S 1011 APPttLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY ' i . CI'hY OF CUPF.RTINO IBUILDING.-ELECT RICTL PHRMi P NO, BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONMERMIT PLUMBING CFIDENTI.FIC S BUILDING PROJECT IDI:NTIF'ICATION J LDING ADDRESS: SANITARY No. APPLICA'1 ION SUBMITTAL DA]I o � ez ,31aW. rola ER'SNA,ME: PHONIC: C( ALT)R' CS NAME: � �• LIC NO'. Y �f'+'a' NI N,1 tl/I'� C CorvrROl.x CI TECVENGINF.ER: LIC NO: ADDRESS.- DES .CO ❑MF IQ NAO•N Ir�I�xr�- J .5D : BUILDING PERMI'I'INPO CO TACTPHONE: � ( ,r v� LjOp pju,jjgy ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) nIAG eL PLUMB MECH \ INCENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION -� QTY, ELEC RICPERMIT 1$E Ihereby alirmihft lam hceoud made,prolilim,of Chapter 9 marransermill - JOB DESCRIPTION �Z withS t T10o1 fD vt'sionlofrhe Bus dPfssinns code,and nylc nsc is O PERMIT ISSUANCE RESIDENTIAL: .�U� in full force and cBect CSPUWI. 0 KITCHEN REMODELaUU License Class ` Lic.p APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL ❑ADDITION [I PLUMBING RE-PIPE: F Zz Date \ Contractor a Q 0. ARCHITECTS DECLARATION C MIJUTl-UNITANLLS C STRUM MODIFICATION F-p m I' OZm'Z, Y I understand my plans shall he Old as public records H„-Q' \\ UPT0200AMPS ❑INTERIOR El CHIMNEY REPAIR `.�X, Licensed Professional \� 2111-R1f111AMPS IMPROVEMENT E]SWIMMING POOPS Q �-� OWNER BUILDER RDECLARATION OVER 1000AMPS C BATH REMODBUREPAIR El DEMOLITION 1 naso ,(fifm that I em exempt from tho,Coeaacmrs e:A nee Law for the d CaU following reason,(Section To315.Business aid Piol'ttoral Co car Any city oreounry ti1GNti ELIiLTRICAL BOTHER 413 W 1" which requires a permit to consmact,alter,improve,Aemnlish,or repair any amcwre 0 fairt.its issuance,alsnrequires lhe.pplicam lorsuenpertliifm fdeasigned statement SPECIAL CIRCUI'VMISC. �lr/y�y :hat he is licensed pumuinuo the provieionvofthe Convectors License law CChapler:L W Coo (conuneneing with Scdien]Ixl07 nl'Division3 o[tbe llusincsxvml l'rofemionx Cod of yo-N 'I HMR ME'I'ER flit POLI?INS"f. COMMERCIAL: 0. C that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged eaempibit Any violatilo tf `,\ ❑NEW BLDGIADDI'I ION C DIiMOLI'I ION WW Safmn]11315 by any applicaper nt for to mit soljists the applicant to civil ry:nulty ei \d'OWUR DEVICES ❑TENANT C F0011 SF,Rvicr not mare than five hundred dollars($5fg). IMPROVEMENT d=pi]Las owner of the property,or my employees with wages nsthe,sale compalas ehsaiomdis,� ,SWIMMING POOL ELHLTRIC will clothe work,and the sam uure is not intended or Mlbred fcirsale(Sec.]031l'if V CGTHEI2 413 and I'mfessionn Codd:The Canonical,License Law docs not apply m ani weer of �Olh'LETS-SWITCHES-FI%TUBI?S prnpeny who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself or IhImalh his on employ,.,,presided that each Improvements arc nm intended or effeiedJm �'�SIOENTIAL ELF.CfR SQ FT. sale.If,however the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion lM �. SQ.FT.I LOOR AREA $ISQ,FT. builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or Improve for pat, P Al D p�of"aft). �'I ns owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed commercial m \ \, 'fOT'AL: cltstmcnhe paj.t(Sce.7041.lousiness and Professions Codc:)I he Contractors Lk \ r;e -i , _ „„� ® � w conic Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,and QTYt l PLUMBING PERMIT FEE DO ,RM who cormuds for such pmjects with a enauchnisd licensed pursuant mthe Commetor's /s 1 License Law. PERMIT ISSUAN .�A Ij'}I dilly ❑ Iran axe tder Sec. so ,B&PC fonhi.reason Ul' (/UI'CNIIN 1 OneD. - I- - ALTERC DRAIN Li., _ VALUATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATIONT ` BACK FLOW PR "�;, ' '• '• Vetion Ibereby ulEnn under penally of per]ury nom ofthe following Jednmrinns: ';• or ani-, w+ (have and will maintain Cenificeteof Consenuoevlf-insunfor Workers&.".- IlRA1Ng-FLO(l gIp TYPE CDNSTItUCI'IOP cation.rte provided for by Section 79(X7 of the Labor Cale,for the performance of the • y r ^h>ah One walk for which this permit is issued. ITX'I'URIiS-Plitt' G.:.VIII F I] 1 hwc and will million Worker's Compensation Insurance,as required by Section 1 �) of the Ii 370( Labia fon Code, he performance oflhe work farwhiclnhis permit is issued GAS-EA.SYS'I""• ITL OCC.GROUT' APN My Workers Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number sere: lilts. Carrier: Fifty No.: GAS-EA.SYST ( (EA CERI'IFICATF.OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' y layar COMP'I SATION INSURANCE GREASfIINDUS'1'RL WASTE TE :I J' 13UIhDINO DfV IMON I'L'E9 (Thi,section faced not W completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars(S I IIB) GRIiASE TRAP �\ I• far less.) PLANCI IIiCK IIiF. I cenify that in the performance ofthe work forwhich this permit is issued,l shall SEWHR-SANITARY-STORM EA2W net employ any person In any manner set as to become subject alt the Workers'Compen- .\ ENERGY IBE 0 Z smion Laws of California.Dam WATER HEATBI \ Z 2 Applicant 1 FEE NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,after making this Cenife to of laemption,you shouldWATER SYSTEMIUtEATING Wmmo subject to the Worker,Cmnpenaalie.provision-of the Labor Code,you comer SOILS FEE forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. WATER SERVI 8 is \\ x'' as UO CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMIL SQ,FD PA Dole Receipt 1 hereby affirmthat constructionhem is a construction lending agency for the performance of D. F' the work for whichthis permit is issued(Sce.7091,Civ.C.) yS Lender',Name TOTAL: 0 V Lenders L Address TOTAL, 1 certify that I have mad this application and state that the above Impartation is \ N BUILDING FEE: h commet.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT �FBE . V Z building ennstmerion,and hereby authorize representatives of this city alt enter upon the SEISMIC PER aMive-mcntioned property mor inspection purposes. PERMIT ISSUANCE: (We).gree to solve,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against ELECTRIC FEE liabilities,judgments,ends and aspences which may in any way accme against said CityALI1iR OR ADD TO M ECIL V' in consequence of the granting of this permit `P11 Lt1ME1NG PEI3 APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO I0,W0CFVU SOURCE REGULATIONS. Mie 1ANICAI.FEF. AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 111,110E CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAXI Signature of ApplicantlCnmracmr Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCr) HOUSINOMITIGATION AEE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future Wilding(occupant store or handle hazardous material HEATING UNIT(TO IIID,IX)(I BTL) as defined by the Caperton Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Sefdy - - CMe.Section 25532m)? HEATING UNIT(OVER 107,001 RTU) Yes n No VENTIIA'1'ION FAN(SINGLE RIiSID) PAID nate Receipt x Will the air calum tar ionro builJieg by the B yuse A ea AirQu alt devices which mit haurdnus air ronmminvnm as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management BOILER-COMP(JHP OR IIXI,IX)ll B'IU7 � \ TOTAL: DicniclY BOILER-COMP(OVER I I➢LIXX1 BTU) C]Yes E]No I have mad the hazardous ntionalsreuireupte Me,Chaf 6.95 m1 the Cali- AIR CONDITIONER ISSUANCE DATE q Pullin Ificalthdown&tSafetycurie Cnhc,a as account. 255115,25533 and 25334.1 understand that tithe NEWRESIDENTIAL MF.CII. SQ.f4. buildingJcesnot currently have u¢nenL thatitis myue'If.erryto notifytheoccupant of the reyuimmem,which must be met poor m iasuanceof a Certificate mf Occupancy. Owner or madmnzed agent (late TOTAL.: ISSUED RY: OFFICE •1 i 1 I N A•s•a• Consuitilna Enainssrina, Inc. 2 51N. Market Street S�n Jose, Ca. 95110 408-999+6636, (Fax) 408-999-6638 I FE2( TRANSMITTAL: DATE: OCT. 7 , 1997 TO: i ATTN: MR. XXVIH JONZO A.Z.A. YOUR FAX NO. FROM: MASSOUD MODJTEHEDI i PAGES: 4 ('excluding this page) MSUBJECT: PACKETEER/ 3RD PARTY PLAN REVIEW MESSAGE: i I i --_ Tn ,,4 TC:nT_ JF,. J IOL. __ RCgoFhh-Pnt7:x2 '7 'C'H i i • i N A•S.Ej CONSULTING ENGINEERINGO INC. 254 N. Market St. , Suite 0220 I San Jose, Ca. 95110 (408) 999-6636 Fax (408) 999-6638 ia*#i###*r##i*#ii#A**rr#*#rrr#rr*rriaa#iiii*!#iiiaii#ia##ii## PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 97144.CUP OCTOBER 7, 1997 PROJECT: TENANT IMPROVEMENT - PACKETEER 10495 N. DE ANZA BLVD. DESIGNER: KENNETH RODRIGUES A PARTNERS INC. 18 N. SAN PEDRO STREET(408) 993-0700 SAN JOSE, CA. 95110 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: BIGGS CARDOSA ASSOC. (408) 296-5515 ENERGY CALCIS: MECHANICAL A LIGHTING USE: -PROJECT DATA- OFFICE OCCUPANCY GROUP: B CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-N FLOOR AREA: 27, 000 S.F. STORIES: TWO AUTO. SPRINKLER SYSTEM; NMAX- ALLOWABLE AREA : EXISTING BUILDING UBC EDITION: 1994 INITIAL --------------- PLAN REVIEW I CgMMENTS: (ALL REVISIONS AN!/b$ CHANGES SHALL BE CLOUDED ON TEE pLANS) FIRE/LIFE SAFETY CS: 1. The handrail tan be between 34 and 38 inches above the nosing of the tread and be continuous the full length of the stairs. Se� ation 1006.9 2 . Enclosed stir to comply with Section 1009 . Revise area at grid line B�between 6 A 7. 3 . Clarify all exits have sidewalks to the public way. Clarify exits hear grid lines 3-N A 5-Q, Appears only landscaping at exterior of doors. DISABLED ACCESS COXKENTS: 1• Clarify complinae with Section 1122B. 2 • The stripped areas for the disabled parking stalls to be located on the 'passenger side per Section 11298. 4 . • Review disabled piarking on sheet A0. 1. I i I _ zb 'a zr•nr )r- 1 i ,n _ cc4o�„-�nn•xPa _ •�H i PACKETEER 2 PAGE 2 3 . The inside and outside of compartment doors shall be equipped with 'a loop or U-shaped handle immediately below the latch. The latch shall be flip-over style, sliding, or other hardware note requiring the user to grasp or twist. U.B.C. Section 11158.7. 1.3 . 4. Provide minimum 32 inch clearance between the water closet and compartment wall. U.B.C. Section 1115B. 7 . 1.2 . 5 . The grab bars ;shall be minimum 42 inches long on the side and 36 inches long an the back of the water closet. U.B.C. Sectio 1115B.8. 1. 6. Grab bars shall be located 33 inches above the floor. U.B.C. Sectio 1115B.8. 1. 7. Urinals shalllhave the rim located 17 inches maximum above the floor. U.P.C. Section 1503 . 1. 8. The rim of at 'least one urinal shall provide a 14 inches from the wall.i U.P.C. Section 1503 . 1. 9. Indicate the required identification symbols on the doors to the slanitary facilities per U.B.C_ Section 11158.5. Also !indicate mounting heights per U.B.C. Section 1117B. 9 . ENEAOY CON]!EN'PB: 1. Clarify all existing space was conditioned. If new conditioned splice is being added, then energy calculations f, r the envelope is required to be submitted. (plan indicates new storefront at existing overhead truckldoor) 2 . Revise energy Form MECH-1 on sheet MO to the latest form that required two signatures. Also reproduce all parts of the "certificate of compliance" forms onto the plan sheets. i PLMMINO COMENTS: F 1. Plumbing plans shall be provided indicating the following item: a) pipe size and locations b) cleanouts c) vents d) existing lies i i Cn'A 7cr iF i 1OR PACKETEER NPAGE 3 I MECHANICAL COMXZXT 7 1. Provide schedule, to include sizes of equipment as well as legend for all mechanical equipment. 2 . Provide details Por seismic restraint per U.M.C. Section 304 .4 & U.B.C. Section 1630. 3 . Air movinq sytams supplying air in excess of 2000 cubic feet per minu a to enclosed spaces within building shall be equipped with' an automatic shutoff per U.M.C. Section 608. utomatic shutoff shall be accomplished by interr�fpting he power source of the air-movinq equipment upo detection of smoke in the main supply-air cluct served b e}iah equipment. ELECTRICAL CONKENT s 1. Symbol legend on Sheet E-0 calls for only one type of duplex outlet ito' be installed at 18" AFF while there are other single, dupplex and four plex receptacles shown to N be installed _"faith no mounting instructions per CAC, Title 24 . Clarify III 2 . Note on the pane that all receptacles shall be installed no ower than 15 inches above finish floor to the center of he receptacle per CAC, Part 3 , Article 210-7 (g) • 3 . Provide compl a; panel schedule showing the following: a) breaker sjzp and number of poles and A.I.C. rating b) total donne ted load each phase (balance all phases to within 1F54per phase C) add long continuous load @ 25% (loads of 3 hours or more and largest motor d) total K.W. load - (include any demands & L.C.L. ) , include Cod required, i.e. , lighting load by square footage (al calculations to show how loads, totals are derived e) provide Ica I summary on transformer, main service and /or feed rq 4 . Note the follo riog on the plans. a) all aluminum conductors of 06 or larger shall be spliced or eliminated in an approved high pressure device b) all U.I.. li ted equipment shall be installed as per there l st ing or labeling I I nn•a CC-"T ,C�_ J 11n _ ocoaF�F_cnn•xaa _ � •cu I M PACKETEER PAGE 4 i c) ground connections to be made` on the line side of the neutral di connect link d) all equipment shall be listed by an accepted agency and lbear its listing label TO FACILITATE THE RECHECX OF YOUR PLANS, PLEASE 1. RETURN THE ORIGINAL PLANS AND DOCUMENTATION THAT WAS RETURNED TO YdUR OFFICE WITH THE CORRECTION LIST 2 . RETURN TWO COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS AND DOCUMENTATION WITH ALL REVISIONS AS WAS APPROPRIATE TO COMPLY WITH THE CORRECTIONS TO A.S. E. CONSULTING ENGINEERING, INC. . 3 . ALL NEW PLANS :SHALL HAVE A WET SIGNATURE OF THE DESIGNER OR REGISTRATION NUMBER, EXPIRATION DATE AND WET SIGNATURE OF R43E RESPONSIBLE PROFESSIONAL .(ARCHITECT, ENGINEER, ETC. ) ON ALL SHEETS 4. PROVIDE AN ITEMIZED LIST WHICH CLEARLY INDICATES HOW EACH REVIEW COkMENTS WAS ADDRESSED AND THE SPECIFIC LOCATION ON THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS OR CALCULATIONS THAT THE CORRb--TION WAS PROVIDED 5. CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR ANY QUESTION REGARDING THE REVIEW COMMENTS I i i cn 'A —17C•h7 _1F 1 n_ - __ RCQQFFF-Rnt1XE c H • Inspection Query or a Specfic Permit 6/•8 PERMIT#_, ITUS ST;SITUVSTREET Lot# =;INSDESCRIPT '11 ffs-TI(p DATEDESIRE 'Dafepiine Inspecto Units:PasslFa l Coils S1011 10495 DE ANZA PLBG-R 10/13/97 10/13/97CC 1 F S1011 10495 DE ANZA FRAME-R 10/13/97 10/13/97CC 1 F S1011 10495 DE ANZA ELECT-R 10/13/97 10/13/97CC 1 F S1011 10495 DE ANZA UNDRFLR 10/13/97 10/13/97CC 1 F §1011 10495 DE ANZA PLBG-R 10/14/97 10/14/97 CC 2 P 51011 10495 DEANZA WALLFRAME 10/14/97 10/14/97CC 2P P §1011 10495 DE ANZA ELECT. 10/14/97 10/14/97CC 2P P §1011 10495 DE ANZA SCREW NAIL 10/21/97 10/21/97JB 3F 51011 10495 N. DE ANZA FOOTINGS 10/22/97 10/22/97CC 3P 51011 10495 N. DE ANZA SHTRK SCREW 10/22/97 10/22/97 CC 3P 5 0/2 1011 10495 DE ANZA PLBG-R 19/97 10/29/97 CC 2F 51011 10495 DE ANZA SHTRK SCREW 10/29/97 10/29/97 CC 2P §1011 10495 DE ANZA PLBG 10/31/97 10/31/97JB —2 F S1011 10495 DE ANZA ELECT-R 11/4/97 11/4197JB 4P 51011 110495 DE ANZA FRAME 11/4/97 11/4/97J8 1 2P S1011 10495 DE ANZA PLBG-R 11/4/97 11/4/97JB 1P S1011 110495 DE—ANZA—FLOOR FRAME 11/6/97 1116/97CC 2P Page 1