26545APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY OFFICE CITY OF CUPESIO NO BUIL"APPLICATION/PERMIT BUILDING DIVISION PLUMBING C'F ID IANIFIC BUIIDING PRO.IELT IDN;NTIPICATION PERMIT NO. 26545 BUILDING ADDRESS: , SANITARY NO, APMUCATIONSUBMTITALDATE Illrrrxxxrrrllll WA UNITS LOTH PHONE OWNERSN�i CO ON'S NAME: LIC NO: NIC ❑ G NIROLY )) // rro 57GIL' LIC NO: ADDRESSpynl OeR1V CONTACT: R{ONE QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT EEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECE PERMRISSUANCE ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Ihacby of Division3 ofthevcdurdm prwiaionofC Code. ndl my mains, wide Sclivn ]0007 of DivisionJof the BuslrtevsvM Pmfeatiord CMe,md my liameisN full force arch eff APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL Oa'Z YJOp — JOB DFS ON ' �� pm pp"y5�i11_4�g_!l- c�W .z� rn ¢ a e 1—,z �0`!'— y F Py Ual.�<C�uc.« IE7b 8L / Dnl< Co.n uProxoo AMPS :Nax01 - 10110 AMPS /N ARCIIf1ECTS DECLARATION I utdcomid ro"I. shill b ioadl as' Nie retorts. OVER IMAMPS SQ.fT. FLOOR AREA f/SQ. FT SIGNS ELECTRICAL 7,, Liceo iRvfea'vu1 rc6 tpiU th4OyQ h J Ee�Y7 J K a0 p RM " (_Za C K� $ OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I M1emby affon that I am exempt from the Cauranala Lkrnte taw for the following mmm(Scctim ]0313, Buwev and Profewian Code: Any cilymwunly which rryuim a penrvt to contract, al inpmve, demolish, a repair any smsame prior to its issuance. alar ou,so,r the eppliram for arch Permit to fik a sigrcd vuem,ot tart IK is liancd punvtnnl b the pmvuiau dthe Gonuudor't uccmc law (Chapter 9(,omrm ins, withSecti�n]ll(n)of Divoino Sof the Boom,,,sand Profession, Code) or thsr he it stemptthetefmrn and the seats for thealkYed exemption. My violation M Sction7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subj" the applicant to a civil pmulry M not mac stun five 111ndrml dol Ws ($5004 ❑ I,vowmrofthoprnporry,ormyy ploys withwogm&rt drwlecompwauan, SPECIALCIRCUIT/ME;F. n I fY`ge —. Lti1'1 Ys, V I. TEMP. MLTERORPOLEINST. 0 n A ^ 1 1• r \ t -� I POWER DEVICES ' rII SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC r n \ 1, v 1 u ..y V <'_ VALVAHON 1/(, OUTLETS - SWITCHES - FIXTURES NEW RESIDENTIAL EIECIR LORI TYPECONSTRUC I N will ande3— Prfesvoh, C,x1c hr,Cmeisrotin Li laffmydfa .,Iy 1. ron owner Cak:'llrc Coamclor's License Isar Jmtl ros apply to an owns. of pm extywvau own crtywMb,Voyritnprovtld or,movrdwbadaenor mourk himcHorthnough his roti rooMNaofferd fa We. If, crop(the,bugnvid<dlbmwch ant OCC. GROUP RFS. UNITS TO is sed wood. however. Nebuilding«impo suvir, is add wdidnoneyar ofavrnnve for theowner- will have IM1e burJen of proving that he did not build m improve for purpme of G Qom' PLUMPING PERMIT FEE aste.yr ❑ Le. owncroflM1e pmpeny,em exclusively cmuslingwith liceredcwvwwnlo El FLOOD ZONE AEN' c«uutat the Imsjct (Sec 7814, Busima arch Roftlaiau Cade:) The Convvebas License Lew Jrxs not appty to an ownerofpmoertywMbuildsavnpovn daeceon,and PERMIT ISSUANCE who cwVacts for such oxets withacontranm(a)Iianacdpurauant loth[ Contractor's License taw. � -DRAIN&VENT-WATCR(E) FEE SUMMARY ❑ I un exempt uNcr $a. , tl & P C fm W a reawnIDL BACK F10W PROTECT. DEVICE ! SANITARY Y N Ovnar Dose DRAINS- FLOOR, ROOF. ARIA, COND. RFCEIPI'N WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOL TAX Y N 1 M1acby affbm tbu 1 Nvc • anifieate of Cmaenl lo,clf-inset, a • anifcuc of ork.Conseruatioo her.aaarrifseEco%Ihercof(Sa. 3800, Lab C.) whireb t—, FlX'IURFS - PER TRAP RECEIPTM PARK FEE. Y —N— all employee: archer W t proms. Policy Y RECEIPT 0 GAS - EA. SYSTEM -1 INC. 4 OUTLETS BUILDING DIVISION FEES Corn, y GAS-EA.SYSTIM-OVER4(E) PIANCIIECK FL'B ❑ Cenilied co%ia M1ertby fumidsed GRESMNDUSTRI. WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE ❑ CertifiM copy is filed wish thm city inspection divium. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASE TRAP SOILS IFF. SEW fiR-SANITARY - STORM FA. 3(10FT. ENERGY RT (Thio cation nad ma bernmplued iftic permit c, faorc hlodrM dollan(SI00) a les..) WATER I [FATES W/VEM'/ELF,CI'R I ratify that in the perfmr .fNeworkfor which this pc nom is issued, I shall M "kay any Persoo many mmuar w as to bet c subject to the Wakai PAID WATER SYSfEAV1RPATING O,z z0 Cartpcnlretion laws of CJBmnia Due AMR. Dae R«iptat NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL after meting this Certificate of Escmption, you should NEW RESIDENTIAL PI -MB. SQ, IT. TOTAL- OTAL(n (Z) W5: become mrbicl b die,Wal Canpe"co am provoiae of the Labor Code, you mum Rmhwim comply with such pmsi,ir—or shit pcmlitshall he dcvtad revoked. BUILDING FEE SEISMIC FEE LW 0. Q CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY U Z O O e pmurtce I hereby affirm Nat Jaen is a construction ding ageray fa the of the work for which Pit 'mm is issued (Sec 30s0, Civ. C.) 1<Mr'a Nmrc NameAddress I TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE IsraNa p 71 QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE F"'rnn' L) Z I ccnify that Heave read Ws and state that da abate to.. la cumecl. legtm mcomPly witM1 nil city arch wumy admanctl arch state laws mlewglo bwldingeorixntctior, and herebyaudwniee reprstwtivtl of Wscity w mum upon the shove-tnrnrrnrseJ FmRny foriruyycticn purpamv PERMIT ISSUANCE MECIIANICALFEE ALTERORADDTOIrtECH. CONSTRUCTION TAX (We) egmc to save, ,_. _ ..y and tap liemlca dt< City of Cuperdro agaimt li udgmene, ma.mal ea ,which yinany wvy cerise agaiwsaid Ciry AIRHANDLWGUNITCO010,OOCFM) of this O�-3/— f �J AIR HANDLNG UNIT(OVER I0,XXCFM) .ipalurem'Appticant/Camruaa a2 EXHAUST GOOD(WIDUCT) PAID NOTING UNIT( ID IropOp BT'U) MATIRIAIS DISCLOSURI HAZ.ARture Dmc Racipt# building WiD Ne the Cu,ormnaam or uCase. Cwtdtrrtar hanand the Aefiad by de Cupcniro Municipal Code. Chapter 9.12, arch Ne Health aM Safety HFATING UNIT (OVER il))." BTU) TOTAL TITION FAN (SINGLE RESID) VFNE Cal Code. Sctian xSSJx(a)'f El Yea ❑ No Will dseapplicmllafumrebuilding pantuaecquipntem oro mdevim which vett BOILER- COME (311P OR 100.1100 BTU) ISSUANCE DATE ffdffiftwrslwu air trmrdt..r. m define) by rise Bay Ao,a Air Quality Management atria] BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) ❑ Yes ❑ No I have read thte hvardws materials is under ser 6.95 of the rtg5,155 Chea f! C4 Gz NEW RESIDENTIAL MF.CII. SQ. PI', aIlcadhts Safety Secliorri 5531 that 1ity - ox if the .fortyr25514. to omit ifla,Pcom off dotlnor rnorm, dy has.<ruxa be lh price. rie.iss,PaLSibf.Cer awRon the Npanl of Ne rtGuireRlnna whkh rma be rraf prig w iasuarce of a Cmtificue M Ikcupom:y. .QSEP .a t.-� 1 ISSUED BY: — Owneraamhnri'md agrnt Etc TOTAL: OFFICE