R 5385 APPLICATION FOR CITY OF CUPERTINO Nu e'ERR- 5385 REROOF PERMIT INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT EXPIRATION (408)777-3228 PERMIT E%PIRES IF WORN IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 1B0 DAVS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR 1B0 DAYS fROM LAST CALLEO INSPECiION. � BUIL�ING ADORESS ' ul./v C�• ��S GfC/l� RESIDEMIAL COMMERCIAL OTHER OWNER'S ` , � AZARDOUS FIRE AREA . NAME � �(J VES ❑ If yes-I undereWnd�het a Gass A� � roof assembty is required. ' � NO 7 IniHel I.C.B.O.p nooResS EXISTING ROOF COVERING PHONE " a ✓�-r � NUMBER OF E%ISTING COVERINGS _ Z CONTRACTO/F�'1� � ,/� �/� (/�,� I (\ �'� � ���"�(.��e+ �NAME \ �1_7� \�' �{J-� �-�""�— `��-%-��1 1� TO BE REMOVED - TO BE RETAWED ADDRESS 1 ��„O„ TYPEOFROOFCOVERINGL� CITV&ZIP �� � ' ' ]'� EXISTING PHONE � `� BUILT-UPROOF ❑ .��� LICENSE p ` / � NUMBER p o�Q ' � ASPHALTSHINGLES � � UCENSED CONTRACTOflS DECLARATION I hereby ellirm�hat I em licenaed under Droviaians ol Chepter 9(cammencinp with Section WOOD SHAKES � ]000)ol�Ivlelon 3 0��ho Buelnaee and Pmleaelons Cotla,entl my Ilcenae le In lull br<e antl e��eC1 I .,Rg '�1.� WOOD SHINGLES ❑ Licenea Claas Lic.NumCer�='k ' ___�� — OTHER(SPECIFY) ❑ �ete Contrnqar OWNER�BUILDEROECLARATION pAOPOSED � A I hemEy eilirm�he�I em exempl�mm�he ComrecmYa License Lew lor�he IOIIowInB�oeaon, f� � (Sea]031.5,Businass antl Praleealans Cotla: Any ciN or counry which requlrea e permit to � J conslmct,elter,improve,Eemolish,orrepelranyetmcture,ptlarroltsleauance,elsorequlrealhe BUILT-UPR��F � epplicanl�or auch permlt to ille e elgne0 stetemenl thet ho le Ilcensetl purauent to ihe provlalona . � ol t�e Conirecror's Liconae Lew(Chepter 9(commencing wlih Section 700�)of�Ivlalon 3 oi the � Buslnene entl Profeealann Cotla)or ihat he Ie exem0��hBrairom entl fha besis for�he ellegeE A$PHALT$HINGLE$ -`��,� ` axempllon.Any vlolepon of Sectlan]W 1.5 by any aOP��cent lor e permit pub�eds lha eppllwnt�0 e civll penelry oi not more t�an liva huntlretl tlollare($5W�J: V ❑I,eeownerol�heproperty,ormyemployeaswithwegeeeethelr6olecompeneetlon,wlltdo WOODSHAKES � � t�e work,end ihe s�mcture ia not In�endetl or olieretl br sele(Sec.7044,Buslnese entl Pmfes- � slons Cotle: The Cantreclor'S Licenae Lew tloes not apply to an owner of property who bulitls or WOOD SHINGLES ��\ � Impmvee thereon,entl who tloea euc�work hlmneli or��rouph his own em0loyeea,p�ovltlatl�hal � such Improvements are nol inlentlatl ar offareE lor eela.II.�owever,t�e bullEing or improvemenl Iseoltlw�ihlnoneyeerolcomple�lon,Iheownao-bullderwillhavetheburGenofprovinglhethetlitl OTHER(SPECIFY) � not builtl or Improve lor purpose al aaleJ. ' ❑I,ee owner ol t�e pmperry,em excluelvely conhec�ing with licanaed conVaclore�o cone�mc� tha pmlect(Sec.]004,Businasa entl Pm�esslone Cotle:The Conveclore Lleensa Lew Ooes not PROVIDE I.C..B.�.REPORT NO. epPIY to en owner ol propery who OWltla or Impmvee iheraon,antl w�o conVeds tor euch pmjects with e contrector(s)Ilcaneetl pureuent io tha Conhactore Ucenea Lew. PR�V��E MFGR. �N$TA�LAT�ON$PEC$. ❑I em exampt untler Sec. ,B B P.G lor ihla reeson o.�e� oe�e APPLICATION DATE VALUATION PERMIT FEE WORNER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereEy elfirm under penelry ol per�ury one of ihe following tleclaratlon: g/Q� . ❑I heve entl wlll melnteln e Certlilcete ol Conaent to aelbinsure forWorker's Compensatlon. � Buildin ea pmvitletl lor Cy Sectlon 3'100 of the Labor COEe,for the petlormence ol Ihe work lor which thle permil ia lssued. � � $81Sf1'11C �e � �p(��ava end wlll malntein Warkefe Compeneelion Inaurance,as reqWretl by Sactlon 3]00 0l „th�C30or Cotle,br the peMormenca ol�he work�or whlth�hle perml�le IssuaG.My Work r's � � /oT Compen � n Ins rance carrler entl Pollcy n mber ere: I � TOfdl cerde�IL �A..YI� POI1cy No. •�� � PERMIT AUTHORIZATION DATE - CERTIFICATE OG EXEMPTION FqOM WORKER$' COMPENSATION INSURANCE N.G�] / (Thle aeclion neetl not ba completad il iha parmit ia tar one huntlretl tlollare($100)or IeeaJ �� � / .�(�.-.C� O I certlfy ihat in the peAormance of Iha vrork tor which this permit Is Iseuea,I shall not employ ^ �•� � eny pereon In eny manner eo ea to Gecome su0�ect to Iha Workera'Compensetlon Lewe af Cell- AII(OOf.^.shall be inspected prlor to any roofing material being �0f"'a installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an oaie Applicant inspection,I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If,aflar making thle Certilicele al Exampllon,you nhould Eecoma aubjacttothaWorkere'CompeneatlonOrovlsionaollheLeborCotle,youmustfort�wllhcomply Applicant understands and will comply with all non point with auch provisions or t�le permit e�elCbe aeamad revoked. SOU fC8 fB9U�3�lOf1S. I certl�ythet I have reetl ihie eppllcetlon entl emta ihat mo nbove Inlorma�lon ie torrect I eBree ' I mcomPiywunenmya�a�o��ryomma�=aaeoae�a�aia.a,oia�ma�oe�uameco�av��non,aoe Allroofcoveringstobeclass" orbetter. �eretiy euthotlze representativae ol�hle city to enler upon the abave�menllonetl pmperry br In� � � � epeIXlon purposes. (We)epma m eeve,InEemnlly antl keep hermlese the Clly ol Cupertlno egeinst Ilebilitiea, �utlgmenta,costa end expensea whlch mey In any wey accrua pgeinet eeltl City in coneequence o�ma grannng m tnie perm�c SIGNAT P LIC T ATE . PRE-INSPECTION: PLVWOOD: . � IN-PROGR � INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE TEAR OFF INSPECTION: BATTENS: FINAL: INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE NOTE: OSHA APPROVED ACCESS TO ROOF SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR INSPECTION _ OFFICE COPY �