27022 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINOUILIyING-RER?7rR1,A. PERMIT NO. O APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING.MECHANICAL 22 BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION HUILDING AOQD.RPSS: � SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE cgL— �/V • UNIT♦ LOTH LU _�j _q q Oyy9TFR$NAMF IG} PHONE: CO ACIOR'SN LIC NO: g4(l��Jl 1IVV 11`` 0 93 NIC CONTROL# `• RCHITECT/FNGINEER: LIC NO: ADDRES . o69 Ll 5. 01lt�u paL. ❑ CONTACT: NIONG ? QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT EEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO C)&,I�' PFFtMIT ISSUANCE BLDG F1ECT PLUMB MECH ❑ ❑ $? ❑ UC'FNSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCM-RESIDENTIAL pwz, Ihereby affirm that l un lleented orderpwvitumu MChapterl) ntennngwirh JOB DESCRIPTION [UOFStOwn 7000)effCoition 3nf,he Businos end Rofwriau Code,end my licerwe is in PANELS it FZu1 U.Clews Lie.# UTT0200AMPS ��? vi hate Contractor pl-IIXp AMPS 1 ` �tnZ ARCI IITTICI'S DECLARATION 2sU-10)00 MPSAMPS SQ,FT.FL AREA $/SQ.FT. OZh❑ l umlerstud my plants Nell be undo W�records SIGNS ELECTRICAL [y � licence Poolmionel row OWNER BUILDFJI n the Co DECLARATION SPECIAL GIRGGIT/MISG. dX Oy LUF. 1 hereby.farm that I on cxcmpr Tann the Cmient;Corte: •e:Ary law es Nc W3�y fdWwinQiioes. ccum entire ,itherandwn,d,slom Co de:Arydry IENP.ME1FJt OR POLE INST. 7n>� wM1icM1 require a pcmtir to cannruct,elan,improve,JcmMiN,m«p'r any nrtetu¢ y'�QF prior in its iswwee,alw requ'oca the epplia�ed for Such temut to file u Signed emtamnl POWER DEVICES pts<p Nu he u Ilea dpvauanl to the pwvisiwv of the C«uranot.License law(Chwer SWIMMING POOL ELECIRIG dd � 9(roromnclngwiNS«tion901p)ofNvision3ofth Bmir� Profeeioru Codc) VALUATION WEK mrhet M1e ix cxemp Ncrtfrmm od the baste f«tM1e ellegM exemption.Any viMedon of OIfTLETS-SWITCIIFS-Fl%'NRFS _FZQ SmianI0J1.5 by any appiwntlmepmnit wbje<u the applicant to ecivil petWryof my store than five hundred ddlen($500). . NERFIDRALLE= SQ.FT TS, n: STYPECONRUCTI) L3. will Ju the work,and rhe srucmm i.v not nwrdsd oroffe¢d f«mk(gec.AM.Bmir. ed Pwfainns Code:The Crnt.Wit Ll.law dod not eptly to an ow¢r of pnoe,rr,wMbtdlds«impoves Nmm�,ed wbodoesion work hinesclf«thmugM1 hu wnemrloyca.PrV k1cdlhatsuch irom enseen.—not inendd«offaed fmsale.If, OCC GROUP RES UNITS hmvcvcr,the building m Impmvenrnt is wIJ wiWin me t<er of c«npldon,dre owner- TOTAL builder will have th dudcn of proving Ilan he did not build m improve fm puryoa of rale.). ❑ I,na ownerrfrlle prupay,em excludvdycmtwctingwiN liansd amtroctmm QTY' PLUMBING PERMIT FEE I1.000%O APN clMwuer the Pmjecr(,Sec.I0A4,Btoinne ad Pmfesimu CUJe:)The Cunlwmr'a PERMIT ISSUANCE. �# Lireme law dzrnd apply roan ranter Mpwperry wM W ildr«Improvea dorwn.W I who pntmcuf«wch Projma with a conwctorts)Ileenrd pursmnUo the Conueetas ALTER-UIIAIN�VINT-WATERTEA) License law. FEE SUMMARY ❑ 1 mo a+amp order Sa. ,B k P C f«Nis drawn BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE SANITARY Y N Dide DRAMS-FLOOR,ROOF,AREA,COND. RPCEIP # WORKMAN COMPENSA'UON DECLARATION SCHOOLTAX Y N ❑ Ihcrtryaffirm lMtlhaviceanif Le of commtmvJf-inwrc.«a«rdfeuc rf 0 RECEIPI'6 Warleri C«nprnwtionluvrmt¢meanificd Nmeof(Sa.J800.Lab C.)whicb � FIXRIRFS-PER TRAP ropy PARK PFJ? YN eovm all cmpinycds oder this Pernint. GAS-FA.9YSTIiM-I INC.40fITl£IS REVISIOM PnikyY BUILDING DIVISION FEES Coorls ny I v' J A �A5 FIX 94SITAt. 4 ) PLANCHECK FEF. ❑ Crnified copy is M1creby fumiNd. ❑ G � �_ I. INERCEPTOR GRADING FEE _ /I CERTIIICATE OF EEMP TON FROM WORKERS L �_ v.I 'GREA$„F SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This xminnncedtotbecompleedl iftheper it'uf«mchutdmi dolWy Wlq()) SF; - A Y MEA.2WFT. ENERGY HE «less) an 11 U/'1 C I eetify Bin this,perfosomee ofdc work fm which Nis p.mmut u uwM.I"I A /EJECTA on.empkry any person in any tnermcrs o.to bettrc wbm rjto the « Wketx' PAID Csn z rnpeouminnlawf California DueWATER SYSTEWMEATING Due Rei 0 Applicant O NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,Ac mating this Ceeificate of Exemption,you rhoM NEIV RFSIDENTIAL PLMIL SQ.FT. TOTAL: FIxx«lendjcct to NC Worker.Corri rserionpwvisions oflhe LaMrc CaJe.you no > forthwith comply wlN such lnuvisiots«Mitt pvmit Nell be,deemed mvotd. BUILDING FEE Z CONSTRUCDONLPNDINGAGENCY SEISMIC IIS 1 herby affirm Nv Mere is a ensorunion ktding egcncy for the perfonren¢of U O the work f«which Nu pmvut is'...w(Sec.31097.Civ.C) TOTAL 6.d�.O(7 ELECTRIC FEE Q fardels None L<nden AJdm.. QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE 1 crnify Nan 1 hove reed thio eppliceti«ud ante Nal the above Wormntion it �" � c«r¢L lagtce romnplyxiNallcisy and camrymdwrcn Wuvm l.ws rciuingm PERMIT ISSUANCE: MECHANICAL HE I--' buikingrnnnrucuon.end hcrehy authmiss repvcnuives efir.ody teenier upno the CONSfRUC1'ION TAX U Z aMwc menrimed pmpmty fm iturenion ALTER OR ADD TO MECI I. (Ws,)rg¢c to neve,indent k bnrrolee The City of CupenOo agWrst Ritoldt'Judgmenot osde in arty any rvueagaiew aid City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO I0,OoO CFM) rnnseNu of tnntin t it. rto ,a AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 14000 CFM) eu f _'? atone MApplianMen Due IXHAUST HOOD(WNUCFl rnlD IIA%ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT(IG 100,000 BTU) Dare Receipt Y will the applicant or ftwuc building r ,cru tt«e to hudk heznrdoua trwaial es defend by Be Culcnirw Munici*Cork,Chapter 9.12,nd 0e Flee1N ed Safety HEATING UNIT(OVER 10LOB0 BTU) Code,Smom 2553200^ El Ye, 11 No INVTIREM O)PAN(SINGLE RID) ISSUANCE DA W11 the tppicantmfmmc buidine«cupwt ore rm4vicowhichanit BOILER-COMPfJIiP OR 100,0(10 BTU) PAID� � I] gmpm 11air cmnuninanu as de0rcd by rhe Bey Aru Air paltry Menaganrnt BOILER-COMP(OVER 1(10.00)BTU) DWrictY OCT1 ❑Ym ❑No NE.W RPMI - AL MECH. SQ.FT. have tend the bvunkes mweriaH nquimrcnu under CM1nper 6.95 of the 31 Lcqa% California lkelN A Safe Code.Smions 2551)5,25533 us]Z55M. Imduvud dw CITY Ur if tk building element bet eurrctxty Use a taunt,t� m it is y¢em yuibility to ramify We wit cupenr of Nc rcquircnscros whkh rotor he met prior to issuance of a Cminfi re of Oeehparey. ()wren«amharind egrnl Uuc TOTAL: ISSUED BY: OFFICE