08080107 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUUAING DIVISION PERK UT CONTItACTb*1NF4RMATI 1� BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10285 DEMPSTER AVE BAYCAL CONSTRUCTION 08080107 NER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE SWEE:NFY DENNIS JAND ELLEN S 1236 OLIVE BRANCH LN 08/14/2008 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 426-0805 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECr PLUMB MECH woo LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Ib Description a 1 bunchy affirm to 1 am licensed under provisions of Chpmr 9(commencing OOSCr1 p U wit Sixdon 7(0))olDivisdon 3ofte Business ad protectionist cod",And MY license is RMDL KTCHN(110SQ-NON STRCTRL) & 3 BTHS (37 . 9SQ) in full farce and cifect �� License clean conacmr HALLBTH,UPSTRBTH (46 .3SQ) &MSTRBTH (64 .4SQ) 3F' ARCHITECrS DECLARATION us 1 understand my plans shall be used as Public records U n g Licensed Professional H3 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm than I am exempt from tc Comactes License law for to i O O following masa..(Sued..7113 1.5,Business and Prof ..Code:Any city or county 3$E! which requires A permit t,eo or 1.sher.improve,dermlit.nr repair any suunum _.4prior u,its issuance.aLw nCoufrea the applicant for such pemi,to file a signed statement < wt he is licensed pursuant to to movisions of oh,Connector',U..Law(Chap=9 Sq.Ft.Floor Area Valuation XE�G (commencing wit Section 7")of Division 3 of to B unloosen And Professions Codes) $85000 S Nu he u escmpt tuefrem And the bud fa to alleged exempthon MY violation.of Section 7031.5 by Any applicant for a permit subjecu tc applicant In a avil Penalty ofN Number Occupancy Type nm mane than five hundred dollars(SM. 32647083 . W 1,uawnerofthpmpuy,amymploymwitwagpute wlccampenudon, will dotewart Cede: Tactorslstine,License Lawit for s.a(Sec.ill Am Buunesa Add Professions Cade:The ves uumh Ld who 4w urea wt apply m rt owner is Required Inspections pmpcnywlw Wiprovid mpmvex shimpr and who daessmh wank himvlfor trwgh his owv<mplaym,providedtatarmsimproold wi in one intendedmoRaet fmsale If. builder.We Wildingmidemoprovinu sold withinarc ild.1cmove foron.to Owner. of Wilda will Nw to burden of proving tat h did not Wild a improve Ire purpose of i�o' see704Buiu : ThoCmns (Sec.]OCC,Buinm aM Pmf«siou Code:)TW Conuacmr's U-venapply m an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,and hoch projects wit a conmem r(s)licensed Famous,a to Comuamofs a;eccer .B&PCfor to don Dae WORKER''COM ATION DECLARATION 1 hmby,Bi rd under Penalty of perjury ane of to following declaruians: �Ihaw and ids maintainaction 37M of to Labor Code.for forWarkdaCmpen- word,,uproh this for by Ss issued.3]OD Of are labor Cade,for to peAowance of to wort far ankh Nu permit u issued. ❑1 have ab will maintain Wortefs Compensation Insurance,As inquired by Sccuw 3700 of to Labor Code.for this performance of to work furwhich tis permit u issued ' My WorkeYs Compensadon Insunmc Carrier and Policy number art: Cartier. Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This atuw need not he Completed if to permit Is fm ane hundred doo,ra(S l OD) Or kw) I comfy tat in to perfors-re of to work for which ti,permit is fsstad,l"I not crnphly any Perm.in any mso,pf,A�u m becdWaubjec,m lte Warkcra'Compewaw law,offeM1011B�,D.0 47j;4]g APPII naG -- NOnCE ng thta ConiEexu of empuon,you should become subject a to Wohrls Compensation provisions a bur Code,you must O raMm wit comply wit such Provisions or tis permit shall W deemed a eked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY F= Ihcmby arDm,that them is•cnnstmcuw lendingfor form Ana of a.) p r ai to wstrk for whim Nls Fermi,is issued(Seta 309'1,Civ.C.) W�Q Lander'.Nine Z f<ndeh Addrw U Q 1 certify that 1 have mad WA application sed Aisle to to Above Warrenton is Lp,E correct 1 agree m comply with all city and County ordinances and sou laws re sung m O Wilding wmuvuniw,tab Wmby cataria repremouth,«of to city a aur upon to LTi� alcove-mcnudproperty for inspection pugmas" CL (Wes)agree to save,indemnify and keep harmleu to City of Cupertino against CA Ii,biliaex.jedgmgmenCoNaMc,pensu which may in any w'+Yamue,iaiulsaid City U Z cdmrquerce of to granting of this permit. ^� APPLI UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date c'(-" S ER ULATION'. p- Sigl.�mLa7',�pplli `uron r6Ar— - —���5�DAw Re-roofs ss6 HAZARDOUS MATERIA IscLasuRE Type of Roof Will the applicant or( uni Wading aaupaptvom m WMk hamdou maudai As,deBwd by the Cupertino Municipal Cale,Chapter 9.12.and to HcaiN And Safety dc.Section 25532(a)7 [:]Y. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the,Applicant or future building amu.ret use component If a roof is installed without first obtainingan inspection,I agree to remove Ire C p q pmcm m dMan. which p ems hA'rard.uA air c.numinanu u defined by IM Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. D wicty ❑Y« eNlti' I haw red this n»aNmu materials requiremcnu axkrChapter 6.95 of the Califer. nu Halt h Safc,YCede,Seeums 25505,25533 aed 25534.1 ouseMend do,iftc building da«not ay hawaanon thWftu m mAPuMbililYmwdfYda OccuP,ntofthis menowM muse mi ear,cenifaase.fampanry. Signature of Applicant Date . Rh a Owner oreuta snaages au All roof coverings to be Class jQ"or better