19991APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Fminet identification Building Addma: oe- fe Q PFR.WTNO. 1'9991 rocs .mm:11hIors: o CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT BUfLDINC [ELDTRRICALPLUMBINGMFLHANICAL APPLICA HON SLJH.Mri IAL DAM P 6 C.metor'. Name: Lk. N. CATEGORY CONTROL ♦ Arehhttt G mer. Z Q ELECTRIC PERMIT � BUILDING PERMIT INFO /' �G+'(� Address (704 Q�--T JI t F/ PFRMITKbUANCE 11,00 ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I herebyafflrmthat l am lkensed under pmvlelomof Chapter9 IngDlafthe Buelweand PmleWana Code, and RaossialnLullforceand effect. License ClassWe/F-[_riTl Date Cordnctor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my plane shall be used as public records. Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION y.lRmn �tiFecrio meaemptframmeCmanMrsLbnd: Lewfmthe owing14 f ntylwh. rqua aan70 WRualneaa[dr,ops e, sod h,ycityor counrywhkh mequknapermittommMmuct, viten knprove, denv0shor.palr anyetructu. prbrto its beuarcGal.omequlro NeappBcant for ouch pemdt to file a Mitred statement that he as licensed puesuant to the pruvleloro of the Contractor'. Lice. L w(Chapler9(commend.gwlth Section 7000)of Divi- don3 of the Businem and Professions Code) orthat he h e.empl therefromand the basic for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section MIS by any applicant fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty a not moat than By hundiedddiarn(f500. N1, as owmr of the Property, or my employees v It wall. as thio sole compnnsrion, wSl doth wrrk, and Ne slructurt isnot IHIended or offered for sale ♦See 7014, Bush and Pmfenebns Code: The Contractors U.. Taw don not apply to an owner of property who be llda or Imp. t hereon,and who dressuch work himself orahro igh hlaawn employees, provided Nat such improvemmnteamnotintendedorofferedfwule. It,howcvegthebuldingor impmvementlawldwlthinomyearofcompldWn,theownerbullderw have tlgjZu.den of proving that he did not baud or improve for purpose of gala.). 4 as ow,,., of the Property, .m excWdvely contracting with Ikmsed contnctmrs to construct the project (Sec 7014, Busin® and Professions Cad,. The Contractor's License Lew does not apply to an owner, of property who Wads or Improves Naean, and who contr.m for such pkojnts with a onalfactor(s) Ikxnsed pursuant to the Cort.cior's License Law.BACK L j I am exempt under Sec B k P C for this reason APPLIANC6RESDENf1AL )OB Rp `Tj +f—�r..D�ESC PANELS UPT02DOA PS 1-1 AMPS OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA $/SQ. FT. g L E D l M P,�a1 T E ` // rE-Qr /� . SIGNSELECIRICAL 9'ECLILCU(CUIT/MLSL TFAIP.ME717ROR1'Oi,C♦NST.AM _ ' POWER DEVICES S1VA1MiNG POIX.EECIRIC ' OUTI.EISSWTICF�rT FIXTURES NEW RESIDENTIAL EI.ECTR SQx7. STORIES ' TYPECONSIRUCTION O TOTAL O QTy. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE OCG GROUT' RM UI 715 PERMIT ISSUANCE ALIElt-DRAIN& VENT- WATER (EA) FT-OODZDNE APN ' FEE SUMMARY PIDWPROTECT. DEVICE 00TSIM FEES DRAINS FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, COND. FOCIl1RES PER TRAP SANITARY Y_ N_ RECEB'T. Owner Date WOR "AN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑I hereby affirm have. that I haa .mHOmaconve te of nt to self-iw m s, a mni0ole of Wor"'Comperoatlon lnxuru or a certified copythe.of(Sec. 3SOO,Leb G) PolCom 4 SCHOOLTAX Y_ N _ . RFLkE I . GAS FA. SYSTEM -1 ING4017f1.EfB PARK FEE Y N RECEPT a GAS FA. SYSTEM-0VER 4 (EA) _ y BUILDING DIVISION FEES CertNed copy rumlaned. GentBed copy b filed with the city inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF F](EMPIION EROM WORKERS CAONINSURANCE(IhleeMbn need er- bac-npletd Bthe Imult Mo orc hundred dollars at I onnifess.) ♦cant thatln arypehe ormt In nce the work so as to which eemdtlabo theed, I alae not employ any person In any winner n d to becvrmr subject to the Workers Compensation lawn of Glffornla. Date Applicant I NOTICE TOAPPLICANT:APPLICA: IL rm after king Ledm o Certificate of Exemption, You should become subj ct to the Workers' Compemadon provisions of the Labor Code, you mwr forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shill be dern el revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Inerebyamrm tbat the. Is. mmmitruction lending.gela issued � my for thpenbom, ante of the work for which this pert ise30YI, Cly. C.) Lender: Naim Lender'.Addreae I rertlfythal l have mad thlaappliatbn ant sutethat the above informa lon la conect.lag.e to comply wttb.0 cty.M.."retwnm.nd rate lows relating to building eomtroalon, and hrcby authortze repreaentrWes of this city to enter upon the above-mentbred property for Wpmat opurposes. (We) agree to save, indemnify an d keep harmless Ne City of CW agaWtlhbWtfes, jrdgments,cors.nd expenseewhkh meyln anywayamue agaBut Bald City in consequen. of the granting of W e perms. GRFAGF/A'DUSTW,wMTEIMEtCE'lOR PLANCHECKFEE PAID EUtC Reoel ttt' GRFASEIRAP - gEWER-SAM'IARY SHAM EA 71%FT WATERT TER W/VENT/ELIK17R ENERGY FEE Y_ N PAID Date Recd til ' WAIF]t SYSIII.1lIRFAlINL NEW RESIDENTIAL PIMB. SQ.FT. TOTAL FEE -BUILDING SEI IC FEE TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE O O QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE -MECHANICAL PLUMBING FEE FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: ALTERORADDTOMECH. AUR FIANDLING UNIT IT010,"CFM) Date Recei tq Puped SUBTOTAL: AIR HANDLING UNTT(OVER I(),000CFM) CONSMUCFION TAX Signature of Appgont/Contractor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE WBI Ne applluntmfutu. building oavpant oto. or handle hazardous material as deRrud by the Cupertino Mu Mdpal Code, Chapter 9.17, and the hMalth end Safety Code Section 25531(a)7 ❑ Yen No W01 Iheapplkaor or to x building occupant use equlpnv,rt or da whkb eMl haamdou. W contaminants asdeRmd by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District? Y. ❑❑ No iE�lhaveread the hardousmaterialsrciluUcmenmunderChapter6.95of v the California Health k Safety Cade, Sections 75505, 75513 and 25534. I undemtaM tht if the building does rent aumrntly lune. tenant that it Lamy responsibility to orally the ocapant &the rryuUemeMs which mwr he met prbrtobeuan.o(a Cent undo. .��� �PJ y-as�o EGLAI THOOD(W/DUcn CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: 11E1TING UNIT (TO 100,0DO BTf1) - Datc RCtiei ted HEATING fIMT (OVER 100," BTll) TOTAL: VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RFc ) I$$UF�C, _DATE M APR 4 yUUca '� IJsaU -- Mr'In?rtIIM � ' ISSUED BYN1L1co'--i�xLJrs.SI�I' BORER -COMP OHP OR 100,0410 BTU) BOILERCOMP(OVER 100,p0OBTU) NEW RESIDEJTIALMEIN. SQ.F7 Owner or auth agent Dole TOTAL: OFFICE COPY