19884 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pro'ed Idendf"tl® PERMIT NO. Bu IIMiRq Add rens: _ 19884 /o s a:3 F,9 ey[L oNE 7�.e. dPBR T%Mu 6Eo. 1 JANX7-yoeJAIZ„61( xsz-1 CITY OFCUPERTINO-BUILDINGDIVISION ' 1 NS yl APPLICATION / PERMIT -C IJe N. BIl[I.DINGELFC'[WCALI'LUMBINGMFLHANICAI, CATEGORY CO ArchBed/Engineer. QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE `—BUILDING PERMIT INFO Addresv PFRMITISSUANCE IN a� - ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION �f T hereby affirm that l am Bc sasf under provldms of Cbapter 9(mmmec APPLIANCESRESIDENfIAL )UB DESCRIPTION Ingwlth SedbWm n 7000)of Dlv3ofthegroa ualand ProfeaalonaCodp and Ibeveelalnfullt andefii: fl�� PANELS Lkense Claa_ Lk.a_ 6 Date(.(7.. /a-a� CoNradorUP TO 2DOAMPS I_X7n 1T�ARCHITE47I•S D ON ') AMPS V ter v t �gvNV IuMemarldmyplaroshagbeusedaspublicre 1s OVERI000AMPS SQ.FLFLOORAREA S/SQ.FT. }i2 Lkenaed Pro(eaianal SIGNS ELECTRICAL «<<QLu OWNER-BNLDER DECLARATION I hereby afCnn that l am eaempl from the Comradora Lkense Lw farthe grECIALCIRCUIT/M1SC pO GI folbwing reawn.(Section 7m15,Buelness and Proleeebv Cods,Any dry or TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. KSI muntywhkh requbn s beaus th.impmcant foraueh. sTmb to r S Q any assigned!statement otthat he nre,aboragWmNent to he famions of to POWER DEVICES 5 O G O Cie a algned statement that he b r 9(wo Pursuant it the pmWbm of the Cn3ofore tic 1•w(CWpier9(mvurcnthming wLL 'Section7IXp)ofaM SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION F, O DM- don3af the Buslvw and Proteebro Cade)orthat hebessmp NerHromaM - " Q S the baab for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Sedbn 70715 by any Q� applfont/ora Perm bXc theapplfunttoadvilpemkydndmorethan OII7LETSSWITCHESFATURFS 2 I oo�Oe..y.AsQO {q� Cv unarM a r of 18506. `--''UVJ �I,.a owner of lbs properTy,or my empbyee wdh wages as their sole NEW RESIDPNMLELECTR 9QFT. STORIES TYPE mNSIkUCIION Qmmprosation,wWdothework,and theseroduro b not bdended or offend for O ole(Sec 7011,Business and Professions;Code:The Conb.d.e.Uceroe Law doer roe.pply to au,owner of property who builds or improve thereon,and EE who dm srh work himself or through hlaown employee,Provided that such OCC.GROUP RES UNITS Improvsmema.re not Intended oroffered(or sale.If,however,the bulldingm AL t Improvemem badd WWInoneyurofcompletto,t owner-buCderw Iurs rden of proving that k am not wild or Improve for purpne of rule.). QTY. PL I GPE FEE I_J L as owner of the PLOOD ZDNE APN mntrad wmrotmdthe arty,am Kw x e..,.dingwah lfm M,. P Ill project(See 014,Businee and Profnalo t Code: The Comndoro es thn law don eat apply to f owner of property who ` D VENT ) wBas or improves Neear,and who mntrada for such plojem wflh a eC.rj ryR1T+�m(e)BmrwNpueuant tothe Cmtndar'a Liaise Lw. BACK E FEE SUMMARY L,J I ion esemp uMer Sac B tr P C /or this renin DRNN R P, ODND. SANITARY Y_ N Owner Date BBC=R WORKMAN COMPENSATION DELLA RATION I'ER 54100E TAK Y N_ ❑1 hereby affirm that I have a mnl/{ate of consent to self-Iwre,m a - RECEIPT mnlQote of Worken'ComPneaHon Ineunna a•aNfled copythereuf(Sn. .SYSTEM-1 /OUTLETS 3800,Lab CJ PARK FEE Y N PWq� RECEIPT/ FA. VER4(EA) BUILDING DIV]SIONFEES lmpedion dlvlalm. /R'1 LWASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE CERTIFICATE OF UO PTION FROM WORKERS' G PAID 3-{s's{a tv COMPENSATIONINSURANCE (TSEWEy ARY-STORM EA.po-T Date Retci tqZ 77 Ms sedbn need nil be completed lfthe pemdt b for one hundreddollars, (SI m)alew.) WATER ITEATER W/VENT/accTR ENERGY FEE Y N I anonffy that bNnpMomunaof Newark so sts to btco penultbbo the — i. I or nn employ any person In any Hunner o e to become aubjed to the WATER SYSTEMr EATING O Aar.t onipvnsatlon Lawn of Call(ornb. Dale PAID PP NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. RT. Date. Recd tH Z2 AOTICETOAPIbjdto t:e mier.kingthis Ccrtlflprois Ez, fi,eLyou `'4 HN sodt,yohould more mrthivit the Warken'Compero isio provbbror Ne all s TOTAL: Cede,you olo,cforthwith comply with such provbloro or thio permit shill be j deemed my-okra. BUILDING CLE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGE,Jv SEISMIC FEE CL Ihemby.(fiworm NattherebamrutmdlmkrdingagercyfortF perform- ��' ELECTRIC TEE = anaof the rkfor whb kh this permit issued(See 3097,CW.CJ TOTAL O, O Lenders Nene PLUMBING FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE LL U Tenser.fy atl MECHANICALFEE O W Ianlfynutlhacornpl hb.ppgnt stul ootate thatthancesi bformalton IL bmingto ild tg omplywahaBd boountyonlmprn ndemelavn PFRMITI%UANCE FEES—PAID } N relatoent rupontheaboemn,aMMrogenyhorb repreor purposes. Wthb I— = illyWenterupon eve,mdcnoify a.d progeny for Wpe Cit of CupJ. ALTER OR ADD'fO MFfli. Date Recei tk — (We)agm to Jade,Indemnity.n d keep tgfte the in sof Cupertiro agalot s.idCitync...qJudgments, e.ofheuperm wfihis may Nmywayamue AIRHANDLING UNIT(COt0,00DCFM) SUBTOTAL: aga Wt said City b cmrqurria of the granting of this Permit. AIR I-InnNDUNc cmTr(OVER lo,aooCFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Slgrawn,of Applicant/Contractor Date IXFIAUS'T FIOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applura or future wilding oaupant store or handle hazardous HEATING UNIT(TO IW,"BTU) Date Recei tk material as deCrud by tho Cupertino Murddpal Code,Chapter 9.1 7,and the Fkalth"' ril Safety Codr�sylion]55.77(a)r HEATING UNIT(OVER 10QW0 SM TOTAL: I 11111 —I yes, ml'y(D!o dimes rd Nrt whums as defined! bythe ay Area devices VFNTILATK)N FAN(SINGLE RFSiD) ISSUANCE DATE whkhcMt S,,.msair mnt.Mrumsas deCnrd bythe Bay Area Alr Quality Marugemem Wt n si BOrR-COMP MIT OR 100,000 BTU) Y. No IM, ad the h o maten.b nquirements under Cha pier 6.95 of Boaz. WMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) the California Health h Safety Coag Sedloro ZSOS,75533 and 2553/. I utdent rld that ifthewllding don rw mrantly have a tenant thaeltbmy NEW RESIDFNML MECH. SQFT. 'r�1,� n rnporoi Itytanai/ytheoaupam fNe nyulrerrcma whkh Haut be rrad J 0 jy�r7 Pnor to o/ Certi"t a V ' Ke �rez� crit'of vim Her thanssd agent Date r ^e�� TOTAL ISSUED BY OFFICE COPY CITY OF\9E�«oINSPECT6 N DIVISION L>Z:Z"jo-,<,� ! ! ; » » l ; ; ; = \ % c 06 § \ \ � � � ( ® ! ® § ® : ! ® § § _ - - ® -� � � \ } \ E E; / � \ \ � I § \ ® � : @ 9! m „ \ : : : � « ; : ` \; - %\ - \ ; I « § § r* \ \ ) \�$ . F . ( 2 / \ s / \ 9 } ) \ co ƒ / as % ` meq | � j