19990APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY B.Ildi.S Project ldentifbadon Building Add.:' PERMIT NO. k 19 99 U G QpV� CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION, APPLICATION'/ PERMIT OO _[ Contract«.Name: Lk. No: CATEGORY COMAOL Y y- ti.eUfLDINGdF]C'IRIGL.I'LUMBINGMCCFUMGL A It / lU 3l 1� QTY .ELECFRIC PERMIT' FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO . Add— e5q- - � � 5,F PERNIT74UANCE � oo � E=I 1:1 ❑ X LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby .HlrmNtlam Wl ie duMerprovbbnsof Chapter9(mmmm ingwIth5eetbn 7000)of Dlvlmon3ofthe Buelreaaandlhofea Coda and my licerae Ita in full forand effect. APPLIANCES-RMDEN11AL JOB DESCRIPTION PANELS License Clan Lle'I Date Contactor - Imo✓—A�-'a�k l -1000 ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my plan shall be uzd u public remda OVER1000AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA $/SQ. FT. Licensed Prn(evbral SIGNBEIECAI, ALE D OWNER-RNLDER DECLARATION I a I hereby affirm tlutlam memptfrumthe Comanoes Lkenmlrwforthe A ,Y' T TEMP.SPEDHALCIRCUIT/MISC TEMP. METER ORPOLE INST. following recon. (tlua 70115, Buairiu and Pnfeslom Cod<: My ctty or cvrntywhkhmquWaper tomwmMOter,Impmv,demolbh,orrepair enymmcture statementExc ryi pursuantto the (oreucraeof tto /Be . dgned tatement that k b 8ansed pursuant to the proWbro of the ■ Q I �a 91 IOWQI DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC Contractor's License Uw (Chapter 9 (mmmnnctng with Section 70M of DM - .b.3 of the Bu sin. and ProfesbmCode)car that he Is exempt therefrom. M VALUATION the balls for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 70115 by any applicant for a permit subjema the appllrant to a tlWl penalty of not moa than �J-�E.ISST1'TILIiFSFLYfI1RE5 NEW RFSIDQJTIAL ELA_7R SQ'FT. five hundred dollars MM. ❑ I, a owrar of the property, or my employers with wagon v the wle SIORIGS TYPE CONSTRUCTION mmpensatlon,will do the work and the stmctum is wt Wended or offered for vie Lee 7014, Buslros and Proferbro Code: The Contactor. U.. Law TOTAL (?CL -A'6 does not apply to an owner of property who Wilde or Improves thereon,and whodosuch woM m rkmseBorthrough Ms own .mpl yeas providedthatsuch bnprovememsare retWemoclorofferect fonsale. If,however,the Wildinga OCC.GROUP RFS UNTIS - me Impnverd is sold witMln oneyear ofcompletbrA the owner -0W MerwW have t reienofprovingthat hedld rot WBd orunprove forpurpmaefule.). ed Li L u owner of the property, am exclusively contracting wlkeneed mntnctms to mrotsuct the project (Sm 70K BusinesaM Profesbm Code:' QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOODZONE APN PERMIT ISSUANCE The Contactors Warne Uw dm ma apply to an owner d property who WBdv s or Improthereon and who contracts for such pA" with a cqritpecmrW Barged pur.uant to the Contactor. License Law. LJ I am exempt under Sec. B 4 P C for this renin ALTER-DRAINA VFM-WATER ffN FEE SUMMARY BAOC FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE OUTSIDE FEES DRAINSFT.00K ROOF, ARFA, COND. SANITARY Y_ N_ RECEIPT I Owner Dal. WORIONANCOMPFNSATIONDECLARATION MIhere affirm that I have • aerti0ate of caamt to ulf-tmun, or certificate of Workea'ComperuaHmlwrana as certifled ropy therref(S.. 3f100, Iib G Policy- I FD(77/RFS PER TRAP SCIBOOL TAX Y_ N_ RECEIPT I GAS EA. SYSTEM -1 WCIOUTI.EIS PARK FEE Y N RECEIPT I GAS EA. SYSTEM -ova I (FTA) Ca ray BUILDING DIVISION FEES ECemlfled copy is MunLhed. E]Certl/1ed ropy V filmherefiled witth the city inspection division. GREASE/ iNDUSIW, WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCFIECK FEE GREASE TRAP CERTIFlGTE OF O(e MON FROM WOR K ERS' PAID SEWFRSANTTARY-SfOE(M EA. 2](R-1'. - COMPENSATION INSURANCE (TMsaectbn need neat ecompleted Bthe permit lafmomhundred dollar DRIC RCCCI IN WATER HEATER w/vlxr/EucrR ENERGY FEE Y N_ ( Meeles.) I artBy that In the perfornwanf the work forwhlch thl. pemdt V Ia.Wed, WATFRSYS MA/TRFATINC I shall not employ any person lo any manner ro as to become subject to the Workero Caenperaation laws of C.Womla. Date PAID - Applicant Date Recel t# NEW RISIDEMIAI, PLMB. SOFT. NOTICE TO APPUCAMmaking : If, after this CMifi ate of Exemption you should become subject to the Workers Compensation provisions of the Labor TOTAL: Cod, you most furthwhh comply with such provisions or this permit shall be BUILDING FEE deemed revoked. SE15MIC FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Ihereby affirm that there is a construction lending.gency for the perform onhi once of the work for which thio h permit Laxom Lac 3097, Cie. C.) Irnders Name I1nder. Add. Iartfl!J at I have read thisapp0atbn and rtatethatthe above Infomxtlon N correct. I agree to comply with all cityaM county ordb.nm and rote lawn TOTAL - EI -EL FRIG FEE o QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE - PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: relating to building construction and hereby authorize repreeentatWa of this city to enter upon the above-mentioned property fee WpMbn purposes (We) agree to save, imemrdfy an d keep harmles the City of Cupertino ,,.Wt BabWtim,judgments, costsand exper. wMch may lnanywayacvue .g.Wu said City I. mnuqe, uenof the granting of W. permit. ALTER OR ADD TO MICH. ' Date Receipt# AIR HANDLING UNIT CIO 10,OW CFM) SUBTOTAL AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER I(LODO CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Sigvtum of Applicant/Contractor Dote t7(HAUSf IIOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCIASURE HEATING UNIT CTO IW,000 BTU) Date Reaei t# Will the app0ard or future building occupant more or laMk havrdoua material as defirad by the Cupertino MtWdpal Code, Chapter 9.1 Z and the Fleaith and Safety Cade Section 25537(a)? Yo No qilitheeppllarda tore WBdingaccupvuueeequipmmwdevlas HEATING UMT(OVER 100,00) BFU) TOTAL: G Z�13� VENTILATION FAN LWGLE RFSID) ISSUANJ.%at {� which emit baardous.ir conambams as de0ned by the Bay Arca Air V�J� BOILFR.COMP OHP OR IMM BTU) Quality MarugemeM Detrkt7 ❑Yes Na API? IIOILE100,"MP(OVIR 100,BTU) . Ihave mad the havr�.1m.tert.Ls requirements under Chapter 6.95 of _ � 5 oat 98U the CAhbma Hc&h k Safety Code, SMbro 75.50$, 25533 and 75534. I NEW RESIDENTIAL MECT I. SQpT understand that lfthe building does not currently have a tenant, that It is my rexporesmRlty to ratify the occupant of the requirements which must be men P olar l8uaroc ofacertificatcofoav as 90 M ISSUED TOF neer or authorized age Date 7O'fAL BY: OFFICE COPY