19981APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification Badding Add.: - .1,-,�' ;, z7SDo Gr To —e- r ) ., dV�i I'FILWTNO. 19981 --T—T -1--� one: 1 e_ fu`CV%xA (ZrAL1JQ CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT BUILDING-ELECTRRALPLIIMBINGMECHANICAL Contractors N.ore: I.U"N« 9(7-n CATEGORY CONIROLa Aruhhea/Fsglnnr. LIe N. _ ^ 1� QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT - FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Addrw: q S S d U _ PERMIT ISSUANCE TrnL 1:1 F-1 D LICF.NSEDCONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION [hereby affirm thatlsm llcerued �rderprovlalonsa(Clupter9 (mmmmc IngwlthS YIon700D)afDM9m3afthe BuNne»and PmfeatlmaCede, and APPIIANCESRESIDENIAL JOB DESCRIIrHON II¢rmisle fu6rce to. disci. - lies. Ch: Lac. Y ' PANE75 P¢,vsa ylal c(3.re tic Date Cortracior UP TO 2DO ANUS — 1-1000 AMPS ARCNITEC'S DECLARATION I understand ery plans shall be used as public records. OVERIODOAMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA $/SQ. FI. SIGNS EIECTNCAL Licensed Profmlorul OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION IherebyafBrmth.tl.mnemptframthe ContmMrb Ll¢n Ue forthe folbwbig... (Se[1im 70315, Budom asst professions Cade: Any city or cowry which requbea perndt to construct. alter, Impmwe, demolbh, or replr 7 ( Q 1 SPECIAL CBiCU1T/MLSC TEMP.METFRORPOEINSf. any strumare prier to Its lwan:e, also rcquim the applicant for such per -mut to file a signed datement that he b licensed pursuant to the pro t tom of the Canirx[ors License law (Chapter9 (mmmencing "Is SeNon 7000) of CIA. s,on3ofthe Bualnm.rM Prdmloru Code) or that he b exempt thertfrom and the ban for the alleged e.erep0on. Any violation of Section 7m1S by any apphtforapemsub)n theappMk ttoadAlpe hydnommtMn ROWER DEVICES SWIMMING - POOL ELECTRIC OUTLEISSW7TCFIfSFTXTIIRES VA/LUATIObasis�O r QO O ` 7 �L NEW RESIDFMIAL ELDZTR gQpT. f to -1 n owner of property,0. Lf ], u owrcr of the or my ernpbyen with wages ae their STORIES TYPECVNSIRUCDON mmp'..70 ,wllldothew worba cotImerdee oroffered for fo sib Qac. 706 Buslruv and Prafmbns Code: The Comnrmrs IJ¢rue Law Profesthes Cede: h don not apply to an owner of property who builds or improve theme, and whodoessuchwork himself orthrough his. employee, provided that such OCGGRO(Jp RFS UNITS improvemerds are not intended oroffered for nab. If, however, thebulldNg or improvement haald within oneyearo(coerpletbn, the onwer-builelerwW have TOTAL IthTa�buben of pravl ng that he did not build or Improve f¢ purpose of sale.). tt. owner of the property, am eubralvely mntracdng with Licensed c reactors to mnstmet the project (See, 7DK Bustrum and Professions Code: QTy. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FLOOD ZONE APN The C."c ors License law does not apply to .n owner of property who Wild. or Improve thereon, and who comnats for such pia" with a �q 1orW Bmnsed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law.BAIX U I ins evempt under Sec B & P C for thh reawn ALTFR-DRAINTEA) FIDW FEE SUMMARY DRAINS R FD(TURFS PFR TRAP AI2Y Y_N_ RBCIII'1'Y . TAX Y_ N_ RECEIPT Y q �� �� Owner WORKMANCOM ENSATIOt`ali RRATION ❑I hereby a(fl. that I ha e a ¢Mflca f consent to se -esu e, a a certiBme of Workm'Compevatlm lraunnceora certl(IM copy <hrrtof (Sec 380Q C.) CAS, EA. ai PARK Y N ' If PedkYY GAS FA. SYSTEM.OVER t (EA) REIN BUILDING DI VISION FE FS y Cenllled copybhereby (urNehM. Cenlflod copy Is flied with the city InspectiondlvWon. GREASE/INDUSIRL WASIE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE . GRE�TRAP . CERTIFICATE OF EXFNPI'IO.N` MOM WORKERS' COMpENSATI0NRJ5URANCE ClNsaecilonneednail mmpinedlithe SURA Is(¢archundred dollar PAID Date Reeei tilt - SEWER-SAM'fARYMRM Eh. 700FT ($Im)wles.) 1 certify that In the prde rmance e1the werk forwhich this permit is issued. 1.hall not employ any pennon In any manner no as to become subject to the u Worl,em'Corepention laws of Callfonla. Dine WATER HEAroe w/vFxr/Fronk ENERGY FEE Y N PAID wATFR SYS TWTREATTNG ApplicanNOTICE NOTICE ould co APPLICANT: M: a after making per CMat peo of Faempt the ande,you me feath tot he Workers' Compruinbnprovhisp ofthe Lobe Code, you corn fmhwlth comply with such provhlons or this perMt shall be aeemea rewoked. Date ROLei tk NE:V RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ.FE - TOTAL 13VILDING EEE 7 Z2,msgI ISMIC FE cONSTRUn cDN LENDING AGENCY Ihercbyaffirenthattherse,mnstruction lending agency forthe perfomm an¢ of the work for which thisa= Is Issued (Sec 3041, Civ. G) - TOTAL ELECT -RIG FEE lardds Name lcnaerb Addm, I certify thatl have maul this appBratIonand inatethd theabe ve in(omWlon Is mrren. I agree to complywtth au city and county, ordWnm and state laws rotating to building construction, aM hereby autherbl repre,soutWn of thin Qry.j MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE FEES PAID: city on the (We).9.nter to saw, Lodnmentiand property for Bmpection purposes. (We) agm to mve, IMemNty and keep harmless the City d Cupertino ALTERORADDTOMECH, Date RCCCI tit SUBTOTA against llabWtlei, Fadgmems,cootsaod eapensetwhlch mayla anywayacvue, .g.Wt said Cityl�n "sequence ofthe gent gofthh prink. OraKn � 4 AIR HANDLING UNIT (170 10,000UW) PIR HANDLING UMiIOVER 10,000 CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Slgnaturt of ApplHAZA D%-- to FXHAI/Sf HOOD(W/DI1CD CONSTRUCTION TAX HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT (70100,000 BM Will the applicant onfuture budding oavpnt store or handle havrdow rnaterlal as defined by the CupertW Municipal Code, Chapter 9.17, and the Da Reeel till (5� HEATING UNIT (OVER 1W,OTD BTU) TOTA Health sodSafatyCode Section 2S537(.)7 n Y. r] Nw VENTILATIONFAN(511 LERFSID) ISSUANCE DATE-, a. ' . 0l the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devim hkhnMthaaNws.buntsnde0rkd by the Bay Arta Nr larugaert District? Idyhm Iluvc mad the hamous materials requirt�nbunder Chapter G'Gd BOILER -COMP OHP DR 100,000 BM BOILER-COMP(OVER100,000 RR17 ` the California Health&Safety Code, SMions 25505, 533 and 75531. 1 understand that If the building dors rwt currently have. tenant, that it k my rtsporuibBlty to notify the occupant tithe requirements which must be mat p 1 /v,d 63 NEWRESIDFNTIALMECIL SQ.FT prior to Leanne of a Certl(latc o/Oavpruy. I hl Ter 'AV ISSUED Owner or authorlxd agent Date TOTAL: BY� OFFICE COPY /