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/01 / I ti LOT NO. NO. STREET 6A PLICA -1N ,F BUILDING PERMIT ° TjY'QF CUPERTINO 3 ` l APR 4 1963 1 SanitaryNo. W LL Dar 196_ ermit No. -;L;tz a = o (n�A is is SS v de;for�a ermit to o a L��p li�J �Il I �.r P� , z w a story,Type 'Iding w to be occupied only as , 0 o in accordance with Plans, Specificatioi s'arid Plot-Plan filed herewith. b ,•ti .;:,. 00 00 , ; Estimated Value of Improvements,$ Pee$ 9 z J zIt is heteby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and j z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of d o Cupertino i I be complied with 3Q �t— — �'r// hCddress W z B�--- �" Address 0�6 a 0Phone% � `7' ` �3 5 I Approved .i'LQ t C� State Licens -�t)-W' BUILDING INSPECTOR w RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS � o FOUNDATION DATE INSPECTOR UNDERFLOOR DATE INSPECTOR FRAME / —� DATE INSPECTOR LATH and PLASTER JA ATF INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. !t �- OAT INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. DATE INSPECTOR, _ J FINAL GAS -- �� DATE INSPP.C9'OR - 0 0 LOT NO. N ��S�TRtF."t ZAPPTII� N FOR BUILDING PERMIT r ° OP CUPGRTINO o < APR 63 S:mitary No. �.� ,� ��. w a CA7V ((��/ - I1963 rmit No. a viV p icalibFis ht�'6ykrf3del�f1' pe it to a <m` a _story Type- 'Building w _ , to be occupied only as 0 o in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. C 00 3� ; Estimated Value of Improvements,$ �r.�©O�o Fee S / z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and Z all A s applicable [o tt construction, location, and use of buildings within the ,ity of O Cucomplied with. 3 N l�itSAs O wz W a By Address � Ph �y�/�L ApprovedStP 'f BOII.DING INSPECTOR RECORD, OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION DATE INSPECTOR UNDERFLOOR A rIL � INSPECTOR FRAMs ` t 1j DAT V INSPECTOR LATH and PLASTER GINSPHCTOR FINAL BLDG. (NA� DA3EINSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. , DATE INSPECTOR ° FINAL PLBG. -� DATE INSPECTOR FINAL GAS — r DATE wsvrr.TOR yj 100!4 NO. STREET LOT NO. 12 ?R ELECTRICAL PERMIT (j Cl ;YF CUPERTINO _ I APR 4 1963 1 Date APKi� q- , 19�—L Permit No. ok OE CUPERT!1 '" Fee $ ° Applicafion Is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Z4, Use of miq" Co M maize I A l Q ' v �p • :a O ner �• \�L� Address £ T o Address � CONTRACTOR, AGENT Approved hone: a`J�-/0 U Q E16ECTRICAL •WSPRCP01/ !L � NEW RPL FE Es Size Service Conduit----------------------Nurribe; of Oubets--------/—---- ---------- ..----.... .............. Size Service Wires..........................Number of Switches..-----2------ ---------- ---------- Size Service Switch-----_--------------._Number of Receptacles-----6.._ ---------- ---------- -------- Size Sub Feed Conduit------------------Number of Fixtures.._---114 .. .......... _.-...... .'2•_4/0. Size Sub Feed Wires...'................Ranges...---.......... KW---------- ------- .. .......... .............. Numberof Circuits------------------- Oven .............. KW------------- ---------- -------- -------------- Number of Meters........................Signs.......... Transformers...----- -- ------ ---------- ------------ Misc-----------------.-----------------------------Dryers....................-------------------- ------.--- ---------- ---------- Motors------------------- HP------------------- Phase-------------- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors--....._.--------- HP.------------------- Phase------- ---...--- Motors.................... HP-------------------- Phase.................... H P Charge-------------- ---------- TOTAL FEES g'4 O O INSPECTION APPROVALS (///J /7 Fixtures .�` Rough Winn .... . . ..----- --....-`----- -'-'-------- o e IxsPEcroR osre � srscroR Finish Wiring .._---.........�..................----- Motors .. -- - - " �--- -'-'--.... • U1T[ IXSP ECTOR I� PEryt cron Final ... ......... . ..... o TE L— ixsrecroR NO. NO. STREET g� l�Pd�RLITI F0R) BUILDING PERMIT ['V I OF kCUPERTINO Date s 19 0 J194�� Permit No.— Application is hereby made for a permit to CIiY Ofsto �T �11rl a ry, yXRTIN(1 Building at O d d to be occupied only as in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan led herewith. �n Estimated Value of Improvements,$ e�'y "' gee$ l ? a It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of "-I Cupertino will be complied with. 4 h Owner /'/ �� 11.11u � 9ddress i!---e 1 ByAddress ;1Z o SN APNT Phone O'V c_ T TCApproved itlll l.OlNn INSPECTOR RECORD OF INSP 16m %PPROVALS FOUNDATION + - DATE INSPECTOR FRAME DATE INSPECTOR LATH and PLASTER ATE INSPF.'CTOR FINAL BLDG. �d DATE INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. DATE INSPECTOR, FINAL PLBG. 1 DATE INSPECTOR FINAL GAS •DAl'E INSPECTOR .