19983APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pm ed Ideni fkatlon Building Address: PERMIT NO. o STO r 1998h, ren � v Fl me: CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT BFRLDING-ELECIRICALPLUMBINGNf CHAMCAL v coni' '° oe Q Nm CATEGORY CONTROL ArchHect/F gimer. LNce k. QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT .. FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. p �T b PERMITI$IIANCE ® ❑ El ElLICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(comme, Ingwets In ionfomandeffx m3ofthegudmeand PmlesalomCda, and Hoene V In . form and effect APPIIANCMPTSIDENITAL )uu mI lTON PANELS DateLiceClan CoedLte.UP Date Coed dor To 200 AM / i l C C OTR YN D1�..j 7n, ) AMN ARCHITECTS DECLARATION ]undantaM my plain ekBkueed npubllc recoNa r¢ c _cL OVERT W0 AMP5 RARER 5/SQ. Fr. SIGNSF-LFCIRICAL Licensed Prof.[..] E� l`a OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby alRrm that[ am exempt from the Cordranor'a Lkenae lAw for the following mum. (Section 70315, Buakm and Pmfmions Code: My city or muntywhk�hmqu apert towroh MAkr,Impr e,dem h,ormpalr anyatmctumpr Wibhauane,ah reqs theapptmntf¢auchpemd[to file . signed fakment that he te Limned puraant to the provlebm of the Contrauor.Lice. Law (Chapter 9(comncnctng with Seaton 700D)of Divi- elon3 ofthe BuMmaMPmfmbm Code)orthNhebemnVtherdmmand—'�WLTIATIONI the bah for the alleged e.emptinn. Any violation of Section 70015 by any appll¢nt fora permit subjects the appikaot to a civil peruHy d n¢ m mothan S17'C �+ m ai Ui C��LS }�/f b' OQ 7 (6, ? e 60 LCIRCNT/bFLSC +MEIFR OAI'OI.E INST. DEVICES 07 S-yrggpNGIWLELECfRIC OUTLXTSSWIR:I�FLX TURES g1STORIES (Iv -e hundred ddkn (¢BP). _ L I, uti, of the property, or employee° wtth wages u there °ole TPECONMUCTION mmpematlmEl dock work and theestmcturt bnM bderded or offered for sale t5ec 7(144, Buelrcm and Profesebrm Code: Tk Comrtaofa IJ¢rae Law does not applyban owrcrdpmperty wla ddlde orlmprvves thereon,and Hot hrough wowne. a,pmvded or 1 OCCCROUP RES UNTIS improwauc amnonlm If,ho he MIng impioveeroru artwtintended year ofred!¢sale. If, however, Beer 111 have Improvemem L+.dd with in omyearofcompletlon,tk owner-buHderwW have Z XI.len of proving these k did not build or Improve fm purpose of sale.). act owner of the property, am eacwWely �tracting with Licensed oro to cn b d me project (Sec 7044, Bualnm are Profmbm Code: QT-y.FEE' IT ISSUANCE FLOOD IDNE APN The Contractor'. Licer� Law does no apply to act owner of property who Wildajea with a or lmprow mon thereon, and who comfee such PPC rynlf�ctor(a)Ikeosed punuant to the Contracts. Lleenae law. LJ I am exempt.mer Sec B k P for mum ALTER -DRAIN 4 VEM-WATER (EA) BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE FEE SUMMARY DRAINS FLOOR ROOP, ARCA, GOND. F0(TURES- PER TRAP SANITARY Y_ N RFLFlPI'I Owner �� Date WORKMAN COh ENSA71 AT1ON ❑I hereby affirm that I hart • ¢rH/i¢ c rot to aeH-Imam, or a mrt1B¢ted/Workm'Compewtlmlmumn¢oa¢reified copythertof (gee. 3g W, abG SCIR)OL TAX Y N_ RI'CFR'1' / SGAF 4 SYSEA 1AC.41OU[LETS PARK FF£ Y N Pdlry I GAS PA. SYSI1M. OVER 4 (FA) Corr ny DING DI BUILDING DIVISION FEE5 I ICenlRed copy is hedwithreby the eftyed. LP�JI CerlNed ropy b (fled with lk city Ivpe Tion division. GREASE/WDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE GREASE TRAP CERTIFlCATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' PAID SEWERSANITARYSIORM Fit. �r COMPENSATION INSURANCE (rhls°e«ionneednotkcompleted Hthepermitbfo ao hundreddollen Date RCoei IN tslomeeles..) 1 ¢s0fy mat b me pertarmnm of the work forwNrh tw penNt V trued, WATER HEATFRW/VENT/ELFCTR ENERGY FEE Y N_ I shag no employ any pemon In any manner w u to kco wbjm to the Were 'Compenaatbnla.cfC°Womla. Date WATER SYSTEM/TREATING PAID A UCEt agermakinglm Celon preofonsofthe Lyon shouldb become Chau become sfcmh to Um Worker: Comprovixeprovlsiomrmit Date Recel tH NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ.FT. TOTAL slabor Code,nned r neat lomwM comply with ouch pnMsbm ormfe permit shall k deemed revoked. 13UILDING FEE - SEISMIC FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Iberebyefirm that them k a conatmctton leMingageny teethe perforin, .. of the work for which rob permit b imred ISec- 3097, Cle. C) TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE Lender'°Name lender's Addrtu 1 certify that l have mad tw ap pll¢lbn and .tate thLL the above ln(ormatlm b mrren. l agree to comply withal city and county ordinances and late laws QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT - ITE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: relating to building mMmalon, aid hereby Authomm reprerntativn of this city to enter u pon the above-memenned property for impectbn purpo¢C. (We) agree to save, i demdkeep ty an d heed. the City of Cu pertlno ALTFRORADDTOMECH. Dale RCeel [N SUBTOTAL: agaWt liablBks, Frdgmems,00u and expenses which may in any way... g teaid City mmequ ence of the gran" of this pemdt �°-� a -F— A�/� le [SiggnaWne AIR HANDLING UNIT CFO l0,OrX1 CFM) AIRr NDUNG UNIT (OVER 10," CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX off`Apphezot/ — [)at. FJ(HAUSr Flood tW/DLrn CONSTRUCTION -TAX PAID: FIAZA R DOUS MAT ERU DISCLOSURE HFATHNGUNIT(rOlW,0l0glln Will the applkam or fotumbuildingomrpant.tom°, handle hazard m° material as defined by the Cupertino MuNctpal Code, Chapter 9.17, and the �,�Datc RCCci t!f HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) -TOTAL: health and Safety Cade SxHm 25537(.)7 Rill VENTILATION FAN (ING.E RESID) —} ISSUANC,E� DATE (d a"G P�I y a �� k?Pi1D; the applbmorfuWm bullcingmeupant use equipment ¢devices which emit emmmWm it hanrd. er nta°as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality wm rugeerd Detrlct7 4Yes �° 6.95 of kveread the mod,Sere.. N BOMERMP OHP OR 100,0(011M BORER COMP (OVER 100,000 BTU the CelHomk llealth 6 Safety Code, Sectbm 25505, 25.533 and 75534. 1 2550nb5533 and NEWRMDI1 TALMCCH. SQFT understand that if the building dm rot mmently have a tenant, that it b my respomibility to notify the omvpard&the requUcmentawhkh nerst be met a APRV IJDV prior to L»uan¢ d a Cert ficaw do.,.ey. L. I` F r) •PA ISSU EDB Owner or authonred agent Date TOTAL OFFICE COPY