CC 11-20-96- CC-934A MINUTES Cupcffino City Council Regular Adjourned Meeting Wednesday, November 20, 1996 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Bautista called the meeting to order in the Cupertino Room of the Quinian Community Center, 10185 North Stelling Avenue, Cupertino, at 7:10 p.m. Council members present: Mayor John Bautista, Vice-Mayor Lauralee Sorensen, Council members Don Burnett, Michael Chang, and Wally Dean. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. TOWN HALL MEETING 1. Public Dialogue Consortium (PDC) led a discussion on cultural richness and community safety. Representatives of the PDC reviewed the history of the project and said that this meeting was the culmination of 6 months of work including l0 focus groups, training college and high school students to conduct appreciative conversations, and interviews of local residents. During this effort the topics of community safety and cultural richness emerged as items of particular interest. Representatives of the student interviewers related the information they had gathered in their conversations with the public. The audience members worked in groups to discuss their visions for the community, and their suggestions for action. Summaries of the work groups were announced by members of the Council and PDC representatives. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. K~