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ores 00 e�F oil HN K�u to I. a. to no n$� ou he iR? C CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMTON:I Fes. �A nuIT0190RESS DE ANZA BLVD PERMITNO2120018 ASRIIMEREAL ESTATE PARTNERSHIP APPLICAT11B12SYl"TY2002 / PIIONF.: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO, ARCHITELTMNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH O O O t= LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby 1 licensed Chapter 9 JOb Description p affirm that am under Pervishma of (commencing SIGN with Section 700) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code. and m license is l�r,. _`i5 '7 b CONTRACTOR: ANDERSON'S SIGN Lic re a Contract, ADEDCDE TIO 1 understand my planaashat shall Mused ae pub cm .e Licensed Professional OW NER.BUILDER DECLARATION I hemby affirm Nat 1 am exempt from the Contractor's Lmcrm Law for the following reason. (Section 7031.5. Business and Pndessioas Calc: Any city of county which nGluirea a pemnit to enM1SWct, alter, improv`, oriented. or repair any stmctu2 $3000 prior to is issuance. also terimmr the ap i icam fur such perm, halite. signed saamenl Valuation that he is licensed pursuam to the provisions of lM Contractor's Licenso Law (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area (commencing with Section 7")of Division 3oftbe Business and professions Code)ar 35917019.00 that he is caempt therefrom and the basis (or the alleged eacmpdon. Any violation of APN Number Occupancy Type P y YP Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a Permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than Bas hundred della. DNA)). 101 - FOUNDATION 0 I, as owner of the property, or my employees wit wages as their sole compensation, 1:03 UFER Required Inspections will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Pmfessmost Code: The Contractor's License Taw Jas not apply to owner an of 104 - REBAR proPany who buildsorimproves thereon, and who doessuch work himselfar through his own employees, provided Nat such improvements arc not intended oro@red for sale. It, 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS however, the Wilding or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner - 304 ROUGH ELECTRICAL builder will ban the burdenofpoising Oat the did not Wild orimprove for purpnseof - sale.). 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL 01. as owner of the property, am exclusively contfseling with licensed contractors to 514 - FINAL PUBLIC WORKS convect the projest (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Ccde:) The Convector's Li . cense Law does not apply to an owner of property who Wilds or improves daemon. and who convects for such projects with a commctm(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law. 0 I am exempt under Sec. B & P C far this recon net Dam FROYAL WORKERS COMPENSATION DCATION D I hereby alRrm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ❑ I have and will maintain a Certificate of Conserv re sel6iusme for Wurkets Co.,.IYIh41 Rps/tp�/ 2 8 2003 satire, as provided for by Section 37W of she Ia s r Code. for Rus performance of the, wur for which Nis Permit is issued. 1 have and will maintain Workers Compemation Insurance, As required by Section BU'LD' BUILDING )of the labor Code for Nperformance e of the work for which this Permit is issoed. NG My Workers rape sang asuance ca and Policy nu he 77 . C icr. Policy Ns�ssi_D 0 coc 9610 CERT Fit ATEOFEXE PITON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE IThissecdon reelect W completed if the Permit is formic hundred dollars ($ 101) nr Icss.) 1 cenify that in the performance of the work for which this Permit is issued. l shall not employ any Person in any manner W as to become subject to Ne Workers Compensation Laws of Celifomta. Dan Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate of Exemption, you should become antipmT to the Workers Comlcnsation provisions of the labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall W deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm Nat there is a construction lending agency lot the performance of The work her which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.) Lender's Name Lender's Address I cenify mal 1 have read this application and stem That she above infofmatiun is Cornet. I agree to Comply with all city and county ordinances and safe laws relating to Wilding construction. and hereby amhonm representatives of this city to enter upon the aMvomentioned propeny for inspection purpases. (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs and expcn as which may in any way accuse against said City inco quenceof Thegramingofthispermit. WILL LLL COMPLY AP CANT UNDERSTA OS AV WILL COMPLY WITH ALLVNONIssued S REGUL ION by: Date Re-roofs Type Of Roof f/J/i7V Signatureo pfilicon✓Cotractor HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or furor building occupant store m handle Wrardous material as defined by Ne CupcAnn. M icipal Calc, Chapter 9.12, and the liealm and Safety Ne, Section 25532(a)? All roofs shall be inspected to any roofing material being installed. 0 Ycs prior If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Wilt the applicant or lure building occupant macquipment mocAces which Craft harm uua air contami s Jcftned by the Bay Area Air Quality Management it all new materials for inspection. Di 0 Yes 11 I have read the havadou materials requirements under Chapmr6.95 ofthe Califon malle 6gamtyCodc.Secmi s25505,25533and25534.1undenbmJ thmifthe building it t craly have a mnanu then it my scsrymsibii ty m nndly the a'cuPam n the 'c req which stW etpnor t arweet acenihea fanPan c. BJgnatureofApplicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better weer or Cul u;ud agent Da r L OQ z0 E4 a� Oz UO OU FLn U4 CITY OF CUPERTINOT1 BUILDING DIVISION PEWIT 'CONTRACTOR INFORM ATION ,; BulgD(ry 4911sS DE ANZA BLV PERMITNg2120018 GWOA1 BJMEREAL ESTATE PARTNERSHIP APPLICATIPN2SN�TR 2002 / / PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 LICENSEDCONTRACTORSDECLARATION under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing 1 hereby off red that 13 ofthe Job Description SIGN P Bu with Section 70(10)of Divieion]of Ne Buxinees end Professions COJe, untied license is our "a elf I.76 CONTRACTOR: ANDERSON'S SIGN Lic se M Contract ARCHITECTS DE TIO I understand my plana shall rte used as pub eco a - Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Convenor's License Law for the following reason. (Section 7031"5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit to consru.l, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure $3000 prior to its issuance, also rcquircs the applicant for such remit o file a signed statement Nat he is licensed pursuant to Ne provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (commencing with Section 7")of Division] of the Business and Professions Cade) or 35917019.00 " Nat he u m a exempt therefrond the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects Ne applicant M a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ApN Number Occupancy P y Type ($500). 101 - FOUNDATION ❑ I, as owner of Ne propcny, or my employees with wages as their sole Compensatlon, will do the work, and Ne muclum is nut intended or offered for sale (Sm. 71111, Business and Professions Code: The Conracmr's License Law does net apply to an banner of —ZFER 104 - REBAR Required Inspections propenywho buildsur improves thereon, and whodoes such work himselfor through his ton employee, provided that such improvements rum not intended oralfered Intrude. If. 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS however, Ne building or improvement is sold within one year of completion. Ne owner- builderwillhawMehumenof proving Nat he did not build or improve for purpose of 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL sale')' 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL E.1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to 514 - FINAL PUBLIC WORKS constrict the project (Sec. o an ownBuser mrs nd cense law does not an of property who of and Profession Code:) Theves the or improves Norton, and a with6 for such projects with a conbutor(a) licensed pursuant to tits Contractors sed p whence Lace License Law. .E1 l am exempt under Sec. , B k P C for this uuon OwnerDau� WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION - 6 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of Ne following declarations: ❑ I have and will maintain a Cenifcau of Continuo self -insure for Worker's Compen- kation. as provided for by Section 3700 of Ne labour Code, for the performance of the for which this permit is issued. " Zver I have end will maintain Workers Compensation Insurance. u required by Section of Ne Labor Code, for Ne performance of Ne work for which this permit is issued. My Workers ompe saligpAnumnce cam r and Policy nu /9�u �y O C 'er. S O Policy No.J IV—V �- LohI FI ATE OF EXE PTION FROM WORKERS' COM PENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not he completed if Me permit is for one hundred dollars (S Holy of IC9a.) 1 certify Net in the performance of Ne work for which this permit is issued, l shall not employ any person In any insouciant u in subject become subjeco Cutworm" Compensation + Iowa of California. Dam Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL afar making Nis Cenifcau of Exemption, you ahnuld become subject to Ne Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed awaked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.) Lender's Nam. Lander:Addmas 1 certify Nat I have read this application and sulk that M, &hove information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county eminences and sum laws relating ion building consruction, and hereby &uNnrim representatives of this city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep harmlcis the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, costs and expenses which may in any way accam againt said City y in co quence of the gorming.f Nis permit. AP CANT UNDERSTA DS Aylp WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON- S It REGUL ON . Issued by: Date p - `t f///A/yhr Re -roofs Type of Roof Signamre o pplicam/Cumrector am HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will lac applicant or foto building occ ""'am or handle hanrdon material as defncd'by the Cupertino M icipal Codc. Chapmr 9.12, and Ne Hcahh end Safety Code, Otienzss32(a)? Yon o All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will me applicant or taste building occupant use equipment or Jcvicca which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove g P g emit huardous air comami u defncd by Ne Bay Arca Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? ❑Ycs I have mad the havamou mamrialsmquimmenuundcr Chap¢r6.95oflheCalifor- niaH. &Safety COJ..S coo x25505,25573 and 25534.1 undersand that if Ne building doescurtently have a tenant Net i t myrespma"Iity to notify the ncupanl Ne req ,o en wm.n at be CLpdar mance .certificate focupane. :jgnatureofApplicant Date V11, hiz All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better toner of matibrix.ed I Dais P4Z2 lt7 QP� 0 C l0 d U � P 0P 90, Q 51' CHIPOTLE PARKING AREA De Anza Blvd _ C0 5T 111G. -IN I N C O R P O R A T E D 1500 W. EMBASSY STREET' ANAHEIM' CALIFORNIA 92802 PHONE: (714) 520-9144 • FAX: (714) 520-5847 v .coosfsign.com A& Ah SCOPE OF WORK Manufacture and install 2 sets of illuminated channel letters (Chipotle and Mexican Grill). Aluminum construction. See page 4 specifications. RR3 Manufacture and install (1) S/F Wall Sign. Aluminum construction. See page 5 specifications. E-03 Manufacture and install (2) refaces for existing RR monument. Aluminum construction. See page 6 specifications. Era Manufacture and Install downlights for existing RR awnings. See page 7 for specifications. pVl"D t HE CITY Ol 1 9t1O2 r(,LfiOAiICE WITH „ It, NO pRpflYHv� rd specrfications mus T f B rbS B. t,' 3 job at a changase of a terat ons n...u; to m3aa anyritten Permission from 2_.11 +' W°•-=�� JU 3iaa wahaut of Cupertino. ul d nS OaPt,, Crty ecifications ) The slan,ping of is plan and sP 2 / 2 to el it or to be an cH„LL NOT be herd P rovisions D _ y� its -- approvaC 19 Old nancte of StateyLaw- 3t any REV 2 10/16/02 CAS Changed letters to red, change to make reface only for monument. Change to show downlighting for existing awnings. NOTE: FIELD VERIFY ALL REV 1 10/16/02 BE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS Added awnings and lighting. BEFORE FABRICATION. DATE 9/30/02 SCALE Noted PROJECT NAME CHIPOTLE ADDRESS 10385 S. DE ANZA BLVD. SALES VtkS13111111111V FS CLIENT APPROVAL DATE This is an original unpublished arawing created by Coast Sign,lnc. Itissubm'Ziro your personal use if conjunction witha protect being Plannedf conuby Coast Sign, Inc., and shall not be reproduced, used by or disclosed to any firm or corporation fo purpose whatsoever without wnn petssion Q1D/16/D2 BE DRAWING NUMBER 02-0425 Sheet 1 of 7 2\ A ® DRAWN BY JU CITY/ STATE CUPERTINO, CA Q COr_ -'T IJ 3 I N C O R P O R A T E D 1500 W. EMBASSY STREET ' ANAHEIM' CALIFORNIA 92802 PHONE: (714) 520-9144 • FAX: (714) 520-5847 www.coaslsign.com Clnipotle BL, Existing Signage • • & 'TA0o1q SOUTH ELEVATION SCALER/8" = V-0" • • D T 0 ro DEC 0 4 2002 ID. NORTH ELEVATION SCALER/8" = V-0" REV 2 10/16/02 CAS Changed letters to red, change to make reface only for monument. Change to show downlighting for existing awnings. NOTE: FIELD VERIFYALL REV 1 10/16/02 BE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS Ah An Added awnings and lighting. BEFORE FABRICATION. DATE 9/30/02 PROJECT NAME CHIPOTLE SALES PERSIW FS CU ENT APPROVAL DATE This is an original unpublishW drawingQ created by Coast Sign, Inc. his submitted fo your personal use in conjunction with a proj tbeingplannedforyoubyCoastSign, Inc.. and shall not be reproduced, used by or disclosed to any fine or corporation for any purpose whatsoever without written permission. 10/16,/D2 BE DRAWING NUMBER //� 02-0425 /� Sheet 2 Of 7 zi SCALE Noted ADDRESS 10385 S. DE ANZA BLVD. � © �3 ® DRAWN BY JU CITY /STATE CUPERTINO, CA Q COs_UT SIC NN) I N C O R P O R A T E D 1500 W. EMBASSY STREET' ANAHEIM - CALIFORNIA 92802 PHONE: (714) 520-9144 - FAX: (714) 520-5847 w .coostsign.com �I New Signage E-01 RR 6'- 4" 14'-0 718" • nE-01 WEST ELEVATION RR SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" I RR 1. EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" REV 2 10/16/02 CAS Changed letters to red, change to make reface only for monument. Change to show downlighting for existing awnings. NOTE: FIELD VERIFY ALL REVII 10/16/02 BE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS Added awnings and lighting. BEFORE FABRICATION. DATE 9/30/02 SCALE Noted PROJECT NAME INWW CHIPOTLE ADDRESS 10385 S. DE ANZA BLVD. Ili MEXICAL GRILL This is an original unpublished drawl g "g created by Sign, for your personal use in conjunction with a Project being planned for you by Sign. Inc.. and shall not be reproduced, used by or disclosed to any firm or corporation for any Ppenrpn�ionwhatsoever without written 1 10/16/02 BE f 1 DRAWING NUMBER -0425 Sheet 3 of 7 2 2 - - -- --- - - —+ i — 03 nE-01 WEST ELEVATION RR SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" I RR 1. EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" REV 2 10/16/02 CAS Changed letters to red, change to make reface only for monument. Change to show downlighting for existing awnings. NOTE: FIELD VERIFY ALL REVII 10/16/02 BE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS Added awnings and lighting. BEFORE FABRICATION. DATE 9/30/02 SCALE Noted PROJECT NAME INWW CHIPOTLE ADDRESS 10385 S. DE ANZA BLVD. LES PI FS CLIENTAPPROVAL DATE This is an original unpublished drawl g "g created by Sign, for your personal use in conjunction with a Project being planned for you by Sign. Inc.. and shall not be reproduced, used by or disclosed to any firm or corporation for any Ppenrpn�ionwhatsoever without written 1 10/16/02 BE 5 DRAWING NUMBER -0425 Sheet 3 of 7 2 2 6 03 DRAWN BY JU CITY / STATE CUPERTINO, CA Q 6'-4" • • (3" Mexican Grill) SHEET METAL SCREW 5 Primary Prima electrical feed. (#8 X'hT PAINT TO MACH—� TRIM -CAP Listed disconnect III) ►/switch in primary. 24 " C1/2" Conduit wire LED LIGHT IIIA/ shield with leads EMITTINGDIODE _:z7 E-0, PAN CHANNEL LETTER SET I III ixisting RRSCALER/2" = V-0" (QTY = 1) 3/16" RED LEXAN 2763 (15SCIFT) ONWESTELEVATION t DEC 0 4 2002_ I i „ Wall 14'-0 7/8" .040 ALUMINUM LETTER RETURN C I I I I \ 1/4" Lag screws WELD TO .050 ALUM. BACK Ir or Anchor Bolts. 11 'h MEXICAN GRILL 1/4" Weep holes OFFICE FEzi PAN CHANNEL LETTER SET ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS W/ LED SECTION DETAIL RR SCALER/2" = V-0" (QTY = 1) • Not to Scale (13.4 SQ FT) ON WEST ELEVATION FABRICATION SPECIFICATIONS: (SIGN TYPE A - QTY = 1 SET) O CHANNEL LETTER TYPE= Standard FONT= Confidential & Bank Gothic DEPTH= 5" FACE MATERIAL= .3/16" Red acrylic 2763 TRIMCAP= 1" Black BACK MATERIAL= .040" prefinished white aluminum RETURN MATERIAL= .040" aluminum w/ weep holes COLOR OUTSIDE= Prefinished Matte Black C COAST S, .110 I N C O R P O R A T E D 1500 W. EMBASSY STREET - ANAHEIM ' CALIFORNIA 92802 PHONE: (714) 520-9144 • FAX: (714) 520-5847 w .coastsign.conn © ILLUMINATION= Red LED illumination TRANSFORMERS= HRL-06-PFC-XX Low voltage power unit - 12V MOUNTING METHOD= Flush mount to wall POWER OUT= Coil 6'-0" inside raceway cover SWITCH LOCATION= TBD MOUNTING SURFACE= Exterior - Cement stucco surface RACEWAY COVERS= .040 Aluminum - breakformed construction - leave mill finish Access doors for service REV 2 10/16/02 CAS Changed letters to red, change to make NOTE: FIELD VERIFY ALL reface only for monument. Change DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS to show downlighting for existing REV 1 10/16/02 BE BEFORE FABRICATION. _ _awnings. Added awnings and lighting. DATE 9/30/02 SCALE Noted DRAWN BY JU PROJECT NAME MW CHIPOTLE ADDRESS 10385 S. DE ANZA BLVD. CITY /STATE CUPERTINO, CA SALES PER- FS CLIENT APPROVAL DATE This is an original unpublished drawing created by Coast Sign, Inc. Its submitted for your personal use in conjunction with a protect being planned foryou by Coast Sign, Inc.. and shall not be reproduced, used by or or corporation for y diseased to any rum an pennissionWhatsoever without written 010/16/02 BEA DRAWING NUMBER 02-0425 /� Sheet 4 of 7 2 11::: A A A • • 0'-6 " 20" Radius 3-4" 0'-2 5/a8:\ O A 3/4" CLEAR ACRYLIC 3-1 112 PUSH THRU 3'-4" 2'-1 7116"pepper A 1 114" X 1 1/4" RETAINERS I 0'-2 1/� ♦ 1 1/4"X 1 1/4" RETAINERS E-02 S/F ILLUMINATED MEDALLION DISPLAY RR SCALE: 3/4" = 1'- 0" (QTY = 1) (8.54 SQ FT) • FABRICATION SPECIFICATIONS: (SIGN TYPE C - QTY = 1) 0 CABINET = Custom Cabinet of 1" x 1" Aluminum sq tube w/ 1 1/4"x 1 1/4" Custom Aluminum retainers .090 Aluminum returns act as C -covers w/ removable top section for service Paint MAP to match Chipotle Red 2763 - Paint inside of cabinet Grip Flex Brite Lite White • © FACES = 1/4" Milk white acrylic set in Aluminum retainers - Overlay w/ 1/8" Aluminum 1/8" aluminum is stud mounted to 1/4" acrylic - Paint aluminum face MAP to match Chipotle Red 2763 © PUSH THRU GRAPHICS = 3/4" clear acrylic push thru -All push thru glued to 1/4" milk white acrylic Use #230-121 Silver translucent vinyl over #3635-70 3M Diffuser film on faces of push thru O ILLUMINATION = Pumped argon/mercury tubing - EGL Designer Series - 6500 white neon grid TUBE SIZE= 15MM TRANSFORMER= Ventex 6000/30 - VT6030CL-120 VOLTS & AMPS = 120V -.6 amps © CABINET MOUNTING = Cabinet mounts flush to wall w/ lag bolts COAST SIGN� I N C O R P O R A T E D 1500 W. EMBASSY STREET -ANAHEIM -CALIFORNIA 92802 PHONE: (714) 520-9144 - FAX: (714) 520-5847 w .coashdgn.conn Am in END VEIW SCALE: 3/4" = 1' - 0" COLORS & FINISHES DEC 0 4 2002 OA PAINT (MAP) TO MATCH CHIPOTLE RED OB #230-121 SILVER VINYL OVER #3635-70 3M DIFFUSER FILM (OVERLAY ON PUSH THRU FACES) CHIPOTLE RED MAP# QTY. IN GRAMS N923 22.2 N913 101.5 N915 202.6 N202 61.6 N914 100.0 REV 2 10/16/02 CAS Changed letters to red, change to make reface only for monument. Change to show downlighting for existing awnings. NOTE: FIELD VERIFYALL REV 1 10/16/02 BE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS Added awnings and lighting. BEFORE FABRICATION. DATE 9/30/02 SCALE Noted PROJECT NAME IRW CHIPOTLE ADDRESS 10385 S. DE ANZA BLVD. SALES PER FS CLIENT APPROVAL DATE This is an original unpublished lowing crestedbyCoastSign,lnc.ltissubmiUedfor personal use l conjunction Si a pour person l use i conuncCoast Sign, project Inc.. and shall not be reproduced, used by or disclosed to any I'm or corporation for any ppeurnp1�nwhatsoever without written 1 10/16/02 BE Os DRAWING NUMBER 02-0425 /� Sheet 5 of 7 2 2 Q 6 Q A �7 Q DRAWN BY .lU CITY /STATE CUPERTINO, CA Q 31" Radius 0'-4 1/8"� --T T-0 1/8' pepper 5'-2 " 4'-11 " I 0'-3 3//� 11-101. ^ L!DEC s-2 r -0T-6 base ^ 0 4 2002" OFF) Cap y.... FABRICATION SPECIFICATIONS: (SIGN TYPE B - QTY = 1) 3/4" CLEAR ACRYLIC O CABINET = Custom Cabinet of 1"x 1"Aluminum sq tube w/ 1 1/2"x 11/2' Custom Aluminum retainers PUSH THRU .090 Aluminum returns act as C -covers w/ removable top section for service Paint MAP to match Chipotle Red 2763 - Paint inside of cabinet & pipe Grip Flex Brite Lite White � I 1 A 1 1/2" X 1 1/2" © FACES = 114" Milk white acrylic set in Aluminum retainers - Overlay w/ 118" Aluminum RETAINERS 118" aluminum is stud mounted to 114" acrylic - Paint aluminum face MAP to match Chipotle Red 2763 © PUSH THRU GRAPHICS = 314" clear acrylic push thru - All push thru glued to 114" milk white acrylic 1 1/2" X 1 1/2" Use #230-121 Silver translucent vinyl over #3635-70 3M Diffuser film on faces of push thru � RETAINERS Q ILLUMINATION = Use vertical lamps -(2) F36, (2) F48 & (2) F60 T-12 CW/HO flourescent lamps - T centers BALLAST = 668D VOLTS & AMPS = 120V - 4.6 amp ao © POLE COVER = 1"x 1"Aluminum sq tube frame w/ 118" Aluminum - Use Versa-lok adhesive to mount skin to frame 3 Finished w/ 40 grit DA finish & Nylac clear coat - (FIELD VERIFY) to use wl existing footing E.o D/F ILLUMINATED MEDALLION DISPLAY END VIEW . RR SCALE: 3/4" = 1' - 0" (QTY = 1) SCALE: 3/4" = 1' - 0" (20.1 SQ FT - EACH SIDE) Face replacement of exisiting sign only C'®r SI�GNNJ I N C O R P O R A T E D 1500 W. EMBASSY STREET' ANAHEIM' CALIFORNIA 92802 PHONE: (714) 520-9144' FAX: (714) 520-5847 w .coostsign.conn COLORS & FINISHES OA PAINT (MAP) TO MATCH CHIPOTLE RED 2763 O #230-121 SILVER VINYL OVER #3635-70 3M DIFFUSER FILM (OVERLAY ON PUSH THRU FACES) CO ALL ALUMINUM W/ 40 GRIT DA FINISH & NYLAC CLEAR COAT CHIPOTLE RED MAP# QTY. IN GRAMS N923 22.2 N913 101.5 N915 202.6 N202 61.6 N914 100.0 REV 2 10/16/02 CAS Changed letters to red, change to make reface only for monument. Change to show downlighting for existing awnings. NOTE: FIELD VERIFY ALL REV 1 10/16/02 BE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS Added awnings and lighting. BEFORE FABRICATION. DATE 9/30/02 SCALE Noted DRAWN BY JU PROJECT NAME MW CHIPOTLE ADDRESS 10385 S. DE ANZA BLVD. CITY / STATE CUPERTINO, CA SALES PER11111111V FS CLIENT APPROVAL DATE This is an original unpublished tlrang created by Coast Sign, Inc. It issubmi edt your personal use in conjunction with a projectbeingplannetltwyoubyCoastSign, Inc., and shall not be reproduced used byes disclosed to any firm or corporation for any mpose nwhatsoever without written 10/16/02 BE DRAWING NUMBER 02-0425 Sheet 6 of 7 Q © A e Q ® T 31-9 T T-9 " 2" Typiccu 9,_9 r T-2 5/16" T-0 3/8" T-2 5/16" T-1" T-9" 2'-11" 11 if T T-9 I 9'-9 3'-2 5/16" T-0 3/8" T-2 5/16" 9,-9 T-2 5/16" T-0 3/8" T-2 5/16" E-oa NON -ILLUMINATED AWNING SET RR SCALER/4" = V-0" (QTY = 5) (SOUTH ELEVATION) 19'-7 1/4" T -2 T-01/8" 11 T-01/8" 11 S-01/8" 11 T-25/8" 11 T-41/4" NON -ILLUMINATED AWNING SET SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" (QTY = 2) (WEST ELEVATION) 22'-11 " T-21/8" II T-51/8" II T-51/8" II 3'-119/16" 3'-119/16" II 4'-11/2" NON -ILLUMINATED AWNING SET SCALER/4" = V-0" (QTY = 1) (EAST ELEVATION) • • CHIPOTLE RED MAP# QTY. IN GRAMS N923 22.2 N913 101.5 N915 202.6 N202 61.6 N914 100.0 All awnings already existing, permitting for light fixtures only FABRICATION SPECIFICATIONS: (SIGN TYPE D - QTY = 8 TOTAL) OAWNING FRAMES= Custom Built - 1"x 1" Aluminum sq tube frames Weld & grind smooth all joints - (2) Long sections are (2) piece units bolted together © AWNING FACES= .090 Aluminum faces - Painted MAP to match Chipolte Red Each face mounts to frame w/ Stainless steel 1/4" - 20 tech screws MOUNTING= Awnings mount flush to wall w/ lag bolts & wedge anchors COAST SIC N� I N C O R P O R A T E D 1500 W. EMBASSY STREET - ANAHEIM ' CALIFORNIA 92802 PHONE: (714) 520-9144 - FAX: (714) 520-5847 www.coastsign.com 9'-9 5/8" T-3 3/16" T-0 7/8" T-1 9/16" 3'-0 " T_9 „ b 1'-53/8' B 27'/: I. A des 2'-4" 11 6'-6 7/8" T-2 7/16" 11 T-2 7/16" WALL— TYPICAL END VIEW SCALE: 3/4" = V-0" INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS: POWER LOCATION= N/A SWITCH LOCATION= N/A SERVICE ACCESS= REMOVABLE FACE W/ SCREWS MOUNTING METHOD= FLUSH TO WALL W/ 5/16" LAG BOLTS & WEDGE ANCHORS DISPOSAL OF EXISTING AWNINGS= REMOVE OLD AWNINGS & REPAIR HOLES IN WALLS COLORS & FINISHES O PAINT (MAP) NUANCE - TO MATCH CHIPOTLE RED O PAINT (MAP) NUANCE - BRUSHED ALUMINUM A& Am Lamps for each display are: 50 watt - PAR 30 w/ 40 degree beam spread Use 1/2" LB Box & 1/2" rigid conduit w/ PAR 30 Lamp holder for each fixture ENDS ARE OPEN PERSPECTIVE OF FRAME NOT TO SCALE REV 2 10/16/02 CAS Changed letters to red, change to make reface only for monument. Change to show downlighting for existing NOTE: FIELD VERIFY ALL awnings. REV 1 10/16/02 BE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS Added awnings and lighting. BEFORE FABRICATION. DATE 9/30/02 SCALE Noted PROJECT NAME CHIPOTLE ADDRESS 10385 S. DE ANZA BLVD. SALES PHIIIIIIIIII, FS CLIENTAPPROVAL DATE This is an original unpublished lowing created by Coast Sign. Inc. Itis submitted for Your personal use if conjunction tSi a projectbeingnww foryouby Coast Sign, Inc., and shallnot be reproduced, used by"r disclosed to any firm or corporation for any purpose whatsoever without written permission. 10/16/02 BE I DRAWING NUMBER 02-0425 /� Sheet 7 of 7 2 Q © I A e DRgWN BY JU CITY /STATE CUPERTINO, CA Q ® n LJ 0 n • CITY OF CUPERTINO 0 CITY OF CUPERT180 212 - SIGN 12 -SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # �5el-1-1 Date: r Building Address: Bldg Permit Fees BUILIDNG BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILIDNG Owner'sIme: �e C�l'� -e �f� { a ��-r, e� Phone #: 08 - `y2 oU Contractor* d�SC)YlS I S License#io 35 `3 Contact: k t Phone #: g33-ok455 Appicant/ oITtractor. �er'�IS Elect Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNAD Rmdl Signs Branch ELECTRICAL Bpfl<lng Permit Info. -Add Rmdl Sings, Marquee ELECTRICAL ld Elect Plumb Mech ob Description: Residential: comm c Sq.Ft. Floor Area: Business License Sq.Ft.: Architect/Engineer: Valuation: z Type of Construction: Occupancy Gro p. / Qty. if Applicable 1 FPr Til Roo T", :.. BENERGYEner .. vivu BUILIDNG BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILIDNG BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILIDNG BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial BUILIDNG EPERMITFEE Elect Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNAD Rmdl Signs Branch ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNS -Add Rmdl Sings, Marquee ELECTRICAL BUSLIC Business License BUILIDNG 2 " /f3°2-��/