02040022OF CITYILDI C DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 19465 S. DE ANZA BLVD. CAL -AIR INC 02040022 WNER'S NAME: AR EAST BANK 1555 S 7TH ST #K APPLICgTION S B DATE 04/04%2002 PHONE: (408) 283-2300 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby aRrm that l am licerssed ands!! provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7(1 of Division 3 Orme B.R' d Professions Code. and my license Job De$Crl IIDD 2 EXHAUST FANS/ MECH ICAL in mu r ana arc x Z'Y License cl o a Con., o ��I '�' Com t'C g /� 9 t�"-Q�yN �+l lSw �� 03 JQ DEC ATION wRChall a ue 1 understand my plant shall he used as public rcc°Mx MAR 2 0 2002 Licensed Professi°nal OWNER-BUILDERuexemptDECLARATION 1 hereby ofhnn 1 m n ex from the Law for the Commas maso reason. on 703 Business Pr Cod Any c Business and Profession Code: Any city mcoamy which me annniton which requires a permit T°iumame aper, improve, emacc. m repair any swaurt $30430 BUILDING...._....__._.___._..__.____....._.. h fameash, -flim liceuvrce.also rt ae ned <mcm thenensumso be to thefar Conpertni'micensle L La (Chaps 9 aw(Ch t (cote cing licensed a me pro iisinf the the Business ofDivisionJot lh<Bgarde malProfession,A' ns Code) nso { �' �;'Z2 ®•V i;l7- �'_lTl7jft ii<<'j Ft_ • Valuation or m That exemtth ¢ exempt an Any violation TM1ertfrom and she bash forme ahlegcd seaman - io b -M Section ]031.5 by any appliewt for a permit subjma the applicant m a civil penalty - to ,of not more man Eve hundred dollars (Ssfgq. 101APN q"�)'�AT ION '1' F' `"' " Occupancy Type 1. as owner of me pmpeny, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, _ PIERS -.0 'will do me work,, and me manure'isnat intended "m"offered'far sale (Sec. ]6ea,' `Business mid Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an 103 - UFER Required Inspections:, - ^ nwne r of property Who builds or improves Thereon, and who does such work himself or Through hIs own employees. provided That such improvements are not intended or 104 - REBAR __. ___ o e ad for sale. ICM1owe-ver. the Wildin mrnt is sold wiinin one haw er. gmlmprove >�lder ..___.. _ ..- _ — .. ___ ..___ r_...._ ----------------- 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS- completion.the of. will have the burden of proving mat he did not builder improve pn purpose of sale.). 106 - SEWER & WATER - — - - ---- — — '---"— - --- ❑ of me am with licensed commnors m ---- -202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING..... — ;-;,-: -------------- su,caner (Sec.7 Brousivehy d Ponfting onswa the project (Sec. 1614, Basions ane Professions Code:) The Contractor i iid-wh Lawdms.f apply man nwnwith propcnywho bodedsed 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL':..': ,..,." .and who.mmrsns.forsuch.projeca wim.a.contrnnor(s),IicenxJ Pursmm.w m<. pumiumt.to the .__. ------ ❑'Tra<tnra-UNDERFLOOR—FRAME--- 01tmexemptmoc7Sm:"'•'� ,B& PC for This reason 205 - UNDERFLOORS% INSUL'A•TION bw< 'p' Did., ""''"" - .'. 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING 'WORKER S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER I hereby affirm order penally of pajmry rine on he following ae,Immitum: 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ 1 have ar if maimGin a Cenifieme of Con.art to seleimme for Wo,kers 3 04 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compc,umion. as provideaa fm by Section 3]00 of me Labor Code,- for The performance of me work for which This permit is issued. 3 0 5 - FRAME ❑ 1 have a4will maintainWbikds Coinpmiafon Iniurnnce, os requited by Section 306 - HOLDOWNS 3]00 f the Labor Cad for-theperformance of Th 'rk for which m perm t is issue My Wod(c pe. tnl «<a dP l< nW - y_-.....,. -r°h<rN 307 INSULATION 308, SFEETROCK- .. __. -J.- �' .... - -..,. ,...,. v,..... CER"OFlCATION EXEM ONRANCE OxR'st 1- L '� 309 r 'LEXTER•IORALATH< SATION' -' -NCE' "` vkean.. -. .__..__ (rhi so,completedlnhe pamt is for one hundred dollarsI ,.,311'- ,. ,:u4. 1-•.� t' -I• SCRATCH COAT - 1<enf malt m _ ,' Y Performance of work for this parrot sv d 1 - .-.`-.._ '313"= -"...ROOF -'NAIL -__'A_.. •--. ,- - -- "^• �• --- �-•_ shall 'employ any;p y' manner so as au became q T w the work . Compensanon Uvot of C I Tom n. Date 501 - FINAL ELECTRI CAL` � ENERGY' Appl9p1 NOTICE TO APPLICANT If ft okmg thsCn'fcate-f E mpf n. you should ---5.02-.---_.F.INAL_PLUMBING.ENERGY.__._ .,...._. "- ---- bab subject to mew kers Com Compensation p 'ons of Cod ,you must 'ap<np 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL'`ENERGY r,nn Incomply_ m ort a deemed ,alnnaprm Permit snanxa ee ked. -.504_._= .FINAL ENERGY. 'CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY "" - '" I h rely ffiim Thal Th <o w I J'pg 6 Y f r Iti' mar, ae _BUILDING. SOS - FINAL ELECTRICAL of me k fqr pith m perm t i ' ti d (S 309] C C) :_. - GAS TEST_ A.I I ri -Iklieer4Nalne -,••- •.,... 12nde Aadrc ..__....506 507 - FINAL PLUMBING Icendy,Nm iM1aoe r<aa rots epPlfcmlon ana Tme mm me above intormapunit 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL c8iren. l agree to mmply wim all <iTu.and countyprdme,Iccs and stn¢ laws ¢hating tgWld 8 t ctidn dh by monx<rtp ttiJes ofm.clYt t"tiono 509 - FINAL GRADE rte'"° A.p, p gyr ..peelm p o 510 - FINAL PLANNING (W1 geemse - dem fy ndk eph I sale Cly of Cupcnlno egainsT ( RamIT fegm rs.< t andexileaeacan h 514 - FINAL PUB IC WORKS _y:.nywy.«meaganmaaia City in c°nsequeni4 of the greening ar mifpermit.' - ' """ "' _"" APPLIC �t1H� qER$TAND$AND WILL �OMPLY WTfH ALL'NON: T' ',+:, n 1 . so CE , . . c{�°w 7ppl Issued by: Date matme aab WW66yyVa<T r - at '- HALARDOU9 Re -roofs / r MATERIALS DISCLOSURE capthe appy_ t rfI WId gat panT slme or handl haorml da mm at def ..Type Roof yP as dby theCpennoM ncp Cod Ch pmr912 rime He lm and Saf<tY .. Cane, Oyes 2553r(a)o "I 1 A+e t '�1f 'r - °"f' f k 'a. - , I ~ Wll th pillcMTo ftrtb t • n ill __ All.roofg_ shall be inspectedpnor to any,roo Ing _matenal being installed. --- gat see nl p a na can a .loth hazardous <onumm tsazd' by @ B- Aieq'A Qual Ty Managcm t y y - If a roof Is installed without first obtainin an inspechori, I'agree'to remove g District, . , ❑, a - N �' ;all new materials for inspection -_,allunderstands and will comply, with 1. ,Applicant . source reguladds - - _ - -"-'- '- -- "' Lh e d me heard 'tees 'els equ rtmems underChaps 695 of me n ' ' California Heahti is Sef I Code, Sections 25505'25533 end 25534 1 understand that ifine bold gdce not correctlyh a lana 1 m to y-spn.'b'Iicy T notify the". � _. .. ... __. ._.....__ .._... .__... ocoup t ! Tn c9orem u which muni W I p'o' m us6a ebf a Certificate of cepp v .. - ., t. .. .. '' - y Signature of Applicant g. Date � ---PP_ ... All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Dam.