19618 POST THIS CARD NEAR FRONT OF BUILDING PEILMIT NO. CITY OF CUPERTINO19618 APPLICATION SUBMnT=. INSPECTION ODIVISION- JOB INSPECTION RECORD . JOB ADDRESS I-D 1rL° D I- UNIT# LOT# CATEGORY CONTROL 0 `1 p r OWNER VV S - CONTRACTOR K-l� ' ' BUILDING PERMIT INFO ' INSPECTION DATE INSPECTO INSPECTION RECORD BLDG ELECI IT= M��H FOUNDATION/PIERS NOMALLGRADINGANDDRAINACE &j x a UFERGROUND SHALL BE INSTALLED TO COMPLY%VITT[ )OBDESCRII'nON PAD/SET 13ACK-CERT 7HEAPPROWDPLANSAIYDCHYOF CUPERTINO STANDARDS. GARAGE SLABS PREGUNITE , POUR NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED UNDERGROUND SLAB. INSPECTION ` ' SPECTOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL - - MECHANICAL DO NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ' WOOD FLOOR PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FRAMING VENTS CLEAR INSULATION PLACE NO SUBFLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGH PLUMBING TUBS&SHOWERPAN MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ACUZZI BOND .. FRAMING STAIRS INSULATION/V ENTI LATION . EMERG.EGRESS • SEWER WATER - COVER NO WORK UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED EXTERIOR SHEAR HOLD DOWN INTERIOR SHEAR/HOLD DOWN .. SHEETROCK/SHEETROCK SHEAR EXTERIOR LATH/W-SCREEN SffWER LATH - SCRATCH COAT - NO TAPE OR PLASTER UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED NOTE:NO FINAL INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE BEFORE THE CONSTRUCTION TAX IS PAID FINALS DATE IINSPECTOR SAN.# ELECT.ENERGY PLUMBING ENERGY MECH.ENERGY BUILDING ENERGY _ ELECT.FINAL TEST ' PLUMBING GAS TEST MECHANICAL HEATING ' ELECTRICAL RELEASE FIRE DEPT. ' GRADE OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY APPROVALS ELECTRIC GAS BUILDING ISSUANCE DATE PAID OCCUPANCY OF BUILDING IS NOT PERMITTED UNTIL , . P_A CE BUILDING FINAL IS SIGNED BY BUILDING INSPECTOR . ARRANGE FOR INSPECTION BY PHONING 252-4505 BETWEEN FED V 19911 12:30 PM AND 4:30 PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY,24 HOURS BEFORE REQUIRED INSPECTION. JOB ADDRESS AND Cit, of C-m-runn PERMIT # ARE NEEDED WHEN PHONING. IMPORTANT! P PLEASE READ REVERSE SIDE.BEFORE CALLING FOR FINAL INSPECTION OFFICE COPY APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pmreat Identification PERMIT NO. Ming Add. 19 618 9i 2 . Name: one: ISE:. CITY OF CUPERTTNO-BUILDINC DIVISION ® CmnRofsNa r k No APPLICATION / PERMIT BUIIZgNGELECIRICALIR.UMBINGMECHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL I Anhiten/Englnmr. Lie.Nu, _ QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address: I'FRI.ETISSUANCE �a OD LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION IMrtby affirm that l am lkm l under pravWme of Chapter 9(conomeme. APPLIANCES-RESDENML JOB UISCRIPTION Ingwlth Section 7000)of Division 3ofthell"neseand ProfeWonsCode,and It..b In full form and efmoR PANELS Ce Llcs DatecW Date CoMrvdor QJC.. ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 701-1000 AMPS SPO I udeeaaod my P6- hall be used as publle records. OVER IWO AMPS SQ.FT.FL ARFA 5/9Q.FT. Lkenscd Profeskmal I SIGNS ELECTRICAL OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION mae'CIALCIRCUIT/MISC 71.., G I herebyaffirm that lam exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the p following reason.C3eNon 7Qi15,Bualnm aria Prof.lo..Code:My dry or O g TEMP.METER OR PORE INST. muntywhkhrryulreapermlt tommtrun,alter,impmve,dermlbh,arrtpa)r anystmu mpA tolbL amealmrequ4 theappUmntfineochperndtto LL Pol;TR DEVICPS 5_1� a file a signed statement that he b Iloersed pursuant to the pmvbbls of Ne Cantra¢or'e L4eme law(Chapter 9(mmmendng with SeGlon 7000)of DIW- F5�5 um,3ofthe Budnsand PmfeadounsCode)orthat heb exempt therefmmand SWEdMING POOL ELECTRIC eVALUATION Q the Weis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7m15 by any _2,0 Q / 7( Viad9+: 'd appllantfor&permB subpctatheappilemtto a eivil penalty ol no morelhan OUTLEISSWITCHESFIXTURFS ^ � lW�buas od owner lars ofthe M.pro NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQ.FT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION' I a owner of the property,or he employee with wage r their sale rompcncatier,0K B-hers-ruledo the esnd lhcaWRTheC mde orm.Loffered far p sale LSen apply to o an ow and Profulaa Code:The or unpmrs Llceae Taw $� does not apply roan owner dprapertyrough is builds eoy.,provrewes tWrtesoa OCC.GROUP RES.AMTS 0. who doeaeuchwork hlmseB¢thrwgh hbownemp how. r,theb thetwch Impmvem Mn wrwtihino� yearfteredipleo.I(however,thebulWing¢ TOTAL Improvemerd beold wdhln orcyearofcompletlon the ownmLulldmwW have t reienorprovh,gthathedm not bund orlmprove for purpmeoreale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE I,as owner of the property,am esclusively mntrmting with licensed ---pLOOD ZONE APN memaders to cd=,oG the period(Sm 70K Burin®arid Pmfeslom Code: PERMIT ISSUANCE The Commodes Llmrue law does nal apply to an owner of property who ALlI]t-DIUW&VENT-WATER(EA) " bunds or Improves thenen,and who or ace, for such p(ojei, with a �ad¢(a)Bmneel pursuant to the Commodes License law. BAacFwwrgorEtT.DEvxe.: ' FEE SUMMARY UI am exeenpt order Sec B &P C for this reasonOUTSIDE FEES Owner Date DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,CONTI. SANITARY Y_ N_ WOKKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION RELFllT s ❑1 hereby afrlrm that 1 have a cerdfO m of convent to self-Insure,or FIXNRES_PER MAP l Z•DV SCHOOL TAX Y_ N_ ¢rtlOnte of Workeri ComperuaHon Ineuran¢¢e¢sRled ropy thelenf(Sec. RECEB'f a 3800,LabQ GAS E.A.SYSTEM-1 INC40UTLETS PARK FEE Y_ N_ poiLq Com s - - GASEA.SYSTEM-OVER4(FA) RECEIPT# - y BUILDING DIVISION H. G2 erlV ed ropy is hertby tome city CREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE BJTF3tCEI'NR PLANGHECK FEE �eertBied mPy,b rpd with the city inspection alvi.Im,. DD CERTIFICATE OF O(FAIPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP PAID lo17 COMPENSATION INSURANCE PAID EA.310.7 Date Recd t# (TMs I..) neM red be<ompined BtM permX bf¢one hundrtd doBan �lOftffe.) WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y I¢nor tlut b the pedorrn in sof the work so as to b thio a mb)b bo the I mkhalOat employ ay person b any manner so n to become sRbjee to the WATERSYSIEM/TREATING Worken'Compenaatinn laws ofGWonnla.Date PAIS PP NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFr. n Bcant Z O NOTICE Tome,sudC to thff,e soon makingthb Certificate wisons oftlon,yw Date OTA t# .hmldbecame subjectitthe Worker'Cu&p em,isinprovl.broofthe Ibe TOTAL: W~ N deemodonrruetforthwhh mmply with such pmvbba or Nis permit shallW BUILDING O amrrca rtaakea. SEISMIC E L a CONSTRUCTION is a ON L ction ldG AGENCY - I hereby afRnn Chet tMrt b•ronrructian lending agency for LM perform ELECTRIC FEE = anmoftheworkforwhlchthbpermhbbsued(Sar.3097,Civ.C.) TOTAL; �p O O lederb Name PLUMBING FEE Ob LL ~ Lenders Addle.. QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE O W Icedifythat l have red this appliatlonard sate thatthe abovelnforn w b mrn'ei.I agree to comply with all ety and mu ntyardibalcos.nd rate laww PERMIT 14UANCE .Z. db FEES PAID. } N m191l9 to building mrutruotlon,and hereby authorise representatives of thio F = city to enter upon the abovcrrcmbrcd property for iapc lurk purpose. ALTERORADDTOMECH. Date Recel t# _ (We)agree to"w,Wm erdfy an d keep harmless the City of Cu pe Enc, -Vamp Mllties,Judgments,mics a rd exper which may In any way acvue AIR HANDING UNTT(TO 10,=CFM) SUBTOTAL- .8 not ala cxyul icons gr.mmgdtw pemnu. AIRHANDLING UNIT(OVER Milne CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Slgnatvreaf Appi1.t/C dcr Date D(HAUST HOOD(W/Dorn CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZAR US MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or futum building a aupant mom or handleW ,,Iuus HEATING UNIT 00 ImpDO BITJ). Date RecCi t# material as dented by the Cupertino Murddpai Code,Chapter 9.17•and the I leahhed Safety Cade Section 2433(.)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BI'U) TOTAL: 3 Z ❑ Yes No Will the applicant or tort building oav pent...equipment or ci vi 1, VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) (4 SvISSLF4MATE which emit havrdaus air comaMrurds as defined by the Bay Area Alr Qualny Management EL rlct7 BOR.FR-ODMP OHP OR 100,000 BTI]) Yes' ❑No havred the havrdous materials requirements under Chapter 6.9S or BOILFA CVMP(OVFIt 100,000 BTU) F EB U? 1990 the C lifomb Health&Surety Code•Smiam 75505,75533 and 25534.I uderatad that if the building don rmt arrently luveatenanL that itbmy NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. :QFT. ' mporuibllity to notify the oavpam of the rcquiremerdswhkh must be met Clty Ef Punnfrflnn prior to Lsuancc of a Ccrtlrlcate of Ocaparuy. - Owner or authorlxed agent Date /6 ISSUEDBY:�,)_I -V'k, TOTAL: OFFICE COPY