC VALUATION the b exemption. thebash for theallegedjeemtheap Myt to albndnaltoion 7m 1Sneany 7MI,5 by my appUont/ora permit subjeeb the appllcanttoa tivll penalty dna norcthan OITTLETSSW[TCHESID(TURFS (JO nBW RE5IDEMIAL ELFLTR SORE. Ell6ndted ddws (SM. 1,aowner of the property, or my employees with wages as their a ole f STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION comp..., will do the work, and the structure besot intended or offered for .L a -c 70K Bu,I, and Prefabm Code: The Contractor. Urcme law - dm not apply to an owror d property who builds or imprvvm thereon, and who dom much work himself m through hb o own mployeesid , proved that such OCC.GROUP . RFS UNITS - Improvememsart not Intended ort/erect (m.ule. If, however, thebuilding « bnprownrent Is" wlthinomyearofcample mthewvner-bullderwiU have TOTAL 3 T,,of proving that he did not build orlmpmve f« purpose ofuLe.). as owner of the Property, am <xct..bwIy contracting with Licensed me to contract tk Project (See 7064, Buelnem aM lsrof�ro Cade QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE IrEU.1R ISSUANCE _ FLOOD TONE AI 'N The C-otra—e. Llocme Law dna not apply to an owner of property who buBda or Improves thereon, end who contracts for m& iupje . with a rynl�dortillicen.edpurauant to the Contractor'• Lice. Law. LJ I am nempt under Sec B & P C (o th teawnOUTSIDE ALTER -DRAIN & VENT - WATER (EA) FEE SUMMARY BACK FLOW PROTECT. DLYfCE FEES DRAINS FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, ODND. SAMTARY Y N_ , RECEPI a Avner WORKMAN COM E.r Mot a RA 1 N 01 hereby affirm Wt I have o «rtlliat o rent to opyt emof(or a 3800,L eofWorkm'Compewtlanlwran «.aNfkd eopytheteof(Bee. ab CJ FD(TURES-PER TRAP SCHOOL, TAX Y_ N_ RECEPTI GAS EA. SYSTEM -1 INC40UTI.ETS PARK FEE Y_ N Policya It GAS EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4(FA) Coo y DING DT BUILDING DIVISION FEES Centlfled copy is hereby ed!wfurdshed. CertNed copy h filed with the sty WpMbn dlvltlm. GREASE/TNDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECKFEE GRFASETBAP CERTIFICATE OF IXEMPTION FROM WORKERS PAID EA 700FI' ON INSURANCE COMPENSATIgEIVFR-SANRARY-SIl7RM (Tinaaectbn neM stat be <ompl TI Uthe h(more Fundrtd dollen Date Recei t# p100)mfe�J Ictally that loran pet/o the wank for WATER HEATER w/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y N irm n tobeco.aubjhhsued, L -11uhall not employ any pe. f any manner o u to become arbjea to the W Compcnsatbn lasva o/GUfomb. Dale W,A,� S,91�/TREATING PAID PAID Applicant NOTICE NOTICE ca ne,subCAM:IL aftermakingOMs ut for pro is Exemption, y,o shouldbecome subjecttothe Worken'Compeovislo prwbbruof the Lb or - Date Reeei t# NEW RESIDENTIAL PIMB. SQFT. 'TOTAL: Code, yea rause forthwith comply with each pcovhbro or thh pend shall be deemed rewked. EUILDING SEISMIC 'E CONSTItUCFION LENDING AGENCY I herebyaf nor"he there be corotroction lending agency for the per/orn, rt of the work for which m thla pertt b Weed (Sec 3097, CN. C.) TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE PLUMBING FEE ' Lender'. Name Leoder.Addrees I «lfythstl rthave read thb applloatbnard elate that thee we lNmdon ou bmrrm.Iagreetoromplywith.B rny.nd countyordlnanmand date laws MECHANICAL FEE FEES PAID: relating to building construction, and hereby authorom repre.enatNm of this my to enter upon the abos rwntbnedproperty for lmpe ioopurpos. (We) agree to save, IMewdfy an d keep harrrim the City of Cupertino ALTER OR ADD TOMIOII. Date Rene t# SUBTOTAL: agaimt llabLiHea, pcigments,costs.M e.penam which Troy In.nywayamue egairot said City in consequence of Ve& rruaig/9¢f tide Permit �QYL�g, �a/ �NG/ /� AIR HANDLING UNTT(TO 10,000 CFM) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000 CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Sigof Appaont/G�hfLIR�/ A I DShe EXI IAUST f I00D (W /DLCO CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HATAR DOUS MATER LLS DISCLOSURE I EATTNG UNIT CTO 100,000 BM Will the epplicam orfutu re bu0ding occa pant store or ha rd le harardous ,nateriaF1e.hhlact by the Cupertino Chapter9.1Z and the Date Recei t# FffAnnG 11nTT (OVER 100,000 Blip TOTAL: S.f,Iy .2S5MudtlpalCode, iieahhes safety Codo Semon 15532Wt RI�jj Ya �] No VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) —4 ISSUANCE DATE �VlRrhe luranl u..(cortbullding oaupnedi by equipmec.Air a which emitrogerdoua ab cvnamW rte as deRnsd by lM Bay Arte Air BOR.ER.COMP(3M'GR 100,000 BTI. Quality Alawgement Dbtrlct7 PAID, •J �. ' 4 Yes j1 No Tuve read the hoes our material, requiremenb under Chapter&%of the Gldamh Health&SafL4y CWd,sectb 505,25533and]55M. 1 , 199U , (-? BOILER-COMP(OVER 1W," BTU) NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT urdmuMt tlfthebuildingdoc.ro ova nttyhawatenant,twtlt L.my rospomibUfly to notify the occupant of the requirements which must be rrct prior to ane of a Cettifcate of Occupancy. 13 �Y6 .,,C-Ity 6Cf ,C�ttine�Tti�no a� ISSUED BY: `y % Owner m euthorlved agent Date . TOTAL: OFFICE COPY