08010094 CITY OF CUPERTINO �+ BUILUING•DIVI570N PERMIT "'Corrr'xA. ,T,o �TNFbRN�7ATIONp,� BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMTr Nil. 197422 RAKE CT TBD — TO BE DETERMINED 08010094 OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT EWE DATE THOMPSON CHARLES F AND KAY E 01/15/2008 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHIIECfIPNGINEER: BU PERMIT INFO DOWNSIZE WINDW N LV RM FM BLDG eLEcr PLUMB MECH O O O O 3p� LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION e$Cflpu00 1 hereby shires that I am licensed under pmvisiov of Chapter 9(cammoncing •^-^-• --^^ ^- ^^^^� ^ Z to Section 7ufl11)of Division of that Business and Professions Coda.and my license is R.n< in full form and erect qZ License Clens Liu.M C9 p Dam Continuous- ARCHnWrS DECLARATION 7W7u 1 undem nd my plans Mall he used a public recmb Is G Licensed Pmfcssional b0 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION _ s�yyrr I hereby storm that I am uempt from the Contractor's License Lew for the `p O following mason.(motion 703 1.5,Business and professions Code:Any city or county $ which written a permit m eostroa,altioc impreve,demolish.Or repair MY structure y priormiuksseance.saumquiruWeapplicantrorwchpemitmrleasignedstomach, Ft. Floor Area Valuation that he is licensed pursuant to dm pmvisions Of We Comment's Licevc Law(Chapter 9 SQ• 3 (commencing with Section 70W)of Division 3 of the Business and Profusions Com)or But be is exempt Nemf m and tK basis for the alleged Wampum Any violation of Section 7031.5 by a"Applicant fm A Permit subjects the'WIIc"L m A civil Penalty of APN Number Occupancy Type not mom than Rw hundred dollars($500). ❑Lothow rk.and pmpermati isnoti oyeoaiNmauu ask(Sm. 044.Business will dothewom andth The Co asmtinLl.I .it. .,apply 7014,Basirmu Required Inspections and Pmfeaaiov Cads The CmtrumrY cad w1di Law dams not apply rf an owner Q P propertywhobeniMsviimproves thereonantahs ant set ch wort himselfedthroughhis own ver.th wilding thar vemimprewmmu am net ouMrc mporteeucd fm cola r- build=.Una buildingneimprevemmtismide did n, yearofempleforthe Oawr- builder will low W buNm of Moving dent M did est build v Improve for purpose of sale.). C)I,a Owner of flue Property.Am exclusively contracting with licensed entr m in Construct Ne preject(Sec.7044.Business and Pmf edims Code:)The Conmemr's W- ets.law data n01 apply m an owns of property who builds or hnpm.Nemme.and, who contracts fm such pmjmu with a entrwmr(U licensed purawnl m the ContrWMell Llcsue Law. ❑l am cosept untler'S—e�e'f�� �� � .B k PC fm this moon Owner 0— 1 Pba`^�7" Dam WORKFABC PENSATION DECLARATION 1 barely air=inter penalty of perjury arc of the following declsonamw 1 haw ant will.dawn a Cerdficatsof Covent in self-insure far Workar'aCamped. m,as pmvidcd for by Section 3700 of the tabu Code,for Ne perfonnenm of the wmk for which this permit is issued. 0 1 haw and will maintain Worker's Compensation Inautance,as requited by Section 3700 of the Tabor Coda,for the performave of the work for which this permit is issued. My Wmkefa cmereotuiw.WwwdM carries and Policy number am: Cartier. Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ThisxNm wed not be completed Wind pem11 film one hundred wastes($100) lir len) I certify that in the performance of We work fm which this permit is Issued.I SintI am employ anypeuon in any mannas u WPM*subject theWomm'CompemNon laws oil aaKe D�'4�fOW> Applimnt -}} NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,e r making this Certificate of Exemption,you Mould become subject m the Worker's Compensation previsions of On labor Code,you most �O forthwith comply with such provision m this permli shall ba discount avoided. z CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [.r I hemby affirm that Nem is a construction lending agenry,for the Performance of yl 7 Ne wmk fur which 1Ns Permit It issued(Sec.31197.Civ.C.) W Q Lender's Name Z 1<nder's Address V 0 1 coney that I live rad this a"llew st and sum that the above INomatim It W ^ corn I agme to empty wins all city ana county on inanas and stale lam misting to .C) rU^ building connnmdory and hereby Maurice representatives ofthis city in enter upon We W above-mendowd pmpery rot inspection purposes (We)agree to sew,indemnify and kap batmles the City of Cupeniw against raj] liabilities judgmeu.Casts and expenses which may In any way warm Mutual said City U Z in consequent,of the gmuning of this Permit. ^' APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOU CE REyg7.ATIONS. _S L6 (��en Y�L,—�' �� ^+��✓I^•-- I atlD`6 Re-roofs Slgnurc of ApplimnUComucmr I Dam HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant w rut.building occupant eom whioullc hacoNou material as defined by ties Cupeatso Municipal Code.Chapter 9.11 and the Health and Safety Cole.Section 25532(+)7All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Yu a Will Ne applicant or future building Occupant did equipment err devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove kI hundnu air tmtsminanu as deBwd by the Bay Arta Air Qality Management all new materials for inspection. I rtct7 . ❑Yea 67'4/- I hew mad the huiNau medals mruimments under Chapter 6.95ofthe Ulfor- nix lical"SaIctyCade.Sections 25505,25533 and25534.1 undcutsnd thmifthe building does wt currently haw s tenant.this it is my responsibility In nmify that Occupant of the yam now"j�muRkemetmuumcol�CedRumaf Signa ture of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better Owner or aurboriwd agent T a� CITY OF CUPERTINO • 3 ITEMS OF 3 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: patg COPY # 1 Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN . . . . . . . . : 31632015:00 DATE ISSUED. . . . . . . : 01/15/2008 RECEIPT # . . . . . . . . . : BS000003703 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 08010094 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 19742 DRAKE CT SUBDIVISION . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CUPERTINO ' IMPACT AREA . . . . . . . OWNER . . . . . . . . . . . . : THOMPSON CHARLES F AND KAY E ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 19742 DRAKE CT CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO CA, 95014-2432 RECEIVED FROM . . . . : CHARLES F THOMPSON CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : TBD - TO BE DETERMINED LIC # 00096 COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . : TBD - TO BE DETERMINED ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . . , TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : • FEE ID ---UNIT----- QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- - --------`- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1BSEISMICR VALUATION 3, 000.00 0.50 0. 00 0.50 0 . 00 1EPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1. 00 40 .79 0. 00 40.79 0. 00 1WINREP EACH 8 1. 00 367 . 00 0. 00 367 . 00 0. 00 ---------- ---------- ---------- --- TOTAL PERMIT 408.29 0. 00 408.29 0. 00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER ----------------- --------------- -------------------- CHECK 408.29 #7029 TOTAL RECEIPT 408.29 • 08� i 009 y CITY OF CUPERTINO ITY OF CUPERTINO GENERAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN# Date: Building Address: i30tt2 �QAk� c�c�T CvPc2z ► �v� Mailing Address (if different from building address): Owner's Name: Phone#: CHAcz�F�S - . �+��rnPsays 40'2) -9ej b - a-73 1 Contractor: Phone: Lk pb _ 2,'j$— Z-7 SCo Fax: Contractor License #: (9%S'(®g(0 Cupertino Business License #: • Contact: Phone: Fax: Residential Commercial ❑ Job Description: SOWN 5 �Z W 1 w t aW Ytv LIV iN-Lr (Lo Ow( t`QA"W\ 1 1 �'' te) SU t101J Building Permit Info: Bldg ®/ Elect Plumb ❑ Mech ❑ Type of Construction (Usage Class): Occupancy Type: 1 FR, 11FR ❑ 11, 111, V-lHR ❑ 11, 111, 1V V-N Valuation: 3000 Square Footage: Project Size: Standard Large ❑ Major ❑ • CITY OF CUPERTINO a10F CUPEkTINO GENERAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM O Quantity/Sf Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group 1GENRES or 1GENCOM 1BTEMPPER Temporary Building Permit (good for B 30 days 1BBOILERI For the installation or relocation of ea M boiler/compressor to &including 3 horsepower, or ea absorption sys to & incl 100,000 Btu/h (29.3kw) 1BBOILER2 Installation/relocation of ea M boiler/compressor over 3 horsepower to & incl 15 horsepower, or ea absorption ss over 100,000 Btu/h IBBOILER3 Installation/relocation of ea M boiler/compressor over 15 horsepower to & incl 30 horsepower, or ea absorption sys over 500,000 Btu/h to & incl 1,000,000 Btu/h 1BBOILER4 Installation/relocation of ea M boiler/compressor over 30 hosepower to &incl 50 horsepower, or for ea absorption sys over 1,000,000 Btu/b to & incl 1,750,000 Btu/h 1BBOILER5 Installation/relocation of ea boiler or M refrigeration compressor over 50 horsepower, or ea absorption sys over 1,750,000 Btu/h 1BAPPLOTH For ea appliance or piece of-equip -M regulated by this Code but not classed in other appliance categories, or for which no other fee is listed in this code. 1ELECINSP Other Electrical Inspections (per hour) E 1MECHINSP Other Mechanical Inspections (per M hour) 1PLMBINSP Other Plumbing & Gas Inspections P (per hour) 1MEETINGIHR Application Meeting B CITY OF CUPERTINO CUP TYOF GENERAL BUILDING APPLICATION • FEESCHEDULE Quantity/Sf Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group 1GENRES or 1GENCOM ACOUSTICAL REVIEW IACOUSFDW SFDWL/Duplex New B IACOUSRESAD SFDWL/Duplex-Addition/Alteration B IACOUSCOM Multi-Family/Commercial B CHIMNEY'S 1 CHIMNEY Chimney B 1 CHIMNEYR Chimney Repair B FENCES 1FENCE>6FT Non-masonry, over 6 It in height B 1 FENCEMAS>6 Masonry, over 6 ft in height B FIREPLACES 1FIREPLMAS Fireplace Masonry B 1FIREPLFAB Fireplace Pre-Fabricated/Metal B 1FLAGPOL>20 Flag pole (over 20 It in height) B 1MODUSTRU Modular Structures B FOUNDATIONS 1FOUNDREP Foundation Repair B 1PILECAST Pile Foundation Cast in place concrete B 1PILEDRIV Pile Foundation Driven (steel, pre- B stressed concrete) 3 of 5 CITY OF CUPERTINO CUPE(�TINO GENERAL BUILDING APPLICATION FEE SCHEDULE Quantity/Sf Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group IGENRES or 1GENCOM RETAINING WALL(CONCRETE OR MASONRY) 1RETSTN Standard (up to 50 ft) B 1RETSP310 Special Design, 3-10' high (up to 50 `) B 1RETSP10 Special Design, over 10' high (up to B 50') IRETCRB< Gravity/Crib Wall, 0-10'high (up to B 50 ft 1 RFTCRB> Gravity/Crib Wall over 10' high (up to B 50 ft SIDING 1 SIDEST/BK Siding, Stone &Brick Veneer B (interior/exterior) 1SIDEOTHER Siding all other B SKYLIGHTS 1 SKYL<l0 SF Skylight less than 10 sf B 1 SKYL>10SF Skylight greater than 10 sf or B structural ]STAIRS Stairs-first flight/ea addt'l B STORAGE RACKS 1SRACKS<=8 Storage Racks 0-8' high (up to 100 so B 1 SRACKS>8 Storage Racks over 8' high (up to 100 B st) 1 STUCOAP Stucco Applications (up to 400 sD B additional stucco application • 4of5 tCITY OF CUPERTINO or GENERAL BUILDING APPLICATION CUPERTINO • FEE SCHEDULE Quantity/Sf Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group 1GENRES or 1GENCOM 1 WINREP Replacement windows/sliding glass B door (ea 8 windows) 1WINMEWSTR New Window-structural shear B wall/masonry includes plan ck fee / 1 EPERMITFEE Electrical Permit Fee E 1MPERMITFEE Mechanical Permit Fee M 1PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit Fee P 1 ELCPLNCK Stand Alone Electric Pln Ck (hourly) E 1MECPLNCK Stand Alone Mechanical Pln Ck (hrly) M 1PLMPLNCK Stand Alone Plumbing Pln Ck (hrly) P I STPLNCK-(3 Hr Min Standard Plan Check (when no E/M/P) B when not over counter) hourly-stand alone 1BSEISMICR Seismic Residential B / IBSEISMICO Seismic Commercial B ITRAVDOC Travel &Documentation B 1BUSLIC Business License B • 5of5 3 � z lb Of�[�00 COPY 3 LP 00 ti Z O , A r ia • � ,j ` Woo � uEd6CJcE � f9 I U ro a o { , 'L Z � � v .Q C �' �✓ N a t0 1, ZO I O A G O CD J r 1 � AA E 3 W.Eo o ; YLv V, a_ EE Z U n lElOO R A '�� ✓� L > W A N Y ,� N L C z • •J u r 2 d � 3 z in 7 w P t � S N N o w !JD a a- n P V I (77 g u u, o°°u I G' .ot O ON m I£d rJ u a u m N � cN i w N •S q,�x� ,. .� � � ����}� 1�it�_° 5 � -'� ,� ��.tr.�.��.4�� � � ���� x : •''try,^,�kts� � R�� -_6''� }� i 'F�+�' 'qj'� � va �e �- � F� A' d c7 �",�",�s�« N ✓� ,,, -r '�4r ,'6 M+" c e # ,� 'r"n� '1 .'�` . Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue F;, y Cupertino CA 95014 CITY OF Telephone(408)777-3228 C U P S kT I N Fax(408) 777-3333 Building Department All Cupertino building permits must meet certain conditions related to maintaining environmental quality and public peace and safety. The two most common conditions are described below. STORMWATER POLLUTION CONTROL State law requires that Cupertino, 12 other Silicon Valley cities, Santa Clara County and the Santa Clara Valley Water District control stormwater pollution. Educating local residents and businesses and enforcing stormwater pollution control laws are key parts of the City's compliance efforts. Stormwater pollution prevention: It's up to us In northern Santa Clara Valley, storm drains flow directly to local creeks and San Francisco Bay, with no treatment, Stormwater pollution is a serious problem for wildlife dependent on our waterways, for people living near streams and baylands, and for the local water supply. Common sources of stormwater pollution include: • Dripped oil, fuel, and antifreeze from vehicles and heavy equipment; • Construction debris, including dirt, concrete and paint; • Landscaping runoff containing pesticides or weed killers; and • Any material dumped or spilled into streets or storm drains The property owner and the.contractor share ultimate responsibility for activities occurring at a construction site and will be held responsible for any environmental damage caused by subcontractors or employees. For more information on construction-related stormwater requirements, see the Stormwater Quality Regulations section of the City of Cupertino web site at: htti)://www.cuipertino.org/city government/departments and offices/ environmental services COMMUNITY NOISE CONTROL The basic noise control requirements for construction sites are as follows: • Typical construction work hours are: - Weekdays - 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. - Weekends - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Construction other than street construction is prohibited on holidays. • Residential daytime noise levels from complaint site - 60 dBA • Nonresidential daytime noise levels from complaint site - 65 dBA For more information on noise control, please see Chapter 10.48 of the Cupertino Municipal Code, which can be accessed at httr)://www.amlegal.com/cuipertino ca/ Greg Casteel Building Official o eln Z � l � vi h r � I n ' S cujo 1 d' U1 � r � G ,li x z s f cp • •J u 0 2 � f � f / + k in oj 2 \ 2 2 j , 2 r ! � \ $ a } ! EEO— & a � a