01050132CI PERTNO BUILDING BuDING t PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 22306 S DE ANZA CL 01050132 OWNER'S NAME SUN JOEY AND ANNIE 1 APPLIC TION SUB DATE 05/15/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. Z ARCHITECI'IENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LJ L-J I—A CI a. io LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S p DECLs of Chapter j1hereby a)oftht1amlicensorunderprovisionsofChapmr9(commencing Job Description with Section Division J of the Business and Profnnions Codc, and my linnse ROOM ADDITION 554 SQ. FT a and of is inpp full Tawe and effect. pans ULicense Claw Contractor Dale used ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 1 understand my plans shall b<umJ ar public records Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that 1 am aonpt from the Crnaan'mr', License Law for the < hilowing rcarmt. LS,ertnn 7031 A, Ba,lo,v and Pmfadaa, Gxle: Any dry 'it annmy $53521 0 'hi'b retlni" a pentel h, e0nrttnel. "I"i.improve, de:nnurh. m repel an, Llmtme ._prior m nusissuance, also requires des.pi licilm fur such pmsir to file a signed swmmenl. Ihar.he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Conuactor's License Law (Chapmr9 (commencing wun Senion70)o)of Division J of the Business Professions Coles) S�SI0 0 �5"6(�?'r .-,`.� it, Valuation and or rot he is exempt thlrefmm and the basis for the alleged aemption. A, violation , t of Section 7031.5 by any opphcant for a permit subjecl, the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dmmn (e500). 10 JAPN VOU41)ATI ON j - Occupancy Type ❑h.....c,orthe propeny, or my employee, with wages s"hice sale eampen,ation. 102 PIERS will'do'the work. and the suumure is nor irmmlm'or nlf and for rale Bee 7044, Basin¢, and Pme,,iode: n, CoThe Commeor's License Law docs not apply m an 103 — UFER Required Inspections owner of property Who builds or improves menton, and who does such work himself 1 O4 — REBAR or through his own employees, prnvided that such imprommisms arc not i.,.Mad or offered far side. If. howe,e, he Wilding ommenti:roldwithinnM g of imps year of -- 105 _ - ANCHOR BOLTS completion, the owner-builder will have me burden of proving than he did not build or mpnoo forpmparseofsal,c). 106 - SEWER & WATER Gtr, a. dw�:,Jim*-pro--Knr.aln-Eecw,i.els<nnnactmg with rein;ee contractors to ... _"....202 =, UNDERFLOOR-' PLUMBING..__.._. -----;.---_-_..... consumer the pmi (Sec. 7(94. Business and Professions Code:) The comm<Inr:, License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,` 2 03 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL ' outracts.for such projects with a connamor(s) licensed pursuant to the 204 -- 'UNDERFLOOR FRAME Cootrnetor'r License law._—'-' olarn mph see. B&Pe feemirrtarnn 205 - UNDERFLOOR' INSULATION ownt'�Da 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING RKER' OMPENSATIONDECLARATION 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER thereby arfiml node,, penally arieriaFr one nrtne rouawmg declarations: 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ 1 have and will maintain a Cenificam of Convent to telt-insure for worker, 3 04 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compensation, u providW for by Section 3700 or the Labor Cade, fa he performance of the work for which this permit is is... d. 3 05 - FRAME O 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as «quire) by Section 306 - HOEDOWNS 3700 of he I.aba Cade, fns the peanmmnce of he work for which this permit is 3 0 7 - INSULATION issued. My Workers Co raviloplumi In,u c rand policy n mbe arc: �. 308-,, ' CERTIFICATIONOFEXF.MMONFROMWpRRERS 5 .309 ,SHEETROCK •'EXTER'IOR� LATH'• II l s' _• . , COMPENSATION INSURANCE', '" _ - -----"" -3-10- . INTERIOR—LATH-'--... - .._.....-- ----- ' (This genion nem not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollar, �ISIBO) 311 - SCRATCH COAT I 11 l �l 1 «fY tht the µ.i me if betworkfnr wl hth pe -i is -'.: JI 'rhll 313 -- - ROOF NAI'L'. :. t plaranype Ymannerinastoh<ca eum)nttothewmkcis 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAI' ENERGY ApplComicant nn Law, rf Cal tom a. Date - ' " 502 . - FINAL .PLUMBING ENERGY NOTICE NOTICE TO APPLICANT. IL afros making this Cerdficam of Exemption. you should become subject to the Worker's Compensation prov slam of the labor Code, you most 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY jfoam.itncomply witnsuch provionnsorthis permitshall Wdeposited revoked. _ 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1hereby :dBs tlr t therem ency for rhe is a can'tcr m, lend ng agperformance,, 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL r a,, v,ork mr which miv perna it issued (sec. 3097. Civ. C.) 506 - GAS TEST IL`enerrr:,AAdd,p, 507 - FINAL PLUMBING • 1 emit, than 1 have mad this application antl stale that he above information is 508 - F I NAL MECHANICAL nm. 1 agree to mm,p' with pu city gad pasty mdinameev gad alae laws mining 509 — FINAL GRADE to Wilding construction. and hereby authorize repreeedmrives of this city to enmr upon the above-mentioned peugeny mm rm,c,,n lurioos, 510 - FINAL PLANNING fwq agreem aas,mdemmryatld keep narmle.., me City,,, C.,v,m,, pro liabili re,.lud'nupps. p 1, and <xpemp, which may. in any way accrue z,ain,t snit' 514 — FINAL PUBLIC WORKS City tri nmaquence of the victor, of this permit. A (CANT U RSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT YpIO *-'.. Issued by: Date .cc . SrgymAt offrism/Clorprapmr - Dam HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS DISCLOSURE Will the pplano, or f ttire Wilmolloclanum wimpour handle hazaraaa, material Re roofs Type Roof.. o deflated by Cup M i of .} .: - ../.. . as then cip1 al C Chapter 9.12 send the Health and Safety Come Section 25532(6) ;.... , 11 s - • e. ❑Y on -All roots shall be inspected prto[.to,any. roofing, material-being installed.. Will thcepphoamo room building p tuse equipment ordevives vshtvh' earn b... dou, air contaminants as defined b) the Bay Area Air Quality Management If a roof is installed without first obtaining an'ins ection, I agree to remove a P o District' :.0 all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with P PP PY area .. Na - all non-point source regulations. ., " I have read the Irazurdous mamriul, c,oin,mna6 under Chapter 6,95 or the California Health A, Safety Code. Sections 23505.25533 and 23531 1 understand that ifthe building does not currently have atenant.that h is my responsibility to notify the - - - - '- pad of the rtquiman which mostW met prior 10 isrmace of a Certificate of ./perPer Signature of Applicant Date _ _- All roof coverings to be Class `B" or better I ow,leta as arum gcny Dare OFFICE