19976APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY B011dl Project ldentifle d. Build], Addma:19970 Iak7tMIT Nb. _a:1,300 e-wi n� LEI U L I 2 C— ame: cane •L), A CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION it PERMIT BUIIDNGPLELTRICALPLUMBIN&MECHANICAL Q G —� U� can dW. N.me: � I IJc.N I OL` T-aF�s CATEGORY CONTROLY Archked/Engineer. =� Z c r QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Addres I '1 5T,�' PERMIT ISSUANCE - ® El E] -LICENSED El CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l en llceoe under provWons ofCMpter9(commenc Ingwlth Sectin.7D=of DMaloo3ofthe Busiroeand Pru ealonsCode, and my, APPIlANCES-RESIDEMTAL JOBDF_SCRIPIION Ieeroe is In full form and effect, PANELS Ll ClareLk. a Date Cke. IF AMPS ARCHITECTS DECLARATION201-1000 I urdentard my phro shel be umd as public remnle. OVERl000AMP5 I /aaIaQ1"f,. FLSRIjl4N VSQ. FT. 9GNSFT TRICAL Lid Profebral Licensed a LV) OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION Iherebyaffirmt tIamexemptfromthe ComractorblmeaeGth Lwfae SPECIALCItCU1T/M[K WP T FrR �+ TEMP METER OR POLE ASF.' T'ralPOWER DEVICES following remon. LSectlon 9015, Bueoua and Profmbv Code: Any city or countywhichrequl aper tomrotmMdoer,Improve.demo h,orrepair u anyeudure prior to lb laaoc,aleo require the applicant fureah perMt to file a signed Yatement that he b an licensed pursuant to the provbbra of the Conlndoh Liceve Law(Chepter 9(conrun log with Section 900) of Divi- sion3 of the Buerem and Proa febro Cade) or that he Is exempt therefromard SWIMMING POOL ELECTRICC VALUATION by any the Mab for the alleged exemption. Any Wdatbn of Section MIS room If ountforspermReubfecb the applicant to dull penaltydnot more than tiv undyed ddWa(S,AR). u L ae owner of the property, empbym wages a thele sob OImETSSW1ICHES—FDCFURES - �o D . U• NBWR2aDFN17ALELEICTR SQFf. STORIES TYPECONSIRUCTION d i e mi p0n 74k will Bothe" Pnofdthe CodurcbrotWcodedoroffered ..Lfor ct oan Ov,Ow and f Code: The Codndole Llceme Law dale Ldoes vim. om apply t props ty .hod. pplytoan Lw lfdt .gh who Wilda orim,p.Whercortand wh hbown pmvdedthataitch h.rkis OCC.GROUP RES. UMTS rovenv amnolmse dedorough Improvementaaa iwithindedoroftertd (oreale. If, however, the building m e. If,h w ImpmverrcnlbsoW wllhinoney<ardcomp Idlon, theowntt-WllderwlR Mve try� rdenof pmdng that he did not Wldor Improve for purpose ofsee.). IA Las owner of the Property, am essWalvely contracting with Ikensed dap to mrolmdthe project (See n04{,Bvinea aM Prolmlov Cade: TOTAL: QTY. PLUMBING PER FEE Q'7 PERMIT I%7JAIJCE FLOOD ZONE APN The Comradore Lice. law doe not apply In an Owner d property who builds or Improv theme, theme and who mmram for such ptojeces with , o9iEfadorW Ems pursuant to the Contndds Iaiae Gov. - LI I am eamq under Sec B I P C ler fhb rtaaon ALTER -DRAIN & VENT - WATER ffA) FEE SUMMARY Bn«FfAW P�TOCT. DEVICE OUTS] OF, FEES DRAINS FT•OORROOF, AREA, COND. SANITARY Y N_ RECEIPT a owner MA WORKMAN COMP SATION RATIO ❑I'hembj •then that I Mve • mNllcat o co ant to seB-Iruurt, Or mrtiflcate d Workeri Comperoadon Irounna as artilial ropy therm!(See 330, GbC.I FD(.CURES PER TRAP ScL;gOLTAX Y_ N_ RECE PT If GAS FA. SYSTEM -1 AG4 OLrr S PARK FEE Y_ IN 'F GAS EA. SYMM-OVER4(EAI Cama y DING BUILDING DIVISION FEES Certltled ropybhercby (umlehed. CertBled ropy ,!liedMth the city Iropedlon dldsion. GREASE/INDUSFRL WASTE AT EPTOR PLANCHECK FEE GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF EXOA MON FROM WOR KERS PAID ' SEWFR-SANFFARY-STORM EA_RDFT. COMPENSATION INSURANCE Cfhlese knu need out be cmnpleted If thepemdt b foram hundred dollen Datc Recel t# ($100) Or lea.> IaOut cop In the ppen r Ian thewak so whIch as tobUJrmsubjiCbsued, I CMR net employ any person In any manner at as to become subject to the Worken'Compen.utbn lACvs ofGWmnb. Date WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELEM ENERGYFEE Y N PAID WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Applicant NOTICETOAPPLICANT. If, aftermatingfhb Certificatepruoof Exemption,you to the Workeri ComperoeUan porthis a of the Coded become su rt Date .Recel t# NEWR DFNRAL PLMB. SQFF. TOTAL: to Code, You norat forthwith comply with each pmvbbro or this permX shall be all BUILDING FEE 60c deemed re,oked. SEISMIC FEE CONSTRUCFIONI LENDING AGENCY I hereby affix n that there is • mrolruetion lending agerry for the perfommELECTRIC ance of the work for whkh thb permR b loved t5ec- 307/, Civ. G) TOTAL FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE I<rderb Name Lender. Adarcro 1 cedlfythY I heve read thb applatbn.M aatethat the above informtim bmrmd.lagrcetocanplywithaU&yandcountyordbanoaandstatelaws MECHANICAL FEE PFRMTT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: rd"tobulMingmvtrudim,udhenbyauthab npremntatweofthh dtytoenterupontheabwe-mambo<dpropertyforimpYlonpurpoee. (We) agrm to nave, Wem fy an d keep ha m the Cby of Cupedlno ALTERORADDTOMETH. ' Date Recd f# SUBTOTAL - egaWtB bilti ., tdgmenb,m andexpevewh"A yin•nywayaame against ova airy m,w.,egaettne grpi�d�(w^— �%•City GLV a—�1I �� AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFM[) ATRHANaINcuN•I'I'rovrxlo,(mcFM) CONSI'RUC['[ONTAX Signature of Applicant/C+artnemr E)wnusr El000 nv/Duch CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIA DISCLOSURE HEATINGUNITOO10,0008TU) WEIthe appleant Or Grum building oavpet Yore or MMle by uus matertal as defined by the CupeMI. Munmpal code, Chapter 9.12,and the Date RLCeI t# HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 RM TOT AL: Elealtheai Safety Code Se on5532(e? ❑ Yrs No Wlllthe applcallor cure building oavpam use equipment mdcv which eno t Mardd, air mnlandrorus sa deflo d by the Bay Ana Mr VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) ISS,�drry^wy'C_E.DA'I'E j j' BOILER -COMP Ol6'OR 100,000 BTU) Qu lty Mnragenrrd DLErld7 MYe earnvu No 4vcreadlheoEueabreglreb mnunderCMperG95of the California Health & Safety Code, Sodium 25-545,25533 and 5534. I lir" PR V BO IX GRCOMPOV1W,000BTU NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ17. un,!mtald that if the Wilding doe not arrently have. tenant, that it bmy respoviblity, to notify the occupant of the onlubemente which oust be met prior to fauarue da Certificate of Occaparcy. �� yl "'+nor l/(IO ISSUEDBY: Owner or authodeed agent Date - TOTAL: OFFICE COPY