08070041 CITY OF CUPERTINO rgt3dxs' x.»a'�Ee aefy°s `=`�"�`�' " BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT .1CONTRACT'0IC1 FORMATION BUIL41NG ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. .L0745 N DE ANZA BLVD PINK BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION 08070041 'R'S NAME: MRMrr ISSUE DATE BAY COLONY INVRS II INC 20132 STEVENS CREEK BLVD 07/10/2008 Me SANITARY NO. CONiBOL NO. (408) 252-9131 ARCHMECT(ENGINEEIt: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH o o LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description F 1 bachy,.Mirth than,I am li¢mW under provisions of Chapur 9(mmmencinb P with saaon 7(101))or Division 7 of than Buenas and Prmmssmas Code.and my liceon is REVISE WELD CONNECTION @ A SUN SHADE ORIG its i:n fall rceiyderfea Lice #05100159 NO NEW PERMIT. F p Dam Conlrsuor q 7W ARCHITECTS DECLARA WV 1 undcrsund my plans Nall d used as Public rtcoNs g O Lkemued Pmfcseo^al OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION i<E 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractors license Law for tM y O O following mason.(Section 7031.3,Bananas and Professions Codc:Any city or county $ which requires a p arit to comanxt.ahcr.impmw.dcamish.Or repair any swctum prior to its is.,also require the applicant for such permit to file.signed saument pxx< that he is licensed pursuant to the pmvimmd of Ne Convenors Uunm Uw(Chapur9 Sq.Ft.Floor AreaValuation t yFg (cameuing with Sudan 7")at Division 3 at NBusiness and Businand Professions $Code)tar 0 — dot he Is cumin da mltatn and the nails for the a11egN exemption.My violation of Section 7031.3 by any applicant for a permit subjects are applicant to a civil pcmdty ofN Number Occupancy notm War five nandmddwma(swm 326-10-06 Penc Y Type 0 1,a ownu of llie pr p ny,a my employcea wiN"Ses u th mle compcmdon, wits da the Wart and Neawnum b rotNadd ora w d docs .1 apply an Basi r Of and Pmfadns Code:The Cantnnor. dwho Las door rot apply f an owner is Required Inspections .rom Whos.proariroproveathereon,ahaants..atinworkende himmlfarthmugh his Ww m.me Wilding that such impmwmau art not,add umlfued for sale If. however,Ne W e the u improwmut 4s cold within oro yet of completion.due oromomr. of builder will have Ne buNa of pmvin6 dot he via rot NtiW m Improv for puryO¢err sale.} ❑1.an an=clam property son enclasively contracting with Ikaurea conttactas as construct the Inaj=(Sec.7044.Business and Prdreceans Cdc)The Caovaemra U. nations Law doe not apply to an ownu of proper who builds or improv s demon,and, who contact,far pmjecu with.coram mr(s)Iiamed panaam as the Con racme, Lkena Law. I oro amaitimdu Set ,B A P C far the moon Data WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hemby aRrm under pantary or perjury ma of the fallowing decimations: 1 haw and will maintain a Cenifiamof Consent m salf-iaurt fm Wodxrs Coolant. .urian,u proAdd for by Sutton 37M of the Labor Code,for the perrormutu of the work for which this pmnit is island. ❑1 haw and Will maintain Workers Campemalian Instinct.,a mqulrta by S=coot J700 of Ne lanor Code,fade pcRormarce of the work for which this permit u issued. "W huwmnct arriu and Polity number are: Cartier: lyV[JL1N.�%k.�-s PolityNd.: '(31913(71cf I CERTIFICATE Op EKEHP ION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (nes secdm had rot N canplcted ifNc permit b forma,mrsdrd dollars(SIM) or lora) I unify Net in au performaroe of am wok for which this pmoit is ismad.I small no. employ any panda in any manhar on a m b=come wbject to the Workus'Compcaation Iowa of Califamia Data Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL afar making this Cenifiam of Eaemplion,yon should bamme subject m Nc Workers Canpcnsation provisions of Nc Libor Cdc you roup C)'z forthwith comply with arch provisions aNb permit shall he dc,md nonsked. z y CONMUCnON LENDING AGENCY for which Rim Nat da i ba constocti 097,Cine aeenry far Nc laerldrmarcc of C > the Wart far which Nis pemtit b islWA(Sri.]09'r,Civ.c) Q LendaName a z I<ndee.h Ansa_.• U Q L mlify,Nati 1 Mw mad this apphkui^n and sae Nu the abmw information is Is, calms,l 89mo m=amply wl aB city ad eounty adhlLutt ad sora i m rtladne b 0 Wilding consuuniom anal by auNorior mpresenutives ofNb city m=nur upon thc Z in naarodproperf ira,amna which F g1 ( e)agree m aw.i dcmnify ad kap harmless tie Cry of Cupertino against ti h Halt iia ments.cdsta dapensa which may in any WaY+=cmc against said City V z m aseq Of Ne ganti g of Nu pum�l � " AP IC NDERST SatNOl4ILI-COM LY w AL NON-POINT Issued by: Date ��/.-Z-e" SO RCE sienatert rAppliwnVCd tar DW Re-roofs x us MATERIALS Drscu uRE Type of Roof Wi 1 the applicant a forum building occupant pore or Mndlc haallous maarial fin=e by the Capart Municipal Cade.Chalon,9.13,and the Health and Surely Y. us3x(a>+ i'No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will tie.applicant Or future Bain dm If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove PP �t ! pant tic equipment or dM2n& Which ,tra Diwk,7 Nam air cmnuminanta defirad by de Bay Arta Air Quality Manaecmcnt all new materials for inspection. ❑m 1 hese mad the,ssarda s maeriab anpamm,nts under Oupur 6.95 of am Caliror. .is N@SafnyCa Scctionstaws. j7aad.7{S3q.)ud,nwW Nyifyu nuilding n cwmmly bar t-�I ilia my rapodbility at Mari do path Of ds ta whi m at prior to issaman oft Card Signature Signature of Applicant Date r v ow 1 ..mord.deg=G Dan, All roof coverings to be Classor better