25493 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO xmL=:-.1, CrRrt`A' PInMITNo' APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING MECHANICAL 25493 BUILDING DIVISION F BUILDING PROJECF IDENTIFICATION BUILDINGADDRESS: _ J ^_����tl� p�NE s� SANITARY NO. APFUCATIONSUBMIITALDATE L� r/ UUNITI LOTH OWN IRS RAMI- PHONE. CONfRAOT)R'S NAME_' LIC NO: 6 - l V Q / N1C CONIAOI.X .RCII'M.CUENGINEIR: LIC NO'. ADDRESS: O ^C � � Flp-S �1 . "i7O wA A wSEl ONI'ACI': PFIONE: Rq L,P H 5 PW 1 ALIO -415 q q'S }I} Qom' ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO I� BLDG k1.ECf PLUMB MECH PERMIT ISSUANCE ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES.RESIDENTIAL JO DESCRIPTION CZ I hereby efFmm that l am liccasm utderPmvisions ofCbep,9(wmnertciny with 00F Scaim 7")of UviimnJaf Nc Budta eM Professions Code,ud my licenm aim PALNpl TO2( �d(J full force end eE cl. �y I l¢.G(wJ Littnrt—� LicX �O UP T0200 Ah1P5 +�6y Due Cmtrct«. WI-IWAMPS zONz ARCHRECr'S DEC O SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FT. OZ— 1 urferued my pens shell he used as blic records. OVfR 1000 AMPS F'.n;s SIGNS ELECTRICAL y<KJ IJMu4l Pmfeai«ul C IyU O"ER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCTfi/hISC xxOn I hereby.ff.that I am excmp from the Contractor.U. emec Law fon the W 3vFi following reason.(Section"1031.5,Businem.rd Pmfeaiora Code:Any city«county TEMP.METER OR FOIE INST.F4�5 which requlm.pvmitmromsron..lw,itrtpmvc,drnoliN.arepvr anY structure, �DYm primo,m muuetce,el re, imtheapplicant for such partu".file.sig«dsuwnent POWER DEVICES 6W<0 than he is Iwrnsed, - to the pnviaiav of the Cmvs-ta'a Lorna Law(Chapter P' o�y 9(connmemir,with Safim T00()of N vision 3 of Ne Bud.anal Prof..Code) SWIMMING POOL ELECTRICVALUATION «than he ueacmpt thercfrmtt W the hands for dte.11eged exemption.Any violatim of OfITIL+fS-SWITCHES-FIXTURES tzaSect 7031.5 by any applicant for np-mmlt suhjecs the applicant b.civil pnaltyM t] rand m«etMn true huntLed dolHe(S5o0). NEW RFSIDENTIALELECfR _SQ.FT. z ❑ I,vuwrvoflhcpngeny.«my cmplmym with wngm evtheirsderompere.tial. TORIES NSTRUCf10N y will end dPomfrncu.Canmdcd:r TIc Comu.msiisn[.it.1,wdoes TOeWn,own,aof pmpety wnobWlds«Imrpmvm Neeon,aM whodoa sucfi wank hitraclfa Nmogh Ns G ROUP .UNITS wn employcm ldin,m the sur bcox a s cmrntn art tad i,&r.fc m,Reted f«sale If, h ilder ,illsvi the i f roeN umld within ateycm ofrompletlm,Neowrcn TOTAL: builder will nave the buNen of poring tom M1e did cors W Nle or Imptovc ran pupae n! we). ❑ QT y" PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD zoND APN LgLiW I the roJect(Sec.7614,Basham and Profeaiau Code:)The Contractors Licrnxlawdon rt«.pply men ow«rofprrapeny who huildeaimptavm thertm,erd PERMITISSUANCE who contrera for such pvjeca wiN amnnecta(s)li¢nscd Putuant to Ne Caerecui• Lkmr Iaw. ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER IFA) FEE SUMMARY ❑ 1 van escaop unser Sec. .B&P C fa Nix canon ^ " BACK PLOW PROTECT.DEVICEp . Owner Dwc DRAINS-PT,OOR,ROOF,ARFA,COND. RECEIPT. WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION YN El hereby uffims Nalhevcamtificme of conrnuo xlf-Insurt,«aazrtifiaa of FlXTUR� PER TRAP Jt RECEIPT. Wonkm'C«nPrnmdm Irtsurerac«.cmifiedarpy tlnmf(S«.18o0,lib C.)which Y N ars dl employce'e undcr Nis,emlt. GAS-EA.SYSIEd-I INC 4 0UTL RECEIPT N Policy. )TNG DI ISION REFS 0sm,an- 5 �• GAS-IA.SYS EM-0VER 4(EA) PLANCHECK FEE ❑ Cenifed copy is bertby faedshed. '5;?Cemifted copy is film voo Necity impection division. GREAiUNDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEIE CERTIFICATE OF EXP.MPION FROM WORKERS GREASE TRAP SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE (T'hia xaionned rase4cumplclm if Nc,emit isfm mehandrm dnllma(SIDT) SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.20UFT. ENERGY FTE «lea.) I certify than in O,e Perfmtwoc ofthc work for which this permit is i.om.I shell WATER HEA TER W/VENf/ELECIR rot employ any,moor in any manner sec as m became subject to the Wonted PAID O z ^mrmpermtim lewu of California Due WATER SYSTEM/IRFATING Dex Recsiptat O NOPTIICE TO APPLICANT:If.al making this Cenifletne N&mrson,you should NEW RESIDENTIAL MAR. SQ.FT. TOTAL: > fcr xbjethe,to thWoriora Compcm.dmn Imviniora of Ne Tabor Code,you rman crop Ay with neh covision,a Nu,emit shall be deemed Q Am. BUILDINGFEE 1 CONSTRUCTOR LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FI e V Q I nacby all that Nert is•canstrtetim krdhig.�mcy for theperfmmeruc of the ooh fm which this permit u issued(Sce.3097,Ov.C.) TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE L cneer'a Name PLUMBING FEE U Landers Addres. QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE 1 comfy than T have r mina, Ificad n end awe But de above infrmmtion is MECHANICAL FEE comm la0. er¢mcamplYadN all city anal country«dlru«e.aM sate laws Rating to PERMIT ISSUANCE huilding cnnnrumim,and hccby.mh.rvcraprtxn,u,csof Niecityo emerupm the U Z eMvc-mmtlortm progeny foo ir' Irian ptrposcr. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. CONSTRUCTION TAX (We)agme m save,in:amm,srd keep Ion the Y of Cupertito.gvmt IieMliue.jtdgnacnu,amu W expeaaew " w.y.drue.Seiw s.W Ciry AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) crnseyuenceufibe tin of AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,M CFM) Sigtmaart of Applic�nUCmhxtm o etc EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCU PAID IIATARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT(TO 100,001)RTIE Date Rettig. Witt Ne applicant or future building occupant none m handlehnadaua materiel HEATING UNIT(OVER IOO.o00 BTU) TOTAL as Jc ited by the Cupro cniMunicipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the Iluhh and Safety Coo,gMEEl 25533(e)1 El ye,' 11 No VENTILATION ION FAN(STNGLLs RFSID) ISSUANCE DATE Will Nc licumor future WilNn BOILER-COMP(311POR IW.IXp BTIIJ ttma ¢occupant ux ryuiprrcntmdcvlm which axed h.anrdau+air crxtumittann m defined by de Bay Area Air Quality Mwgement BOILER-COMP(OVER JW,M)BTU) Dwnci ? ❑Ye,, ❑No NEW RESIDF.NhTAL MEC[L SQ.Ff. �y pp K I have read the h.>abmu�m.ted. ntcn ls obpr a urdm duper 695 of Oto r I D Califomia lle tb&Safety Coee,Sections 25505,25533 etre 25534. 1 undentmd Net if the building don not currently have a tena L than it is my resp«ui4hty In notify die «vupa«of teyubements which must b,met or m iuoana ora Certificate of OccuPamY. Owrerm euNarired.gent Dae TOTAL ISSUEUB3/ L f