08050062 CITY OF CUPERTINO �g.•a€�«wv ��^%�xhzxi-�Csr%� �: az � a BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRAGTORINFORIVIATION BUILDING A DRESS: PERMITNO. 1173 DOROTHY ANNE WY ALL SEASONS REMODELING 08050062 46 NER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE GORDON 219 DEMPSEY RD 05/20/2008 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 946-4744 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO -BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 uop LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1Chap lob Description wC 1 hereby )of i t 1 3 limed n= provision•ors Cwho, 9(ammomm i- P ZW withlif T1110)afDividon3afthe Bowness and Prafc66Code and my liccma is ADD 136SQ PATIO COVER j<< in full forte a,W eff aiO Lice,tse Cl - 3 Idea �"' . =p Dao CDmrurar - e 7W ARCHrfECTS DELLA ATION e U 1 underwstiW wu re nd my plans ll ed public cords y o Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION f 1 Wrehy alum Dat I am exempt from dm Contractors license Law for the E a o following..a.(Section 10315,Business and Prolamin.Code:Any city or county $(v which m ralres a Parent to wmemac,deer,improve,demolish,or.Pole any soueb,c priorbsliccn dpuncamgoim pmvi&iomofOc Conpmmitbrl..Ug dsummant . < N.tW;,lienedpan••tbdmpm.i:iaMarmecaawebrau<nrtuw(eastm9 Sq.F[. Floor Area Valuation Y (commencing with Secdon70(10)o(Division3ofth,BusimmundProfeuionsCome)mr $6000 Q e3 3 that he u exempt drertrrem and dm basis far tho alleged exemption Any Holauon of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fm a Permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of Number nm mom Nan five hundred d (IS alLm (D). 36654123 .W Occupancy P Y Type I,as ownm of die:pmperty,m my moploycu with wagu u ftbmle eompensadon, andde dee wort ands: he Con tsmotthundeee Law an b,eovrcv and property h ons Calc:The Canusetor's Lieuva law dew cot appy lf,t owner of Required Inspections .eny wyees.provided improves ch impar nd.hod cno,inuluch work Mm•elrar WvugA Au .employees.Wilding prsuchimpmvemmuam not earofcmoRvrd me fousals.If, however,Ne building m Wpmvemmn is said within ane year of I m Improve the ewer builder will hate IW burden of proving that he did Out W;Id w improve fm Purpose of umJ. ❑1.as awnm of dm property,am caulusivel,contracting with rammed contractors;b mnsuu,t the prejcct(See.7064,Bwireess and Profusions Cade)The Coouxbr's U. cense law does not apply to an owner of property who Wilds or improve daemon,and who contracts for tach pmjeeu with a conu oars)licensed pursuant b the Conuawrh License law. ❑1 we exempt under See. ,B At P C for this reason Poor Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under fora ty of perjury arc of dm following decluetionc ❑I W.e and will anamuna ACeNOom orcm eam an anti-L,sum fm WmFc!•canape. radon.at provideA fm by Section 37011 a dm Labor Cade.far the performma ar dm wort for which Nis permit is issued. ❑I have and will maintain Wollner.Compcmadan Insurance,M acquired by Section 3700of the Latham Code.fm Ne mceof perforanthe were fmwb;da tiespe.iit ismy issueA. b Carrier. -�I; � 7, Pal ry Na.: a ce number t 6 V3 61tn O f f� CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This sudor aad not W cmnpkbd aft permit 1e formic hundreddoBss,(SI00 nor le.) I mnify that in dee pmfmmawae of the work rte which this permit is issued.l shall amt ' employ any rerun in any manre,an ss to become mbjec,,o the WarWn'Cmmpom adorn Laws of California Dam Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,a0er making this Ccrdncam of Eacmpdon,you shm id became subject b IW Worlds conammunion provisions of due labor Code,you am .J z forthwith comply with such providons or this permit shall W deemed revoked. ?r CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY F I hereby which Nat Vert is s cal(Sm.0 7,Cing,genry for dm pmformance of !Y dm woes fm which dais permit u iumA(Sm.3(19'1,Civ.C) Lender's AName dd Z)z IeMerY Aedrau O Q I certify Nat 1 have fwd Nis application and sure Nat dm show information i, [L ^. contact.1 agree in comply with all city and county•N;inure and sum laws mlating to 1 Wilding coeooction,•rW hereby mNodse mprxnudves or this city to enter upon Ne 1,,ve-mentioa0 Property far peetion purposes y a b(We)Agree sere,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino soma h liabilitiw.joegments.cam andd uprn...which may in any way ecmuc ageimtaeid City V z in eo oegwnce of Ne gmating of this permit. ti APPLI Nr UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURC REG LAf10tl♦S. v p, ssurt A on teRe-roofs r Data �- H OUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will theePPlicantmfuture buildMunicipal Cada, CIantstoreorand "Health andI an, e deRned by the Cupertino Municiptl Cade.Chapter 9.13,and tM F1eIN and Sa(ety .Section 85324)? ,J ❑Yes I�JNa All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the. licsnt or mtum Wilding Occupant use e m If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove IN g P g proem or devices.hien g eDm'Ncu nes air conumin•n�u�u defined by Ne Bay Ama Air QuNity Management all new materials for inspection. r]Y. [3f No I Mw read Ne hvardous, emutt rtquirtmenu underChapter 6.95•fthe Calirm- nia Health&Sdr IYC•ec,Sc vmu 755f15,25533 and853d.l undrnwd NmifNe Wilding wast me cuncndy have A tenant tins it Is my maponsibility b notify one accocom of dm rcquimmeots wh hoe me ' rb, uanro ofa Ccnircem of occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date Owner m athmd e.gan Date - All roof coverings to be Class'W or better