02060002 CI BUILDI G D1V�'ISIONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT N0, 1451 S DE ANZA BLVD TONY CONSTRUCTION CO 02060002 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE r.ISIA CHOU INC/JACK IN THE BOX 444 LAUREL ST 06/03/2002' r J- PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (415) 345-8881 00 ARCHITECDENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO w BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH y i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 00 Z�n I hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing .lob Description with Section 0000)of Division J of the Business and Professions Code.and my license REMODEL RESTROOM/ADA REQ Mis in full force and effect. dou License Class Lic. REMODEL DINING AREA Date Contractor a 0 ARCHITECI"S DECLARATION r g I un icround my plans shall be used as public reoords as O O Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby a8iw that 1 am exempt from theContractor's License Law for the (_?C following reason.(Section]OJ 1.5,Business and Professions Code:Any city a county which requires a permit to conawm,War,improve,demolish,or repab any swemm prior se its issuance,also requires the applicant for touch pemut to file,a signed statement - -__-- - .-.-_.-- -_-- - tlYt Ik is li¢nbd punwnt to the pmvixwm of the Contrxwls Littnx law IChepta 9 S :Ft Floor Q�aa a nation onampancingivit Sectiae�]Wlll;uf Division Jof the Busyte�eed Pwfwions Code) ���``A (•, Sq Ft in.7.a'l 1t1 VF{9r lit 1f .� or Nal h le eiesu t the rtdtem aha the basis for Ne alliged preemption.My violation -of Serums 7031:3 by arty applicans for a permit subjects the applicant his civil pesdty- Wnon.mmRthan five hundred dollars(S5B0). umber ;rmmr\'n Occupancy Type 111.as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their role compensation, -wilydi th ud I'm:'and the structure Is not Intended easeorofferedLaw doessale'(S lily to 4;' - rBhslnes ro arty Who Code The Contractor'sthereon. License Law d«°h work utility m an 501 - FINAL EL Q1Y2SGt$ RGY+" ° owner ofproperty buildsormprovaNeuchIandwhod«stechwinkhimself 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL or through h' own however, employees,provided that such improvements.not attended r ;9Qere0 fo '1:IC ho oval,the Wilding-or imPiovemenl a smlJ wuh n'oney er of--�-""` -------_... ------- .. _ __._ __.-------- 'completion,the owner-bWild will have the burden of proving that he did not Id or imp a for purpsne of sale.). __......_.__._p____.__.__—_eontow_._..._..__..____.._-m-to- _.___._...___.__....._._._._._._...-�...____.._.._.._____ as gwner m(Ne PropenY.am exduxivelY contsaciing with licensed cmntiutors to W.my�A�Hi++!`a6II': v construct the project(Sac.]1144,Business and Professions Code:)The Comncwr'a Licenu law d«s no apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon. ' -and_who.canwcu.for such projau.wiN.e.contxacws(sj licanded.purswm.w.th--_.__.--_..._._._._.._____. ...___._.._.__.__.____L_ - "' s Consomme.License Law.. ('n\t r.�!.n� A 'p under sce:— ''rri(t `?•'B'A PC for is reason IOI7 VC�CCI_pl ,T Glom aacmi WORKtR'S COMP N DECLARATION BUILDING I hub affirm under Y prat:*!!ofperjuryoiie,ofsllafollowing dalamtiom:' `L •- �` ❑ I hove add will'ivmaidi e'C�nificaie'bFCon4ns'io self-imuR for Worker's =i Compenaetian;-.a„Providedfor by Section 3700 of the labor Code,-f« she - _ _ performaece'ef the woh for y�hich Nis peRmLL is tuned..i i ❑1 have Led will time'to Worker's Campos non 1 survnce al tequiRE by imion 3]00 Pifie'Lebor'Cde for th peifoim ce df the'work f"' h¢h this pendit^is sued My Wo kh s'Cmmpen ni qn 1 ranee tamer end Polley numh arcT':.v Camertl i}n f '.n{'YP}•r Pol ay Nor -..`:: s `, r ) y J F 1 Ji-(1 NI 9 Y i ffl llrtt 011 hIt°rIi+CHRTI ATION OP BXBMPf10N ROM.WOR �- 'l L.k� 3- ,',. I �.�_Id. Y.5M11 31.2111 n.T,Y is lti'I. t<'LlI17hu udibn need not be edmplmd iRhe permit is for one hundred doll. I71nl,;, NI'A; i7C�li�JaC� iVih: (1100)orlas.) 'Ion o'1'ttn( slut l'n Ne perfAml9iiSe or she woh foiwhich thio peenpus laud,l I(.(;, Iii ,i).(+l y `st, ,.'.I +i-— - _ _— shall linl amp oy my parse in nny manner d as is bi<osne sub)ai to the'Woheta -' Com nation - Baxrd NOTICB TO APPLICANT:es Cox making this C tuir cm te of Exemption,you ihould 3•.i T iia: +v:: Ob&umehearittythe suchpi Groans rt his perimitiomll Ne Lebon Cade,d. tens fontiwith'mmply with such provisions or this permit shall h dated Rvokd. Z • .__._.__ Lt❑L•i:f4 '1 '..InT" e 0. "CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY ,i.l t('`pgl is I`:Pe xl hkrcby of ost that the i c on nstxua, tending agency for the perfomwlce 1. I I f'i •0 \I\1 G�il• 4the work forwhich tho perms is issued(Ser 3097 C nder a Addrca' ., „T Il cis 1 candy ilii 1 have teed 41 s applicat o and stem Nat the above information is Tbuil 1 agree tq comply he all iryand ounassir n vas;-and state laws relating io above-mentioned bove- entionedThIpndhercbYauthmnmuposeetAtives of Nie city to enter upon (� ihopbove n e hie,o p pony rte inspectionake purposes., 0:1 (We)ugmetaxsate indemnify roil kehihma lionweofcruengainst aid F•I'fA liabilities,in c .q.a nu, «u and expenses which may n any ay accrue against t said U � Cit m conseq nee of the gra t ng of thispe It ” I.I�NT U{YUBRSf�Y )ND W(LL DMPLY tHIALL.I.r[WSPGNT A uNC RCOULAT1oN5t // Issued by: r Date JQL t rlsmccnlConnese "Done Re-roofs i s HALVI DOUS''MATERIALS DISCLOSURE i t r 'Will Ne appluzm in ftuRbmldingoceupatu More 6,wtalahaindoas material Type Of Roof_- Is kiind by thCupemno Murucipal Code Chaptex 9.12.ad the Health and Wary ]l a - 7"" , '--•T -�s�i:IU(:tl.s:i• J -- _-" Code $m en 25531a)C{til P ' z-I �I +.. I i }- s1`" I-e.l liv !.t't:il 5 ,3 ova Allsoofs shalI.be ms ected. nor_to.an roofin material bein installed.,—.----- v,!. _,._ f( t7 No r,Ai w P. P Y g- lea Wll the appbunt nota building boccupant y eeia Air nor lity deviceswhichIfaroof is installedlaith'outfirst obtaining an'inspectiori;l'agred-to remove i cl?,d;us air comamirm- ni d'definer!by th B y'Aiaa A Quality Manegen.1 Dix Yea pN' all new materials for inspection Applicant understands and will comply with h t r d all-non tet 'source re ulanons . . e r _ 5 Y rW P Po g I..,. 'gt'il i np Iosco enilof g not cumentl h e e tens t that it q m res n+tb Ino w no of the a I I neve R � P ad tb haxartlous materials mrcmcbB under Che ler 693 1', I ctions PS505255J3 and 255J41.underswnd ilial .. .-.^_.-.-,.,... ._.... .. _. __... ... _ .y. Po Y lifYjhe ... ... .; 1` 11 a i. ._.. _p n Y l man be met p b tb a,wnce of a Cc Monte of _ P lc uv mem which 1- Callf mi Health&Safd rile se 2 Signature of Applicant Date Goeu e a 9, -�. - OZ.._ _ _. _. .. .. . ._.. _._. ' Ow rm i11�. .ant ate- All roof coverings to be Class 13or better g " "1.. 1i _....OFFlCH --