30560APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING - MECHANICAL BUILDING PROJECT' IDENTIFICATION ' BUILIIINGADDRESS: I o y 7s CM PSTN AV�� SANID OWNERS eL �'�/�/� PH _/�� CONTRACITIR'S NAME,. WC NO'. ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 urduuard or plan. shall ha oval es public rads BIC SRCHIIEC'LENGINEER: LIC NO: ADDRESS: ❑ CONTACT: PHONE: �' C I �, I A . 'L� /1 /.7� J T ❑ Consultant Far Paid by Applicant (Initial) OVER J"AMPS BLD ❑ �aZ !+W O �UU �Za I here, ffnm thus 1 em ficemed ulldcr, thereby and Preeneef Core,e(comma«tug with Smrebun effibo iJiuun3ofthe Bu irw add Pmfessimr Code, and my licenseis iafullf Cl urd u(fcef Date Clem Lich Date Convect« QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL Z ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 urduuard or plan. shall ha oval es public rads - PANELS OZ -1 [. 4 (qq' ((yy 11'' YYLL''11 Q >(a 6 U LLLL17 O wNSPECIAL a C O !U N ZQ UP TO 200 AMPS Ltan .l Pmlcuinnal Ce CommaON OWNER- exempt Beer 1 M1arthy affirm th�l 1 um exempt fmm the Convceturs Li«vre Law for the following rttunn. (Sediw "I0J1.5, Business ard Pmfcssions Gdc: Any city «county which me uires a Doe it 1. moomct, sm,, imgove, demolish, or repair any moque, pri«to its Issuance alw, myuimt the applicant fee rush femmeo file a sigrcd statement thathe int a- punrxnuo pmvisums of of teBustclvrelncPmelaons Codmr9 (come, is exg with Smdwern and me, basis n 3fur di tueeged cwand Professions vi Cede)« thatSac io it examb Imy sof and for basis ler tM alleged ammant to Any violeuon of be, don, by anyopplicamfnsvpcnnid rubj¢ts the applicant macivil perxldy of nal nrxc Then Ova hualN dollars (SSIXB. ' ❑Lea uwrmr u(Qte prorycnY,«my nnpinyecs with wvgcs as dhcirwlemmperuai«n will do ere wag, and the structure is not intended «effered for sale (.Sea 7fN4. Business ard Profoaimx Calc: The Crntrdcmrs License idoes mol apply to an owmf o[ prepi wits, builds or muDvocr dnreon, and also dues wch work himself «thrwgM1 201-1000AMPS OVER J"AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL , CIRCUIT/MISC. TEFIP. METER OR POLE INST/ ir POWER DEVICES SWIMMINGPOOL OUTLETS -SWI - RES his own employees, pmvwoJ that Inch improvemend arc int intended ur efo red ler NEW RESIDENTIAL BLECfR FT tele. If, Nowcvm, lee IsaiMingorimprovemem is sold within one yen of urmpldien, de tuner-huilser will have the burden of,avo ng text he d'td nut build m improve fee pur- ryne of maJ. ❑ 1, as meter of the prgteny, am exclusively contracting with llcensN eontraaors Bi conrorom tee project (Ser, 7M4. Busiress end Profusions Coda:) The Cootessme x Li- QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT sa Lew dra not Tply loan owner of pnpeny wen Wilde «improves fo reon, and waw eonwea for wch projects with a enntmatm(s) licensed pursuanno the Conweter's PERMIT ISSUANCE ' License law. O l am exempt under Sec. ,B& P C furl but motion ALTER - DRAIN&VENT-WATER (EA) Owner - Dena T WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of pie ury om of the following dmlamtiom: BACK FLOW PROTECT DEVICE DRAINS- FLOOR. ROOF AREA, COND. IMve and willtreinlain aCenifcmeofCmsem to wlT-imumfnr Worker's Compen- Wien, v pmvid i for by Section 37W of the Who Coda for the rerfemtnrce of the FIXTURES - PER TRAP work for which thit turmoil is isaoeJ. ❑ 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compromemi n Inmrmsee, as mywrd by S.iou 37W of the Whor Cade, for perform—of lha work for which thin permit t, issued. GAS - EA. SYSTEM-] INC. 4 OUTLETS My Worker's Compensation Ins«vec cinder and Policy cumber arc: GAS -FA. SYSTEM OVER 4 (EA) Contac Poltey Na: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASE/INDUSTRI, WASTE INTERCEPTOR nrlxv) (This rection need not be mmoclW i Dee,,soonra mono hundred dol 1.1$ I gin GREASETRAP OZ O I certify don of the,, uposen ceofthe worlt her which thispmunit iamtud, I shall not employ any pawn in am, manner.so as to becomes, subject t. the Werlmo, Cmnpen- ®firm Law.. of California. Data Applicant SEWF,R-SANITARY-STORM EA.2W WATER HEATER W/VENT/El-li Vj a; NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after reeking this Cenifcme of Excmprion, you dmuld become tuhjml to Ea Work'er's Coe,mall pmv,00srs oftrd Lubse Coda, you mart comply with wch pre,,obeI or this parent than he deemed revekM. WATER SYSTEM/1'REATING WATER SERVICE aQforthwith ' V 0 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Thereby affirms that them u, a corestructi«lending infamy famy fthe m pidommoe of NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ. FT Q. L-+ the turd for which this perm, is issued Pdm.3(Nz Civ. C.) .O U ]. y Lemere Nana L,nclef; Addme, I cetify that 1 blee mnsd Nis applicntien and state dW the alnve inf.m. is TOTAL . QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT to V Z coir«t, l agree to comply with all city and county«doomema android, laws mating to building construction, and hcrchyvmlmnu mpre.rnlmivcn of this city m ebur uPm lhc, PERMIT ISSUANCE alowe brammtul proDedy for in,seetien peopaux . (We) at do mea, indemnify and keep hmtnksx tha City of Cupenlno again,, Iiabilitigjudgmenu, cosus ard expense, which may in any way aeurest Umnd said City in mnwluarce of the granting of she, permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND W11L COM LY VI 'H ALL NON L T SOURCE REGULAT )NS. ALTER OR ADD TUMECH. AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) AIN HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10.000 CFbll /� EXHAUST HOOD OVMUC7D Sig um of Applin Co car roe HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE ABATING UNIT (TO 100,000 BTU) Will devppliam or future huilding eventuate stere or hardlc hmvdoua material u definul by the Cupertino Municip.l Cale, Chei 9. 12. surd the Health end Safety Code. &mdo o 255]2(.)? HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) ❑Yes 'gRe VENTILATION PAN !SINGLE RESID) - Will the vppllcom«fuum building occupvm ore equipmam err cdevices whip crit hvwuiwa me contaminants ants as defin 1 by ere Bay Area A, Qualidy Meragement BOILCR-O MP(HP OR IW,OW BTU) Dr rico ❑Ya INo BOILER- COMP (OVER 100,000 BTI) AIR CONDD'IONCE I larva rad the avzNows ma¢n.ls ber,momcnts order Clutprer 695 of the Culi- NEW RFSIDF,NTIAL MECH. SQ. FT Tania Health & Safety Calc, SttYloos 25505, 25533 ard :5511. 1 ualmuaal dot if the Wilding docs m e.ndy have a Ianmd, thus d ie my neynrxib lny tr tinily Ilse ceeupant of ilk reRuinemcma which mad hamet wYr ufa rrrc, n(a tsnif.:arr. e(A.,.mArw 'OFFICE YeN"'"NV 30560 'NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATI (6?c orvlxoL BUILDING PERMIT INFO PLUMH MUCH ❑ ❑ ❑ BATH REMODELREPAIR ❑ DEMOLITION Cl OTHER COMMERCLAL' ❑ NEW RLDGIADDITION El DEMOLITION ❑TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑ OTHER SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA jlSQ. ET FEE SEP 161996 trlr 1 1VALUATION if l.Ur 4r,o HlU STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION BUILDING DIVISION FEES PLANCHECK FEE ENERGY FEE GRADING FEE SOILS FEE PAID Rccaip p TOTAL: BUILDI E FSE SEISMIC FEE A XA ON FEE Date Rectifier M TOTAL: \ISSUUUAA\NNCCED/ATE ISSUED BY JOB DESCRIPTION RF. IOFNTIAI_ ❑SFDWL ❑KITCHENREMODEL []ADDITION ❑PLUMBING REPIPE []MULTI-UNIT El STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑ INTERIOR ❑ CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT ❑ BATH REMODELREPAIR ❑ DEMOLITION Cl OTHER COMMERCLAL' ❑ NEW RLDGIADDITION El DEMOLITION ❑TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑ OTHER SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA jlSQ. ET FEE SEP 161996 trlr 1 1VALUATION if l.Ur 4r,o HlU STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION BUILDING DIVISION FEES PLANCHECK FEE ENERGY FEE GRADING FEE SOILS FEE PAID Rccaip p TOTAL: BUILDI E FSE SEISMIC FEE A XA ON FEE Date Rectifier M TOTAL: \ISSUUUAA\NNCCED/ATE ISSUED BY