20069APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Frojet Identification Building Address: �3 !-oo LS 0 rye ►— PERMIT NO. 2006 rens a con: U PSV CITY OF CUPERTINO- BUIL DING DIVISION(^�Q APPLICATION I PERMIT BUIIDING-ELECTRICAL-PLUMBINGNiDL' MCMI. _ Q Coatarmr' N.lae. f� D (/ �.N. f ( CATEGORY . CONTROL 4 ArchBact/Englneen IJc. No �T QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT - FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. 6 ePCf=M l•� Sl va PERMT17ISSUANCE f�1 ❑ ❑ ❑ LKENSED CONTRAR RS DECLARATION I hereby affbm that l am Bcensed under provW...fChpter9(.c ingwith Senbn70D0)of DivLdm3ofthe BuMnesand Profesdoru Code,and License b to.In full foand effeet License Clara _LJ`, N_ - Date Cowador ARCHITECTS DECLARATION ]undcataM my plaruehal be used as publeremrds. LlaruM Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt frocn the Contractor's License Lw fee the foPnwing reason. 6edbn 70315, BuMnesa and Prolmbv Cede: Any dtyor ceatywhichrequireapermit tocomltud,Miner, imprwe,deetolsh.orrepair any structure prior to lb borance, alw requires 0. applicant for tach permit to fib a signed mlement that he, is ficensed pu.t to the prwhlom a the Cort actor's Lkeeae law (Chapter 9 (commencing with SeNon 7000) of Dlvl- Mona of the Budnes and Profesbne Cade) ortlut he b exempt therefromaM the basis for the alleged exemption. Any Wolatlon of SaHon 7(1315 by any applant for a permit subjeM the applkant to a dvll penalty of net more than five hundred dollars (550,. F1I, as owner of the Property, or my employees with wage u theb sole mmpewtlon,willdothe work and the structure ee Plat Intended or offered for sale(Sec 7044, Rusi, and Profeselore, Code: The Cordadots]JameLaw does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improve thereon,and who doesuchworkhbrueB orthragh wownemployee, Provided that uch Impmvemew arc notlntrnded oroflcred for u4. 14 hmwevec the Wlldln8a Improveme i bsold withinoreyearofcompletlon, the ownerbuIlderwll have Xt n of proving that k did net build or improve for perp. of sale.). 4 as owner of the property, am rxcwWely mntncnng wkh Licensed t on 10 mnebud the project (Sec 7014, Bushes am Profession, Cade: The Contactors L emse Lw does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves theneon, and who mmnes for such Mjecb with a cria(ra.dWs) rued puauaot to the Conse L LJ I lia nador's License am exempt under See. B 4 P C for this reason APPLIANCESKF9DENTIAL )OB UES DON C,OVi Vatp� Sl� ` •� — L n A d ddD, - PANELS UP TO 2DO AMPSVa -1000 AMPS OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA f/SQ.Fr. - , SKINS ELECTRICAL SPFLIALCIXCUIT/MISC TEMP. METER ORPOI.RINST. POWER DMCFS SWIMMING POD[. ELECTRIC VALUATION OUTLETS -SWITCHES . NEW RESIDENTIAL ELE(7TR SQFr. SIORIES TYPECONSTRIICTION TOTAL QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE OCC.GROUP R6.UMT5 PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER -DRAIN& VENT- WATER (EA) HOOD EINE AI'N FEE SUMMARY BAER FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE _ DRAINS FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, GOND. gpTLURES IPE[7RAP SANITARY Y_ N_ RECEIPT] Owner - a WORKMANC . PENSA O D CLARATION r—affirmve I hereby affirm Wt 1 haa nerHflaco te of nbwa sent to self -re, a ceN weofWorkers Compm im InaunncemaceAY"mPy Ihened(Sec. 380, lab C.) � a SCIKJDL TAX Y_ N_ RECEIPTa GAS F.A. SYSTEM -1 INCA OUTLETS PARK FEE Y_ N RLCID'T Y GAS E.A.SYSIFM-0VER 4 (EA) CCeto y - BUILDING DIVISION FEES Cartlfled ropy is herebytarnished.the lty - CedNed copy b filed with the dty Ivpectbn division. CERTIFICATE OF IXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSIBIANCE (Tide ettYbn orad net be completed dthe permt b fe ane hundred dollen (f100)mlas.) Icertifythat Nthe pedomunceof the work for which this pemmtblwed, T anal fiat empty any peramt b any manner m u 10 become anbjrd to the Workeri Cmnpenvtbn Iaw•a d GEomia. Date Applant WTlCE 70 e, subjCANC:e, after malag Certifteate of Exemption, eLabo should bemma subject he Workers' Cush pnwi tan prvvbbnermit of shabor Code, tfmthwhh mm I with such rovbbra arthb Yo�+maPs PY P permit shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY lhembyaffirm tut then bamviructlonkMingageuy forthe pedarm anceo(the work(orwhkhlhb permitbbared (See 3097,CIv.CJ Leadero Name 1<naer:Mame. I¢rtt/ytharI have rtalthioappllat and remingt Dagreing."tlywlth anckyand mu oriie lnan¢eand sta(elasys rtlatoenterupong mmtrudbn,and hertby Pty orl rtpresntaHvn of thio city (We) to see,he d property for the tion Cfty.f Cupertino (eM agar ts, save, bdemudfy an d keep which the City of Cupenbo which permit. wayacvue aga4ut said City jndgmequencetof th era ting age Wt sale atybmn.egae�fir the gra tbgatw permit. �-JGfir GREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR P NCHECKFEE PAID Date Recei li! GREASETRAP SEWER -SANITARY -STORM FA 2IXET WATER HEATER WryINT/EFCTR n WATER SYSTEM/TREMT1140 ry — _ ENERGY Y N I 1 t� OTAL: NEW R®DFNRAI. PLM 9QFT.• P \ P} r, �,,7 � r 1J L � TE ELECTRIC FE• TOTAL QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE PLUMBING E MECHANI LFEE FEES PA ' ALTER OR ADD70MECH. D e Recei AIR HANDLING UNIT OO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTA AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,00)CF%I CO STRUCIION TAX _��1•a+(j✓Otl�.% Sigratureof Applant Date HAZARDOUSMAT RIALS DISCLOSURE Will the app0ant orfutum building occupant More or handle havnddus ma material as defined by the Cupertino MuNdpal Code, Chapter 9.17, and the alt Heh ant SafetyCode bn 8 Sert532G)7 n Yn Iltheappliamorntrcrebuildingarvpint..equipmentordevku . which ermt lunrdoue air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District? Ye j� No have read the Inas .ornalcrlab requtrements under Chapter&95 of the California Health & SafetyCode, Sectbm 8505,25.533 and 25534. 1 uMe MthatiltheNtldingdoer mnentiyhavea tenant, that It b my respommlhy, to nmttly the onvpam of the requirements which must be met prior to issuance ole CartBlnreol Oct paruy. EXHAUST HOOD fW/DUCT) C NSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HEATING UNIT (JO 100,ODO BTL) Date ReCei IN HrATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: VFNTILATIONFAN(SINGLERE37D) ISSUANCE DATE P ���� APR -'"199�II �J ISSUED BY.1j BOILER -COMP OHP OR 100,0(9 BTEO BOILER-ODMP(OVER 10D,OW BTU) NEW RESIDFN'llAI. MECIL SQFT Owner or awhorived agent Data TOTAL OFFICE COPY