19844 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Bulldl Pmied Idmtl(leatlun PERMIT NO. B"1dirg Add. ,% 19844 rcrs see: CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION ConlndoYNam: i LbN A& APPLICATION /PERMIT I? rr 7 BUILDINGE,ECIRICAL. LU BING-MECHANICAL CATEGORY CONTROL Y Archued/Englver. Lie.No, QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT - FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. PFRh17TI$UANCE ❑ ❑ ElLICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION ON herebnftIo.affirm tMtlamllonrdueflosi Wmuoffeed rod,an me AI'[a[lANCESRESIDFNITAL JOBD RIPIION Ingwlth5ectbn70lp)of Dlvhlon3dmcBualrmandlarofeslovCe and Ikenee ICI N and effect. qq�as PANES Date Chm �Lt.eAL Date cenmader N —UP TO 2DDAMPS ayll. ARCHITECTS D ZION 70- At`Q'S q00 �uerZ Iurdentandmyptmr shaRbeumdupubhcrternda OVE2IODOAMPS .FT.nODR AREA $/SQ.FT. U0�0 Licensed Pmfenbvl SIGNSELEC[RCAL << OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 9sECIAl CIRMT/M Thereby affirm that amexempt from the Contractor's Llceve Law for the 7 (ollawir�g rtamn.5edlon 70t15,Bualn®ard Pmfmbv CcMydtyur O Z e- TEMPMETER ORPOL F� muntywhlch mrrybmapermktomrutmd,almr,impmve,demolhh,orrtryir . , q' anystmc mprbrtoiva ance,., omquU ffieappbantf«s chpemdb POWER DEVICES P O The a dgeed statement that he b lnnacd purwant W the pmvhbv of the 3ANR 01 slon3otheBuslnemand PmfembrmCe)orthabehhemmothemfof Divi- SWIMMING POOL.ELE S< thertfmm any VALUATION the baah for the permit exemption. My vitiation d Ee tis not re any <� aPPBastred delt.($50(1. the appllcanttoatlWl pevhy door rmre than OITILEIS I ,. raveb,as ower ofthepro 1 as owrcr of the NEV RFSID L .Fi. STORIES TYPE CONSIRUCTIOn' ❑, property, tesempbyemwh with as theresole 76 coIepmeatbn,willdothe workandmestvdurt brmt WLMcd or offered for O sale(&G 7014,to anowaMf property ropewho TM Clmprcnle thereonlaw S$ doe rad apply tamowrcr d pneogh who bienopildis oym,prnthereon,that ch OCC-GROUP RES UNITS who donsuch work himself ormrwgM1 Naownemployen,pmvWed that W d impmvemew ort rot Intended ero(fertd for Bale IL however,thebuilding or TOTAL: Impm ce mhsddwkhlnowyearofcompletlon,tMoxnerbulWerwBl love t rdenofprovingthehedm notbuddorlmproveforpurpweofsals.). QTY. PLUMBING MIT FEE FLOOD ZONE MN m L as owner of the property,am eachaamly mnwening with Hmmcd mracton to rorolrod the pmjed(See 7DI4,Busher and Prif�bv CeS- .. PERMIT T UANCE The ContndoYs Licerm law does not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN kVENT-WATER(FiV builds or improve therem, end who mmram for wch p,pm with cWtilelorw Oceved pu mnnt to the Contractor's Llnve Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY IJ I am exempt usder Sec B k P C for this rtw a DRAINS FTOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y— N Owner Date RECEIIT Y WORKMANI ha,s a COMPENSATION DECLARATION FIXTURES PER TRAP SQTOOL TAX Y— N— ❑I'erebateof affirm that I have a smtifI.me d consent to self.irwre,thereof (Sa RECEIPT Y ce00,L Lb C.) lrouana ora errtitlea mpi thertd LSec GAS E.A.SYSTEM-I INC40UTLETS I'di,Iab CJ PARK FFB Y— N_ 1 dky Y RECEGAS EA.SYS147d-OVER 4 MA) DING DI Y ny BUILDING DIVISION ISION FE F9 Certified ropyis,filed with the tltylropectbn divWm. GREASE/1NDI15ITtL WASTE INI'ErLE'TCIR PLANCHCCK FEE CERTIFlGTEOFIXLT/I'TION FROM WORKERS GREA`¢TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER.SANTTARYSIORM FA ZWT Date Rcoei t# ITd ( ssedbn need not be B be completethe permit h fororc hundred dollen (stIo)orf certify th UWATEIIEATERw/vFNT/awns ENERGYFEE Y N— I thatthepeefomunnor of the for themIssued,ed, — I aha0 nm employ b at tob y any.Lany manner a to becoe msub}ea1 to the WAT'PR SYSTEM/TRFATING Ct A Banc onpsneatbn larvaa o(GWomla.Date PAID _Z Nonce TO AIeI'LIGM:it„ kermaangtwGNfluteorExemptle ,ym, NEV�DETlALPLM3. SQ.Fr. Date Rccei [q should become aub},”to the WorYen'Compesselon proNebru of the labor TOTAL: ~ N Code,yuu.forthwith comply wtthsuch pmvbbmit nsorthia pershallbe Lu 7 deemed reked. Lu wC CONSTRUCTION LE:DINGAGFTCY S I MIC FEE I hertby a(Ortfor w then h a mmtrudlon bMNg agency for the perform- � Z aner of the wort for which nth pematbhR,ea&,3097, c.> TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE O O Lenclero Name - PLUMBING FEE LL F I.LMCYSAadrtm QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE O W I certify marl have read thio appltatbnand natemattheabove information 1 hrornM.lagrm to comply with all tlty and owntyordlnanm and slate laws I'FRMIT ISSUANCE tZ_f ; FEES PAI } N relating to building ronMnctlon,and hertby aumodr repreaentatNm of this I— Z dtytoe abovcrrcntbned property for lropectbn purposee. ALTFRORADDTOMECEL Date Recei t# — )agree t .,e,IndemN n d keep harminr the City of Cupertino p 19 MI bw , me b, rad �pevnwhiehmayinaeywayamue AIR HANDLING UNIT t0,"CFM) SUBTOTAL: 11 •sl agalvt ky f gnntingdthbpemdl. AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER IQODOCFNO CONSTRUCTIONTAX Sigodwrcf AppBant/Contndor to D(HALSTHOOD(W/DU(7T) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will thcappIlant or forum buiding oavpart esortor handle hazard. HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BTT)) . O Date ReceiptR I kalthelas decry bythe Coon 255 Murdtlpal Ce,Chapter 9.1 7,and the T balm and arery cmL SLdion 2u3z(a)r 1-1FATTt`c uNn'(OVER IDD,000 BTU) TOTAL: ;7..�t 00 I Ym rE No TNWthe htpndntor tun building onvpaed!by equipment ordevirn VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RFSID) ISSUANCE DATE wlM1theMahagement airmntamWwas defined!by the Bay Area Ab PAIS Qu alNyy Management [:a NT BOILER-COMP OIN DR]OQIX9 BTU) 4Yn ❑❑No luwe read the haaandoua rrwLdah rtquirtmenb ueaLrGM1apter 6.93 of BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,0000][1) MNK Y 2 1JJU ted Glomla]ILahh&Safety Code,SMloro 755DS,25537 and 2553/. 1 uMvuaMyt.nH ebulldingdoermtmr.gni h .te hiah hm Lamy NEW R79DINITAL MECI-L SQ.FT. rvparo@Bky to rad Uy the ocmparn d the recrylrtments which most he met priortolmuave of accAifiateofoccvparcy. VIj�I_CIO` of P114� Owner or authos dag rent Date ISSUED BY:�` _ kW17 k'V✓�• TOTAL1 _LD OFFICE COPY