228990 OZ z O Fy LU j W� a O U_ LL ~ Ow r IL F N Z U- 0 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN.ONLY Building Pro'ed IdemHiotlen^^� POMIT NO. Bulldlr,grev: `�GJ 22899 net 11hon CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION I PERMIT N� c�yC� c- .�5.� .�� Lk J BUIIOINGME.TRICALPLUMBING-MCCHAMCALGTEGORY CONTROLIf A'K',Engf Sig QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add PFRM1ffCISSUANCEID 0 LICENSED CONTRACTORS OECLAR ION I Ingwith lire^heb IncfuRrrota and df7m. 3edunderr provision. Chapter Sethn70DMof Divinon Jofthe Bust rc.AvCoee,and my NCFSRESIDEM7AL .)OB D -- PANELS enCks Llca Date Date Coritrador UP TO 2DO ANTS 701-1000 AMPS ARCHITECPS DECLARATION I understand my pkroehall be used as poblle recmis. OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA g/9]. FT. SIGNSELECTRICAL LIcevM Pmf.L nal OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I herebyafRrmthat lamexempt fromthe Codractori Llan Lawfa the SI'ECIALCIRCI117 ip,(p MBT772OR MOL IN ED following rtawn.(Section 7MIS, Busiest and Profobro Code: My city or assn re permit re, mrotmci, Irnp demoWh,or rtpar 1 I� mdtum Peru to its anygmarretatemeltsbsuan I, 11rensdpursueatothe fasuchpemdte h lea es the a signed statement that he b Ik pumunt it the provblov of the pLyWpRD�� C Con3ofthe Lk— LwtQuptWMC( )ort gwhh 9emp"hem(mrt Divi- (co and the hofthe theallegod Rdmbro Code) clatioheb Seamon MIS My ttolabn d Seaton normo by any the beans for the akged eaempte applicant apeButdred apermi subjects theapp0canttoatldl pevhydnor more than SWOPQUNG FOOL ELECTRIC OIfILE1SSWifQ-�"'FI VALUATION Gi t NEW RF9DFNTIAI, F1.FS7R SQFT, ❑wan hunand doBas p E] 1, u I, ownof thehe property, or my employee with wage as their sok sTuBLEV "IYI+E CONSTRUCTION cornperuation, wBl do the .k. and the trumare b not Wended or offend for sale (Sec 7014, Business and Pro csalcm Code: The Contnaor'a (Jame Law ti does not apply In an owner of property who Wilda or Improve thereon, and nhrgh his own employ, pmdd whodoeeuch work himself or aee providedl OCC.GROUIa RFS.UNTT$ IrnWrovemenasaaoot Ntendedorofke fasale. ILhavever,the WlMinger Improvement la sold wNhln me yearof canpletbR the owner -W IlderwIthave TOTAL ' try,,* rden of proving than beau rat Wud orimpmw, fapurpo.eofnk.). hely cting with Ilanse Lj L as owner of the property, am ehn�wd mntr =to combo^the project (Sm 70K Businmard Prefesbro Code: QTY. PLUMBING. PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FLOOD ZONE AM The Coomi Lloen Taw does not apply to an owner of property who Wilde or imp. thereon, and who mdnce for ouch peojecis.whh a aggRaear(a uamea pe.annt m the cadraaa: Llan Law. 01 am exempt order Sec B 6 P C for this reason ALTER -DRAIN &VENT-WATEt(FA) FEE SUMMARY BAac Flnwl'IeoTF r. DEVICE OUTS I DE FEES DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND. �� SANITARY Y N RECEIPT 0 Owner Dae WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑I hereby afilnm that I have • certificate of consent to self -Imre, or a ¢Mate of Worken'Comperoatlon Iruurana or a artBkd ropy thereof Sec. 3300,7.6 CJ I'oI Try I - FIXTURES PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX, Y N REGFD7 R GAS PA. SYSTEM-11NC4OUTLETS PARKFER Y_ N_ TO GAS EA. SYSTQ.f-0VFR 1(EA) Ca DING DIVISION BUILDING DI VISION FEES Hied mpybhercby fumished. Can=y ropy b tiled with the city iropeaTbn dW Won. GREASE/NDUSTRI, WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE GRFASEIRAP CERTDTGTEOF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS PAID SEN,E2SANRARY SIORM E.A.700F1. COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This.W. need no be completed tithe permit infer one hundred dollar Date '• Receipts[ WATER HEATER W/VENT/m FCTR ENERGYFEE Y N - PAIDApplican-' MW)or ions.) I rertlfy that In the pcaomwca of the work for which this permh is blued, I shag no employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the Woclomi Compmenbn laws of California. Date WATER SYSTEM]/TREATING NOTICEt Nould beOAPPLICANT:e aftermatingthinCetor, preisonempte you the Wor, provisions should becomesubth Date Reeei tN NEW RESIDENTIAL PLN(B. SOFT. it with such proabn permit Y. forthwith shell be deemed rewkcd. BUILDING FEE SEISMIC FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Iherebyaffi rm re b than thea mnstru¢Ion lending age �y for the perfomv once of the work for which this permit is issued (Sc, 3097, CW. C.) Tl7Te ELECTRIC FEE IenderName PLUMBING FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE Lender'sAdd. 1onii hat I have read nhhapplictbn and ranethattheabove Infomudon b mmret. I agree to comply with all city and county ordeanm and gate laws MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE _ FEES PAID: relating to building mrmtmallon, and hereby a W horlm representatives of this city to enter upon the abmo-menlbvd property for Wpectbn purposes. (We) agree m ave, IndcmNfy an d keep harmless the City of CW upert ALTERORADDTOMI3CH. Date Retei [p SUBTOTAL: aga4ut wbiblylndgmen cogsand expenses, which may In arnywayaavue a Ivtgala pRR�t to the nathin mdc �g �` Aare HANDLING UNIT CFO 10,000 CFM) AIR HANDiJNG UNIT (OVER l4aoo CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX romamofAA—�- oMACogf nor QTD�� EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HALxDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant orfuture beadingprt gore or handle harardasHATING material as defired by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.17, and the Date Revel fk UNTT(TO 100,000 BTU) sf HFATING UMT (OVER IOO,000 Bftn TOTAL Health ard Sa ny Cade Scadon 75537taH F-11Ye No Mico VENTILATION FAN SINGLE RFSID) IS9W*(jE8ATE /{ OCT. 24 199 1 Will the appOaM Wilding occupant use equipment or devices whish cmlt ha,ranlas air contaminates as defined by the Bay Arca A1, QualoMavgemeen Wtrict7 4o' I ] Kb haveread the h=mougmaterials mcfuinementsunderChapterb95of the C.Ifornla health 4 Safety Cade, Sectinm 75505, 755]3 and 75536. I R- BOIIECOMP ODOR 100,00i) BM IK)ILER-ODMP(OVER l0%000BTU) NEWRESIDFMIALMEOHL SQFT urala ndthat lfthe Wlleingdoes ataanentlyhaveatenant that it bury responsibility to notify theamrpant d the requUcmerds which mut b, met priortnlsuarccofa CenifcateofQavpancy. C'7Da OF CUPERT INO '– ISSUED BI:et Owners authortrad agent Date OTAL / OFFICE COPY