28096APPLICANT TO RLL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - ELECFRICAL APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING - MECHANICAL96 BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PRIIJECT IDENTIFICATION , w 0 PERMIT NO•Lf FjRLD[NO ADDRESS: W UNO'x LOT♦ SANITARYNO. APPrIICATIIONSUBMIITALDATE S r "'JJJ O #ERS NAME / k% -z. No 1 /e11PIIONG lM ��..l4/4y K C MRA R'S NA B: ^_ � � LIC NO, Y„ NIC ❑ COIII.�OL 0 ARCHTHiCT/FNGINEFR: LI NO: ADDRFSS: COW AM: PHONE QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MUCH PERMIT ISSUANCE? ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION IFc")oRrmthiol amli<cmHuai. poviniansofCTCpe.9arai mr,Uc ere is lt 7")ofdo Nmira and Pmfnuora Code..rd my Banuuin in APPLIANCES -RFSIDFN'1'IAL DESCRIPDON PANELS follfi full home u.d eRm L4vue Clu+ tic. N UP TO 200 AMPS 1 _ Date Cosmoctur 201. 1" AMPS ARCHFECFS DECLARATION 1 undcrstaM rr plans hail Ic uaN m public records. OVER I(p0AMP5 SQ. IT. FLOOR AREA Sao 'PT. SIGNS F.LF.CTRICAL Liccnw.d Pmfminnel OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUMMISC. I wrelny affimt that 1 con exempt from the CnmrmTm's License law for the TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. following macron, (Section 7031 L Buunns and Irmficrusaas Code: My city car county winch rpluims., p omit m,.uuc,, alter, imprnvc, dconoish, or repair y.l ,om prim to iu i.vuna,also "ubaathe Hylicnmfor auch pernut to Be a signedstatement POWER DEVICES that w u Iicavnd llorrou to the povi.sioncof tM Cmuvatc'I U. Law (Chaper 9(comnencing with Section 7")of Division 3a(the, Business and Professions Code) SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION or that he its exnnN tbcrtfrom and the nmir for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7831-5 by any eppliesm Tetapecua.ubjecry the applicant toss civil penal tr OU S - SWITCHES - FlXTIJRES um more to. Eve hmdred dullms ($SW). ❑ I,mowrtnofthel*4SrtltarmyempbymwiNwagesvtheirwle<mnpcovNnn. NEW RPSIDFMIAL ELECER SQ. FT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION will do tic wM, aN tw 4meturt i. m inteand moffeml for sale (Sec.70f . Bm noon% and Profeaioas Code: The, Cmmnar s license law doe not apply to an omit M pmpeny who build. orimpove, Iherton.andwMdxisuchv,ark ldnuelfu Wnwgh his wn empbya+, povalN unit ouch impmvencnu are ria Intaalcd m Mfeied fa ado. If, C. GROl1P RIS. UNITS � wwe.er, the wilding m impmvemcm in,de wlNln one yema eaopletion, meewrter. badder win nave the budU n(pmving tM1u h<die cot wild m Improve fou pupme M Qom' PLUMBING PERMIT FEE sale.). ❑ I,umvnaofthc lxgcnY.rem ecluaivelyconuvctingwitM1 lianxdcmtmnmsto FLOOD?,ONE APN urtutrucl tow Itr,yct (Sea. 7(F4, Boom. and Pmmo,om Code:) Tha Conlmna's PERMIT ISSUANCE: Ijmuelawdcxa,..pplyt. an ownnofprupmywwwildt to improve. thereon. anal wwcommca frrsucM1 p,'et,with. cormoscoar(a) licrnvd partum to the Cawaclah acme law. AL'IPA-DRAINA VENT FEE SUMMARY ❑ E wn crump uraln Sa. , B A P C fm thu revut BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE OUTSIDE FES SANITARY Y N RECEIPT# Owrcr Dae DRAINS- FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, COND. WORKMAN COMPENSATION UECIARATON SCI IDOL TAX Y -N- WMm'Campensaion lnlumna mecrnihed copy thertaf (Sa.JtltM), Leh C.7 wlncM1 RECEIPTx -RECEIPT - PARK FEE Y N err all cmpbyee's tuber Nu permit Polios 0 GAS - EA. SYSTEM -1 INC. 4 OUTLETS RECEIPT M BUILDING DIVISION FEES GAS - EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4(EA) PLANCHECK TEF, [Icoo,secry copy isM1nchy fumiJoW. GRFASEJINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING ❑ Canifee copy is filed with do city impaction division CERTIIICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE. GREASETRAP SOILS FEE SEWER - SANITARY - STORM EA. 21gFT. ENERGY FRE (ITU a a tion reed uotbcromplmN ifthepmnit efamchtmGad dolWa(SI WI or Ems.) WATER HEATER WfV /ELECTR I certify that in th<perfomarce of the wort for which tTupdrnit is Wood!. l dull so rat employ any p un in any ret as to bconc .ruhjco to the Wtxkrn' 1 WATER SYSTCAVfREATNG Compemttionlawaef. Calif. Date Dae Race x Applica NOTICE: TO APPLICANT: If. after mating unit Cerd6aaw of l?xempion, you should NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. TOTAL: hccens, mInjal to the Worker's Gonpemation ptovisimst of the labor Cade, you must BUILDING FPL forthwith comply with Inch povisiom or thio pem k dull be Axncd meted. CONSTRUCTION LFNDLNG AGENCY SEISMIC SEISMIC FEE FEE I toothy affirm that is a connrunimt lending.geney fm the pMomurce, of do wok fm which Oda permit issued (See. 31197, Civ. CJ TIYTAL: LMn's Nmoa Lao .Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMI FEE PLUMBING II 1 certify that I move read tri. a ylic,tion and nate that the above inftarmalort is cvnm. Iagma to comply with Al city and county not afd sate 1. relating to PERMIT ISSUANCE MECIIA wilding consuunioo, ami herebyemhorire rtparenmive of Nia city to amer upon Use above-nnentioned Iaropery for inrycetim puryosn. ALTER OR ADD TO MECU. CONSIR ON AX (Wc) agree to save, indemnify not keep wrmlem the City of Cupertino agaiw liabilitin,juegnren mu and expeme which may in any way occrue againstsaie City inc mra,umnreor lingofmj�P� L T �S:1151'Ai'�. ke-u� V/I acl AIR HANDLING UNIT (70 1 A000 CFM) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,00tI CFM) Slgvtureaf ApplieadoCeanmme Due EXHAUST HOOD OVID= PAID HEATNG UNIT CTO IM." BTU) IL RDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Dm Receipt # Will thcapplitnntor future wildutgocoo,ont.tme or handle baundom material m dcfnal by the Cupxtlro Momici a] Cradle, Chaps 9.12, analuhc HUM.nd Safety ((EATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) VENDIATION PAN (SINGLE RPSID) Cade, Section25332(.)? 0 Yea 11 No Will theappliUmmfuturt wilding acupant use equipnmt mecice which emit BOILER- COMP DHPOR 100,000 BTU) e_A IS E))ATE J� ha� ?, air ocrommiwnu m eefnM by 0u Bay Area M Quality Muta,,er t BOILER - COMP(OVER 1M." BTU) / ry y1,, ww d V ❑ Ya ❑ No �`^ �� NEW RESIDENTIAL ME". SQ. FT. 1 have read tic M1aeaohmu materials u,uimtem, under Chapin 6.93 of the Califomi. Hmlth & Safety Code, Saoionn 23505, 25533 and 255M. I nMnrtaoJ hal `LN 995 C,S. If the building doe not currently have a term, Wer it u my rtapondbiliry to notify du actopam of the resryirencnu whuch must M met poor a irma.'a of a Cmi fimu of /AO ,, II Occuporcy. . ISSUED BY: OvtcrawtMrizN sem Dae TOTAL: OFFICE