00060160' . CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT, ' BUu.DwdADb49640 CULBERTSON ITRMH NO. -A 9WNERNNAPETER RABBITTAPPLICAI'10.. Ilk D fJNH:, _ - - — SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. m0 ZZ ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: -_ - BUILDING PERMIT IN[ 0 RUE BLDG ELECT - PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACI ORS DECLARAI RON'Oh of Ihereby affirm that Iamlicenmdunder provisions of Chapter 9prommwchmg WATER HEATER RE NVEMENT ,.., tt with Section 7") of Divaon 3 of the Businessadprofessions CoJ and any license us in lull force and effect. ' z 6 License CI„ns Lic. p Date 3 i y _.Cor,bveuk ARCHITF.C'I'S DECLARA'I'[ON a°—, g I understand my plum shall he used as public records t oil n �it Sp O - d L¢ Professional OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION „t • m I h by affirin tht . I am exempt firon the Connector's I.LecTOC Lmw for the - 4 t:z 'Bill gra.u, (Section70315"B:n . radP I..or C I'AYcly 'manly it aF❑ whtehrcl csit prnut a null p letlsh p ray S nmre. n C3 es p° t t. issuance. also acquires me applicant non such permit file a signed statement -'hat Sy. Ft Floor'Area Val ux i he d. licensed poememto[he pmveoon.othe Contractor sldreaseLOW (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Pmfesslons Code) , - mr Shut he is exempt merdiom and me busts for the alleged exemption. Nry violation - ". __ of $cdinn 7031.5 by any npplicunt for it la'nnim nuM1lats the applicant to a civil penalty of not mot man flee numbed dmmrs'rgstxn. AP�?,'pOfTRFb001. 00 ' Occupancy Type ID 1, as owner of She property, or my nnployees withsdagesmthcir sole compensation„ 44. will ne ,he work, ssi the swcwm is not intender or se Lmd for sale Ism, to an Business and Professions Code: The Corot morns License Lad dues not apply 0 am 502 — F I NPJquiRldl11M�FNfns ENERGY woes of pmpeny Who hnllJs nr imamves merenn, and who doesmch work himself or 50E — GAS TEST' mmagh hi, awn nuployeca. poolded mot said, inpmmre vceau amal imtamdm or ' Offered for sale. If, however, the budding or improvement Is sold within one year of ' SO! FINAL PLUMBING ' completion, the owner-htelder will have the burden of proving that he did nol build or - imprwe f,r purpae of sale.l. , Ell, as owner of the propeny, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to g , e 7 usa ro re t (See Smile,, J P f Code:) ) C fire(,,,',d emorrom th pr 1 I Lice 1 f I to a f l I h IJ. mp, fi " q and who contractsfor suchmitNts with a conloselorts),ficimocd personal ithet d Cum t r. L e La ❑ 1 am exempt under Sec 11 & P C for tats mtan - Ow -Dom WORKIRS COMPBNNHONDECI.ARAI'ION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the Billowing Jedarations: _ _ �t • , Q J 1 have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent as self-insam for Worker's .— Comacosmion; as provided for by Section 3800 of the [..her Code, for the Ferformmme of the work for which this pmra(Is bored_ ❑ 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insm.mec, as required by Section - 3800 ol'the labor Code, for the performance of the -work for which this permit is sued, My WaTmr`s Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number arc: r ` . Gurnee policy Nu: CER'TIFICA'TION Or EXHMIT'ION FROM WORKERS' - , - COMPENSA'1'IONiINSURANCE (This section road not M completed if the Fermi, is for one hundred dollars , (51BOB or less.) - I certify that in She performance of the work for which this permit is issued, 1 ut shall nemploy any person In any ntmmer en as to her re subject to Oue Workers' .. - Coa,meatien Law, of California. Dutra Applicant NOTICETOAPPLICAN'E lL after making this Certificate of Esemptiom. you should become subject to She Workers Campemmian provision, of me Labor Cale, you ntmu QQ. O forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall he deemed revoker. - ,^� Coil CONS I'RUCT10N LENDING AGENCY ,. _ •' I miebyaffrm tha dlemi, a caramelimi londingngency for the perfomrace .of the work for which this permit is issuer (Sec. 31147, Co. C.) _ Ls,mR,'s Name .. - . Lender's Address uQ thv Infan Ra 3 PP t, t n is uagre Ibai l inn,-st ill this a W [�. .,,itfms uy mrdiemhm d 1,1 correct. agree cmrydy wuh all city nod county omatives (and ,tate laws or upog So building uniom,andhembyaomurizemproses. representatives of this city mentor upon errs Fe u ra p se: She h t id p pude -- . fy has nif (N)greet a indemnify keep le ss She Cly fCpeninost 1 Uy said liabilities, judgments, cot and expenses which y m any y a against: said 7�. Cdr n consequence of [hegranting of thisa n. y - L Issuedb Date SOURCEREGULTIONS.DSANDWILLCOMPLYWITHALLNONaOINT SOURCE REGULATIONS � Y' - - Signature of Applicant/Cmnracror :Dae Re400fs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the appreanior future building oacuprn Wore m handle Kameda.,mated:] Type of Roof • as ddined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Ch tiamil.I2, and the Horth and Safety Code, Section 25532(x)? 1�YC1 - °No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing mat&riIl being installed. , N511 the applicant or future building oecupantrAc equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove mit Innuendoes air atmanlnmms to defined by the Bay Amer Air Quality Management dstrie^ all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ❑Ycs ❑Nn - - - `'all non-point source regulations. 1 hove read the hamnlous materials rcyuirements under Chapter 695 of the- Cilifomiu Health&Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533 and 25534. 1 understand thatif thecurrently have a tenant. that it is my rortmarbility m notify She, mems which must be met poor to i>sunnce of a Cenilicam of occupant of She mHerr leancyinim Early i n 'Signature of Applicant 'Date ' '- _ All roof coverings to be Class `B" or better ' Owoerormidmfaedagea, Due