19988APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Build) Prot Identification B°�i,g Add' PERMIT NO. 23500 i a� R VI u 19 9 8 8 Fhdne. CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT e� Contractor'. Name: Ix, No: BIAIDINGFLBCTRICAI�I'L[JMBINGMECHAMCAL CATFCARY CONTROL Y - Arehltnt/En 81^Kn Llc No: QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT - FEE - BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address, S PERMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION ' Ihereby&H tlutlamlie wdunderpr WO of Chapter9(oarmim Ingwith Seabn 70W)orpNelon3ofthellusirassand ProfndonCodpand my - APPLIANCESRESi[DENTIAL JOB DESCRIPTION license 1. In full fora and effM.. PANELSI Lice. Cla. Date Contractor UPTO0 ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I understand ery plare.hallheuaed n public reoada OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA VSQ Ff. Licensed PrefeealorW OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION lh mbyafBrm Hutlamexemptfrom Ne Comractare Lianas Lawfothe following..(Sectfon 7m15, Bwinesand Profession Cde:Aoytltyor muntywhk requlrnapert tome d,alter,Impmve,demo h,ormpairP SIGNS ELI) TRICAL - SI'CLIAL CIRCIITT/hQSC L E D IN TEMP. g pct OR POLE INST.• U -E R ��- anystructura prior to its lssuaree a bo requires the appBont for such permit to file a algned aaterrent that he is Licensed pursuant to the provfebr a of the Contractor's Lkenx Law (Chapter 9(mmmencing with Section 7000) of Doo - ,,m3 of Ne Business and ProrensbroCode) orNrt he b exempt Neafromard LOWER DEVICES SWIMMING ATIO the basis for the alleged exemption. Any vldabon of Seetbn 70315 by any appbnnt for. permed subjects the applleant to a ctvll penalty of not morethan OI17LE1SSWITCIIESETI(7'L1RF5 five hundred dollars C;5M. ❑1, as owner or the property, or my employees wit v with wagestheir sok NEW RISmENTfAL ELkZ7R SQFI'. STORIES TYPE CONS7Rp LGTN compeosation, will do the work. and the stmobare Is rot intended or offered for sale See.7DM, Bushes, ami Profeabv Cade: The Comnsior. U. I w e30 don not apply to an owner of property who builds or imprwn thereon, and who don each work himself athrmugh his own employees, provided Net arch OCC. GROUP RES. UNITS' Improvemcntnart not Intended oroffered forsale. If, however, the building or Impmvementl.wid whhln mmeycarofcompletiun,the miner-bullderwlB love TOTAL; 6-2 iDr thrkardeh of provfeg that he did not build or improve for purpose ofsale.). LLj I, owner of the property, am ex lestvely mntrxtlng with litensed to whet uct the project (Sec 706{, Bushes and ami Professions Code: QTY, _ PLUMBING PERMIT FEE' FID0D7ONE AIN pygMI.I. ISSUANCE . The Commemes License Lsw dm not apply to an owner d property who builds or Improves thereon, and who mmaGa for such ploleetz with a ryL�ctor(s) Banned pomaantro the Coroadne. Lice. law.BAIX LJ I am exempt under Sec B k P C for this reams ALTER -DRAIN 6 VENT -WATER (EA) FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE .FEE SUMMARY OUTS DE FEES S DRAINFLOOR ROOF, AREA,(OND. - FDS PER TRAP SANITARY Y N_ RFSCEPI a Owner - Duk WORIGNAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of con>nt to self-Nsert, or a artW�eorworkera•eanpenartlon lrw,rNaor.amried ropy thereof e5ec. 3800, Lab G) Sp{OOLTAX Y_ N xecElTT OF GAS EA. INCL OUTLETS PARK FEE Y_ N_ . Fairy Y ECEIPTa RECEIPT GAS FA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (FA) - BUILDWG DIV ISION FES Certfed ropy b herebyed. F-1Certifiedropy Is filed wth the city inspection division. GREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK ' GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF EI(EMPT[ON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE CM, section nerd not he completed B the pend[ b for.. hand red dollars PAID Dale Reoei I# gEWER-SAMI'ARY SIDRM EA NOF7 ($lao)a1mlms..) I dor rt U the per(ortvna of the work forwMch thele permitk Issued, I .loll mat employ any person N any manner at a, lo become object to the Workerv'Compewtlon revs of Glifomla. pate WATERHEAIERW/VENT/ITIC7R ENERGYFEE Y N . PAIDAppU. WATER SYSTEM/TREATING NOTICE NOTICEhould co s, APPLICANT: a after rs Co thensatinlpro o(Ene of the eode,yo<oun mb}ctm the Workers Compewtionprovkis Date Remi t# NES, RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFL TOTAL: permhe Ubedbor Cade, d r round forthwith comply with such provisions or this permed eFall be deemed revoked. BUILDING SEISMIC FEE CONSTRICTION LENDING AGENCY TherebyafBrm Wtthere bammtructlon lerdingagenry forthe pedorm nre of the work for which thin permit Is Issued 6ec 3041, Cie, CJ Lender's - TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE 0 Q - QTY. MECHANICAL' PERMIT' FEE PLUMBING FEE - Name LendersAddres I certify Nat I1uve read thio appButbnard state thrtthe above Inlorwtlon bmrmx. lagreetocomplywflhaUtlyaMm tyord nmandstatelaet MECHANICAL FEB PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID:. relating to Wilding mrmmcttom, and hthM ereby aur representatives ofthis " dtytoenteruponthe abwrmenBorcdproperty for lnspeMonpurposes. (We) agree to save, Irdemmly an d keep harmless the City of Cupertino ALTERORADDTOMLCIL Date - Receipt# SUBTOTAL: agaWtlWbWtles, Fudgments,anb andnpenan which mayb any wayamue against said City In consequence of the graining of Ni. permit AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) ATR HAN NG UNIT(OVER 1Q(00CFM) CONSTRUCTIONTAX Signature of Appllont/CmtractR Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DVTs CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: IIAZAROOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE . HFATINGUMT(TO300,ODOBIU) WWtheapplkantatuture WEdkg oaapant store or lurdk havrdous material as dented by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.17, and the Health and Safety Code Section 25537(a)7 ❑ Yn No Will theappbantR tort budding omupant use equipment or ti v which emit harardee. air mmamlruw as defined by the Bay Area Air INy Maregcmnnt Diurltl7 shave Dale Recei t# HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: (yt G VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RFSID) ISSUANCE DATE e r^i PAM' AM' BOILER -CAMP OM'OR 100,000 BTU) Yes, ❑ No BOILERCOMP(OVER 100,000 BTU)' read the hovrdousmaterials requirements under Chapter 695 of the CsfomU Health&Safety code, Section, 25505, 25533 end 25534. V bD �rl\ 2 rJ- t[1 NEW RESIDENTIAL MECal SQ}7. understand that if Ne budding does not mamntly have a tenant. that it my " 3990 responsibility to notify the oavpam of Ne he u r mems which *rust be met Zt issuanceofa Certl(lateof Ori parry. /fipc�i / �ifrn2( City of f`�(fr^1p I'� /�� ISSUED BY: I Owner or authMud agent TOTAL OFFICE COPY