19977APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Idenrlfkrtlon ButW ing Address ' z s� CV—k 2 VL,i [S 3`1 11 0 T119977 PERMIT W. era me. Fay—ut-c CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT BUfI.DING-EL=CALML BINGMEC� APPLICA11UNhUbMillAi, Contano/a Name: Lk. No: "HANKAL CATEGORY CONTROL Y ArcM1Bt/Englver. Lk. o: CITY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address: (eye Q I S 341„} � F PERMTIISSUANCE jr;7j 1:1 El ❑ I� LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECIARATION ' Ihertby affirm Wtlamlke wduMerpr Wb of Chaptn9(�c Ingwlth Section7DOD)of Dtv m3ofthe BuMrc and Pmfesi Cydq dmy Ibeme la In full f....d effect LI¢nae Clan Lk.. ' Date Confraet., ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I urdieatand my plan shall be used u public records Lteanoad Profesbvl OWNER-BUILDER DECIARATION I hereby.(Drm [Fat I am hemp tmm the Cordradors Llreve I�wla the tollowbg rtasm. Lz1`0 7015, Bushes a rd Prof. to os Cad a.. Any dtym muntywhkb require. panic tomnmud, alter, Improve, demolish, or repair any atruceum prior to lb buarcq.Im rqulm the.ppliant for sort, permk to file a signed statement that he b Versed purtwant to the pmviWv of the Cantrmdoesl, er law(Chaper9(mmmendngwKh Sedlon70DD)of Dld- utno3 ofthe Bud wl eaProtessloro Code) orthe heirxe empt therefromad tk bub for the alkged exemption. Any vidatbn of Section 70715 by any applicator for a pemdt subjectsthe applicant to a elvll penalty of not moa than flue hundred dollars (x500). e n owrcr l the property, or he employee wkh wage r there dab mk5m7OK Bu1dotheworlrandthesCru . is ren WerdedoroffcrMf dk( 7plywslrowa ci ofp" Cade The Contaci m hemr law dos cwt apply to an owner ofproperty who Wilde arlmpvvetherton,and whodmact, work hhreen mthwghffered mwm employee,pesoWedthatouch improvement)aremitteededoro.fe.pleconthe oweventhe WlWlnase improvemed badd whhW oneynro(completW .,the ownerbullderwW Tuve Xt d.en of pre ing that he did rwt bund or Improve (or purpose of k.), 161 L e owner of the Property, am exclusr oly mntre,ung with Boerw.d Rare to mmtrun the projeci (Sec 7DK Buen® and I#ofesbv Cade, The Coruaeur'9 License Lw does not apply to an owner a property who Wilde or Improves [Ferro., and sob mmraeta fee aueh p�ojeds wah a ry➢�acteWll¢nned Pasoan[to tFeCmtraed Lloenl La W. U I am e.emp under Sec B 4 P C for thin renin Owner d 13H40 WORKMAN COMP.o,,tj IO RATION ❑I aereby affirm that I eref o Ins o c rent m .eR-Wurt, (S. mrtlilateofWarken'CompevNlonlvunn¢a. ¢rilfkd mpytherto((Sec. Polis LbCJ 4 APPLIANC6RESmENfUL BDEiRIPUON Ou CILLI/ hJ F' �/� PANELS 2014()0() AMPS OVER 10DOAMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA IN R $/SQ. FT. SIGNS ELECTRK'AL =TALCIRCLT/MlSC TFMP.MEfER ORF'(71-E ' POWER DEVICES DATE SWENh9NG POOL ELECTRIC OUTLYTSSWITCI�SFLXTURFS VALUATION Q DO ��O Q a NEW RESIDENTIAL EI= SQFr. STORIES ITT CONSMUCTIO\ ' V—+ j TOTAL QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE OCC.GROUP RES. UNITS , PEtk(IT ISSUANCE ALTER-DRAINk VENT- WATER (EA) FLOOD ZONE APN FEE SUMMARY BACK FIDWPROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, COND. SANITARY Y_ N_ RECERTI FO(TURES PER .TRAP Sai00l, TAX Y_ N RECFIT T GAS FA. S-YSI.FA7.11NG40UILETS PARK FEF- Y - N GAS FA. SYSTEM -OVER 4(EA) Cum y BUILDRWFUrING DIVISION BDILDINC DI VISION FEES CerWkd copy hereby nrmbhed. CertWed ropy b Wed with the eity, lvp tion dtv m. CERTIFICATE OF OKENIMON FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCESEv+ER-sAND.nRY (Thiolectionneed not becompleted Ifthe pemit Isferro ehundrdm edoe (siOO) Of Tea) I ¢rtlfy, that W the Nrl.rm.n¢ of the work farwMeh lin. Pemdt b blued, I ahAl net employ any penin In any nanner an u to become object to the Workcri Compsvdlon laws of CalOoab. Date Apipheart NOT[CE]O APPLICANT mking,m shmldmisob}ctoheWoe;CompevtnpmdWmofthe Labor deemedrevoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there ba mebucttm kodingageney for the perform permitec. 309'7 ance of the work for which this permit b issued (S, Clv. C.) lender. Name Lenders Add . 1mdltythatIlovemadthioappl tbnaM"ai thmtheabove Wforevtim ower[. IagreetocumplywhhaB dty.ndmuntyordinanmand Yatelawe neloting to W lWing mvtmnlm, and heneby authorlo a representative of thio cilytoenter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purpose (We) agree to aavq bdemN(y an d keep bend. the City of Cu Penton .gaWt B�abbWtles, ju/cdoCggmnds, mtl.ard expense w Jch may to aanyQaye,rue r/J / GREASE/N'DUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECKFEE PAID Date Recd t# GREASE TILAP - STDxM En,�, WATFRHEATERW/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y N PAID Date Recel t# WA77R SYSTEM/TREATING NEW RESIDENTIAL PIMB. SQFI. TOTAL- OTALdenied BUILDING SEISMIF, FEE TOTAL, FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID. ALTFRORADDTOMECFL Date R2CC1 [# AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,ODO CFM) SUBTOTAL: wIR HANDUNc unTr rovFx l4000cehn CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature of Applicant, @mrtnetor p, IDate FA2 RDOUS MATERIAL9 DISC SURE WWtheappBod or future building oavpant,t.,e.e handle hauNoui material a. defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the I[eahhand Safety Code Stlm25532(p)2 IYes M No Rl the applied or future Wilding oecopant use equipment or deAe,a whkh emit ha rdeus air mnanwunte as deflned by the Bay Arca Alr Qo IFy Management Dbfrtet2 4Yea ❑ No u ertad tM1eh rdousrvterlabrequlmmenbunder Chapterb95of the CalOomla Health k Safety Code, Stbv 5505, S Sand 25534.1 underatard that if the building don not eume.fly have. tenant, that It is my resporo(bRity to notify the o¢vpant of the requlremcm. whkh .vet be reed prlmtotauanreofa Ccrtl(kateof Oerupe,cy. E7 1.15T HOOD(W/DLc-D CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 BTL Date Rttei t# HFATING UNIT (OVER IDO,OOD BTU) it TOTAL: VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RFSID) ISSUANCE DATE L[ •` rn :/�,-,SLt res,` l• luf�� rt1n 1^n V * ` T ISSUED BY:: _ BOILER -COMP OHP OR 1W,IXA RTL BOILER COMP (OVER IOD,OOD BTL NEWRESIDFNTIALMECI SQFI Owner w authorise a gent Date TOTAL: OFFICE COPY